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Andrew Marines

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Everything posted by Andrew Marines

  1. We can see it just with Trequartistas, APs and Wide-Target Forwards. the other roles seem to not care about the pI and it's honestly stressing
  2. I'm fairly aware of the concept of half space and still can't understand what this comment should mean
  3. Before i forget: This is the tactic. Just used the preset swapping AP-MEZ and Be more Disciplined. EDIT: Changed the CF to a Poacher. Forgot to change it in this screen
  4. As a perfectionist in this game, i always try to create the best possible scenario for what i wanna do. While creating, watching some opposition tactics, i noticed that a lot of times, players that should come narrow to support/move into channels don't do that. While testing with this, even with the PI "stay narrower" i didn't end up with the results i wanted. ONLINE MATCHES(THE PLAYERS WERE PLAYING AS IW, IF AND TALKING WITH THE MANAGERS I FOUND OUT THE SECOND SCREENSHOT HAD STAY NARROWER WHILE THE RED DON'T): Playing like this, if not intended(usually managers do this when opposition is pressing a lot narrow) will just remove passing options to your build-up pahse(but honestly the problem is with any phase of the game). So i started with a bit of testing: IF-S: Even if in their side of the pitch, the player will stay still too wide(THIS EXAMPLE IS WITH AN IF-A): It's difficult to manage a good possession system when your players behave like that. so i tried with a more exotic role: the Trequartista. While obviously roaming from position, we can see differences between the roles: Even in his own side of the pitch, we can see him staying narrow opening space for the wingback. In possession Another in possession Even if i won't post screenshots, even the Wide-Target man will come narrower as a trequartista. i don't know if all of these is intended but it's making a lot more difficult to create possession/positional play systems
  5. Maybe that's just me but i don't understand anything if, at least at the beginning, i don't watch full matches. I don't trust the stats and neither the key highlights the game is proposing me. Not because they are not key highlights or good stats, just because, especially online, people try different roles and that action could be just luck. For example a guy that tried an RMD with a mez-A and a wb-s(probably with offensive mentality). The RMD couldn't move well 90% of the match but the game proposed onto key HL two actions from that side. I was worried but rewatching it full match made me understand that those two actions were just random and when i played against him, they didn't happen. I'm not suggesting to watch every match full match(i'd be crazy) but at least half a match with higher speed until you see something not working well can do the trick and it's a lot more effective than wait for a transition that matters(cause a lot of people can't understand well if it matters or not)
  6. Width won't tell your players to go wider or not. It'll tell them where to progress the ball. I still don't understand what you are trying to get
  7. The question is, why? What are you try to obtain with that?
  8. He will play in the DM position if you put it in support. If you wanna understand more, just try it while watching part of a match in full match.
  9. If you play offline, i agree with you. However, if you play online, those tactics can be countered pretty easily
  10. You could just set a man marking on the forward to any player in the DM strata and you'll obtain what you're asking for. Watch out that he will follow him a lot if the forward likes to go deeper
  11. There's only one way to find out. Full match and analyze. You'll understand perfectly what's happening
  12. It could be also the fact that you have "take more risks" on a lot of players(F9, AP, IF) and be more expressive too. This will lead to more difficult passes and you could lose the ball in any moment. Not sure if this is the case for "Struggled for Possession in the opposition’s half." Tho.
  13. You can't keep the ball in the opposition's half. Could be a lot of things:a direct passing style not working, players not in correct position for possession, not good enough, ecc
  14. When you play a 343, you gotta be careful of the position of your players in every play phase cause, if you don't, you won't be able to exit the build-up phase effectively. My tip is to start watching some matches you're not performing in Full match and maybe get some principles by youtube channels like Football made simple to understand what you're doing. I have a bit of experience with 343 tho and maybe i can help you. IF won't probably stay in the half-space early enough. They will be isolated a lot playing in a wider position. Try to set them to stay narrow but this won't work as i saw by previous testing. Try using one of those roles with stay narrower: trequartista, wide-target man, AP and not working perfectly but could be fine RMD. The one more thing you could observe is if you wanna play a lot of crosses or not. For example, right side: you're playing with two players trying to wide the game and making crosses whenever they can. Is this what you want? This won't lead to possession tho. One more thing you gotta be careful about the players with take more risks on. They will try risky first time passes quite often, especially if you raise up mentality. Please, do not share only the screen of your tactic but try to send some in-match screenshots too and explain what you're searching for. If we tell you, change this, this and this, even if we are right, you won't learn anything
  15. 1. Learn the game of football outside of FM. Yeah sure, there are things not working that well in the game but how can you create a tactic if you don't understand how tactical styles work or what different players should do when on the ball? 2. Watch full matches. Playing key highlights won't help you in any way possible. At first, while watching, stop the game and try to analyze the situation on the field and watch if you actually are happy of how the players are behaving. I'm not telling you to play every time full match but in the beginning it'll be very helpful. 3. Try roles and don't stuck yourself with the same ones everytime. Too many people(just an example) use ony W, IW, IF when playing AM(LR). God, i know the others are not that intuitive but they could be working better in a specific tactic. Other than that, using different roles will improve a lot your understanding of the game. You'll see different movements you're not used to.
  16. As i said in the post Those heatmaps won't work as intended. Can i do something to help you fix it?
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