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Andrew Marines

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Everything posted by Andrew Marines

  1. There are a lot of ways you can try to manage this. I'd try with. DM-D->DM-S or DLP-D FB-S to Wb-S AP-s->Tre(stay narrower) Mez-A->Car. If you wanna keep the FB on support and the mezzala Fb-S stay narrower Ap-s -> Ap-A with stay wider Mez-A
  2. You can see the issue here. Your DM is not helping in any way your possession. Okay it's marked but he should still move a bit to open up lanes. Second Thing second, Love the fact you're using an AP but in that case, you don't need a fullback. You can let him go forward from the beginning. Your AP will help with the possession when the team needs it and the defense will have issues holding that attacker too. If you change to a wingback for example watch out for the third problem: Left midfielder could occupy the same space of the AP. Watch out for that
  3. Back 3 really bad. Wide centerbacks could nave been the best thing of the game but nope, absolutely not. Impossible to keep them in a midfielder position without having issues with other players or staying in that position. Libero never reworked to be actually useful. You gotta play in attacking/very attacking to make him stay in the midfield but he's still too low to actually be helpful(at least on fm22). Player traits do not solve the issues yall reported. They could help but not solve. And let's not start to talk about set pieces... I hope SI doesn't update it cause they're working on the graphic engine. If they're not working on one of those two things, i won't buy fm24. Didn't buy fm23 either and i'm fine with that
  4. Want an IF more free to get narrow and do the actual movement they should do? Use a trequartista and you'll event get something better
  5. Yeah, as it should be. Probably we were talking about different things, sorry. It's a common rule to not have your fullback and winger in the same vertical line during the build-up phase and this example is perfect to see why. If your forward gets the ball, he won't have no-one to pass it to cause the AM-R is not available(too wide). It's a common issue with both IW and IF that kills possession tactics
  6. Okay, that's why i couldn't understand how you were doing that. The issue with the roles is still there. Imagine if there's not that LEFT-CM, The AM-L would be too wide. Same in this one too... See the position of the AM-R? Really too wide... How could you pass the ball at the AM-R? It's a lost ball 100%. EDIT: I know they start to go into the half-spaces after the build-up but that's not what i talked about in my thread. I want the AM-R/L narrow even during the build-up phase. Something the game doesn't let me do except i use those 3 roles i mentioned
  7. Could you add one during the build-up from your keeper? Saw the thread but couldn't find one cause in a few screenshots it seemed like they still were too wide but in others they weren't. From the GK should clarify everything. Have you tried WITH IF too?
  8. I'd love to hear your arguments then. I'm still playing on FM22 right now, that issue is still the same and it won't change.
  9. I wrote about this here The only roles working narrower ar AP, TRE and wide-target man(this one won't work 100% of the times). The analysis was done in a period where i watched everything in full match mode. After that i even tried with traits with no success. If you want your wide AM in the half-spaces(ON FM22!) you gotta use the three roles i mentioned. Edit: there's an old Bustthenet video where he made it work with a IW-s(hold position and stay narrower) and an offensive wingback. It worked but not always cause the set-up could change a few things
  10. When your team is already on shorter passing there's not much sense to adding it to the player either. However, if the team is on standard or long passing, you can add it to the player alone. My team is instructed to go with short passes but they still hoof the ball, what's happening? There could be many reasons: Your mentality could be too high so they are still trying to do their job by taking more risks; The player role make them try more risky passess(for example a BPD could try long passess a lot more than a generic defender); The opposition is pressing you and you don't have the ability or a good tactic to counter it; You have "pass into space" ticked so they pass into the free space wherever it is. If the issue is the first one, you could try adding "Take fewer risks" to the single players but watch out that this could seriously limit the player
  11. Just want your opinion on this: Do you think "broken/op" tactics still exist? I could say yes when we played on FM20 but now? The match engine got so much improvement i don't think you can obtain the same things with different players/matches
  12. After a lot of time, i completed my first season At Chiasso, saving our self at the last match of the season. We started the season with a 442 mid-block explained here. However, the players couldn't perform it(too ****** kekw). After trying and trying, i started using something a bit more unusual that worked not great but not bad Draw after draw we were gaining points and getting back into the relegation battle (that asymmetric 4411 is just the 442 midblock but changed to perform a bit better with this team). We got to the last match at the same points of the team we were fighting all the season with: Yverdon How the last match ended for us: As you can see from the previous picture, 0-0. And Yverdon? LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO We loaned a player, lost 1 and sold 1 All through the season the goal was to improve our staff and structures. At the first one we did great At the second, our board maybe wanted to see if we were still in the league at the end of the season. And the youth team? We got something good in our hands Few examples:
  13. It obviously affects training intensity but improving the weaker foot will increase their CA. Obviously when the PA is really high not that much of a problem but if it isn't you'll limit how much the player will improve in their career. My tip is to not improve it when they are that young. Wait until like 25 so that the learning curve is already close to the end anyway
  14. I used a lot the trequartista, especially on the flanks. My main tip is: tell him to stay narrow. Out wide he'll be isolated most of the times and won't give his best. Leave him space to work with. i don't know how the cm-a is working in this tactic(i'd need some screenshot) but it would probably be the best to switch the two CM so the T will have space on his side and can see a cut on the other side of the pitch
  15. Let's remember that a lot of teams IRL build as a back 3 just to beat the high press so your question should be, "is it possible for my team to press the back 3 opposition? should i change how i view the game?" Having one defender more means that they lack a player somewhere else and you can get the ball there
  16. You could create a 3d tactic on your main team and select it by going into the overview of the under. You could even let the youth coach use their favourite tactic
  17. You can select a specific pressing on the opposition instruction. You can't in the personal cause, your player will press only in specific regions of the field and doesn't make any sense to ask him to press into another. It's quite obvious that, if in the OI, you're asking to press hard a specific player, only the players in that work range will press him
  18. First thing first, Pressing hard≠tighter marking. Second, That option is still in the game as a PI. Why? Cause it created confusion and was honestly so bad when used as a team instruction.
  19. Cross from deep is an instruction that should make the player not cross from the byline but from deeper in the field Why should you cross from deep. The difference with a goal from the byline is that the defense gotta run backwards to get in the position to block the cross, while they don't need to do it with a cross from the byline. As you can see, IRL, this type of cross will even lead to more goals than byline crosses. However, this is not something we can actually do in the game(at least, in FM22 where i still play. I'm not a dev tho).I know, you can tick that option and they should do it. Well, they don't. tried with a lot of settings and mentalities, they don't. If you don't believe, go into the game, tick that option and watch at the end of the match where the crosses come from.
  20. Carilleros will still get around the box and even inside when they have space. Obviously he could try other roles, that's why he asked there. But other than that, why should he change how he wants to play? He's trying to remake old-Ajax and even getting good results with that.
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