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Posts posted by ajw10

  1. 2 minutes ago, Fat_Frank8 said:

    Firstly that quote’s from another thread so you already failed there. Secondly all I see is he’s annoyed they dropped international management, they cut the weight and that he doesn’t care about women football and whether it’s in the game or not. You were supposed to quote someone from this thread who was angry that women football is in the game. You managed to quote someone from another thread who’s annoyed international management is gone and doesn’t care about women football. 

    what is this :D He literally called it "woke ****". The entire post is him crying about women's football.

    If you cannot show basic reading comprehension then there really is little point of this.

    Enjoy continuing supporting misogynistic behaviours.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Fat_Frank8 said:

    I don’t think that’s something you need to worry about. Just pointing out that the only mention of anger or dislike was the post I quoted and that was in the opposite direction. Haven’t seen any of the posts you’re referring to.

    Barely had to look to see the first tantrum.


    3 hours ago, Birdman10piyu said:

    Of course, you can't say anything about women's football or people lose it.

    It's not that people put women's football down. It's more so, we just don't care about it, you can't argue that. Barely anyone cares about women's Football. How often do you hear "ohh ya did you see  the Women's Man City yesterday??? What a game!!!!" Probably never.

    No one is bashing it and it's such an after thought that we don't even consider it. Does that mean Im putting the league down? 

    To top it off. The narrative we're all reading..

    "We cut NT management and added Women's Football" so of course people are annoyed.. "oh and we removed the weight attribute to accommodate the women. "

    So now, we have to play by their rules? We had this series and enjoyed it for decades and now that we're including women "we don't want our weight shown..." Fk off. It doesn't seem like much but what's going to come next??? "FM26 new feature!!! We've added pronouns and 10 different genders to choose from" wow now I can roleplay as Xer Josephina Mourhino 


    get this woke sh*t away from FM.




  3. 2 hours ago, Birdman10piyu said:

    Yea, I bet poor Suzie is absolutely dying to play Football Manager. 

    Again, I never said I HAD anything against Women's Football. If you took time to read my post, you'd see that my argument you'd see that I'm saying, it's not a big priority in majority of the playerbases' eyes

    sounds like you have something against women's football being accessible on a video game.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Dbuk1 said:

    My mistake I thought you said people didn’t like woman. The general thread is most people want or don’t care either way about adding woman’s football. The issue is the delay to features….as woman’s football addition seems to be the priority. Nothing against woman at all. The people complaining would prefer the other features to the addition of woman’s football, nothing more. The weight thing is pathetic either way, but I would have included it even if somebody’s weight fluctuates or not…e.g R9 at the 2006 World Cup 😂

    no, there are a few posting about it that clearly have an issue with women being in this game, which leads me to believe that they have an issue with women.

  5. 2 minutes ago, the_hdk said:

    I asked you as you said "That said its going to have to be pretty special in FM26. "

    that seemed to me you tried to softed it up by saying that next year SI will re-add it and it will be much better. but maybe im reading into things. Either way i'm unsure what SI is doing at this point. they are def not trying to sell their product...that is an interesting tactic to say the least

    he's clearly saying that FM26 needs to be special after FM24 was a glorified FM23 update and FM25 seems like it's going to have issues (and has lost multiple features)

    ah international football needs to be special.

  6. 1 minute ago, sc91 said:

    I'd imagine it'll still be a full price game (and I think for what FM24 was, that was high).

    Personally I would pay full price if it became a live service and constantly updating but as it's going to be a 26 version, then I'll wait till then, 25 appears to be a 'beta' of the new works.

    but surely sales drop? Why should anyone buy this game?

  7. 9 minutes ago, eenie said:

    Think the blame for this particular passage of play is 100% on Pickford for lumping it to (a non-existent) Sarge rather than playing the easy pass out to the left.

    Unless you're blaming Walker for passing it to Pickford in the first place, knowing that Pickford's distribution has been utterly horrific for the whole tournament, in which case play on :D 

    I think the throw in is the worst part of that passage of play


  8. 4 minutes ago, m_fenton said:

    The functional £62m left back? I'd rather we'd had a fit left footer as an option at least in the squad, but I'm not pinning us losing the final (when we had a left footer playing there) on the absence of Mitchell.

    I clearly mean moving forward as there's discussion on here that we are light at LB

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