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Everything posted by Steve1977beyond

  1. When I come to add players to be registered to champions league, doing auto select and everything is fine, but with slots available to add more players, when I do, it takes the HGC and HGN into defecit and says I need to add more players who are homegrown whereas before adding another player, it was saying i had an eligible squad. very confused
  2. What's strange is that the message said "You need to request a member of your scouting staff to compile a report on this player' - it did'nt say that scouting was in progress. After I post this message and advanced a few days in the game, the scout report came through in my InBox. Happened with other players too whereby I initiated the scouting but on his profile, it said I need to scout him but gave no indication I had started it
  3. Unable to scout Andre Gomes. It says 'You need to request a member of your scouting staff to compile a report on this player' i click it and the 'season stats' flash, and it does not say scouting is in progress
  4. Very prominent issue to do with the graphics in that the preview of the game starts and the graphic haze looks identical to the preview videos from SI, but once the game kicks off it disappears. Particular evident at the beginning of the second half in the attached match. It's like a filter has been turned off. My PC is days old too with the latest graphic drivers Processor (CPU) AMD Ryzen 5 7600 Six Core CPU (4.0GHz-5.2GHz/38MB CACHE/AM5) Motherboard ASUS® TUF GAMING B650-PLUS WIFI (DDR5, USB 3.2, 6Gb/s) Memory (RAM) 32GB Corsair VENGEANCE RGB DDR5 6000MHz (2 x 16GB) Graphics Card 12GB AMD RADEON™ RX 6700 XT - HDMI, DP - DX® 12
  5. Thank you both So just to make 110% sure, if I select English League from League 2 and above, then the following will occur: view only: viewable only Playable: playable from league 2 and above playable/view only: same as playable, but will be able to see Conference leagues and below. North and South etc
  6. Could someone advise what this does? Does it run a whole season? I have a Ryzen 5 7600 with 32GB of Memory and a 12GB Radeo RX6700 XT, but I don't have a clue how many leagues I can get away with before it starts to chug. What do the timings mean in the benchmarking? How long it takes to do...what?
  7. i.e. If I select Serie B and above for Italy and apply 'Playable/View Only below' - does it mean I can manage a team in Serie B and above but it's view only from C downwards? Looking at this link (https://www.footballmanagerblog.org/2022/10/best-way-to-set-up-football-manager-2023-save-fm23.html) too it says to add players from all continents at the beginning. tbh is this worth it though as all it will do is increase the initial player pool, but I'm more looking to adding the necessary leagues to ensure regens come through - whilst at the same time, ensuring it runs decent
  8. Yes it's that old chestnut again, I'm essentially looking to create an environment that will be good for long term saves whilst at the same time, not bringing my machine to a grinding halt. Processor is AMD Ryzen 5 78000 with 16GB Memory. So not a bad spec. I've selected leagues from 16 different countries, although in many instances I've only selected the top league - done this in all of them apart from the English league. Using Large Database my player count is 79,140. Does that sound decent? The issue though is it says this spec is 2 out of 5 stars which worries me how slow it will run. So I'm thinking, perhaps I can set some to view only. But I see 'Playable-View Only' - what exactly is the difference between all 3? Also, is the star system to be believed in this FM? I saw a video from Zealand where he was setting up an environment that equated to 2 and a half stars. Is FM24 harsh when dealing with info like this and perhaps 2 stars is nothing to worry about?
  9. So when currently playing in the EFL, it has the actual EFL score graphics and the league table preview before the game is also presented in the same way. But howabout if everything about the game day was also in the same format. So when you see your stats etc. and anything to do with the game whilst you're in the game, is in the same format. Appreciate FM25 is going to change but if i were to suggest this for FM24 and before, it would basically be that the entire overlay you see during the game, is given the competition treatment. Rather than the league preview and score card
  10. Looks absolutely amazing and really liking the subtle gold colours within it too. Awaiting a new PC for to play FM24 but will be choose this skin. Superb work
  11. Must say I am old school when it can mes to FM and cannot get used to the ranges used when looking for players, but with FM24 looking absolutely fantastic and a new computer days away, I'm going to make FM24 a game I play as much as FM18. Butnthose value ranges, I see Jay Stansfield is valued between £15-46M. So let's say I'm going throughplayers, would love put in a bid for the lowest amount £15 and go from there? Why exactly is there a range? Alternatively, is there a mod that will remove it and go back to the older fixed value?
  12. I'm of the older generation too (46) and I really like watching FM YouTubers too, infact I think it's marvellous that when the Beta comes out tommorow they're going to be given an exclusivity period until Monday.
  13. it does look rather... well i can't say what i want to say cause I'll get banned!
  14. amen brother, absolutely agree. What I find ironic from my own POV is I'm all for making the tactics area simplified a little, taking out things which are massively contradictory, i.e. short passing, possession game but then advanced forward is able to be selected. However back in the day I had no qualms with an almost infinite number of variations with the sliders lol
  15. In the late 90's and early 00's, FM or CM as it was back then always had huge leaps in terms of development with each release. Back then this place was awash with people wanting to upgrade their PC's for the new FM. It became a running joke on the forum and in IRC chats #champ-man and #champman which were extremely popular at the time.
  16. I'm hoping for a pretty big shift to be honest with you. At least on a par with Top Eleven Football Manager but given it's a AAA release, F1 Manager too. As an aside, I'm surprised in the small but vocal element resistent to better graphics who say "you need to cater for people with poor laptops" - excuse me? FM has always been synonymous in being the reason for people upgrading their machines!
  17. Yep, I still play FM18, I brought FM20, FM21 and FM22 but just could not get into a game. A large degree of this I feel for myself is my laptop, which has a basic 15.4 screen just cannot display the wealth of info now in the game. Plus with the screen being dull anyway, couple this with the dark default skin that SI use it just looked dour. Weirdly though, I'm excited for FM24! The culmination of every single version of FM upto now sounds great to me and with it being the last of it's kind, I intend to purchase a smokey new PC, complete with massive monitor to celebration the occasion. Hopefully it's better than FM18 Touch! Out of all the FM's I've played in the past few years, none have come closer to how much fun this version is - for me anyway
  18. Did International Management in FM18 Touch and it was superb, so much fun: Wrote a blog on it! https://pressfiretoplay.wordpress.com/2020/05/10/football-manager-2026-world-cup/
  19. Multiple skins that make the game look fundamentally different with both light and dark versions available - SI must stop relying on the goodwill of the fans to make the good look decent. Tactic instructions back on one screen and instructions that don't conflict with each other. i.e. if I play a low block, I won't want to play an advanced forward. So things like that should be greyed out IMHO. Unless SI think it makes sense that I want a forward to play high up the field and not actually engage with the ball. oh and better Graphics, I've been playing FM since CM1 on the Amiga. So if a die hard like myself is getting tired then god knows how others must be
  20. It's absolutely amazing what skinners can do, absolutely take FM to the next level but at the same time it can be a thankless task with request after request but howabout on future FM's a nice intuitive Skin creator interface? So you select an individual panel by highlighting it, you an then choose to delete it or specify what you want in there. Go even more specific and if there's a graphic, specify it can become bigger (like some makers do for kits) Be amazing for all players to be given the tools to get more creative on FM
  21. I just see this as yet more faff, sure it might be useful at times but ultimately, it's another screen and something I'd prefer to decide for myself. Is there a way to remove it from the screen flow?
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