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Posts posted by ajw10

  1. 1 minute ago, Astafjevs said:

    Was going to post this. He was actually really good at that part of the game at Milan. His defensive numbers for tackles, interceptions, distance covered etc. was great. It was his lack of contribution at the other end that led to the decision to sell

    yeah he's not a typical Brazilian at all. He's also very good in the air too, he's perfect for the Premier League

  2. 31 minutes ago, Jack Joyce said:

    With the full version of FM23 now available, we thought it might be helpful if we gave you a quick update on our short-term plans for the match engine.

    While the current match engine is the same one that featured in the Early Access Beta, this doesn't mean that we’re not working on improvements. In fact, we're currently in the process of taking on board the feedback we received from Beta players and looking to incorporate this in a forthcoming major update. We have however, included some animation tweaks with the aim of improving immersion, which as an example, means you'll be less likely to see keepers making odd looking saves with their feet. 

    Making changes to the match engine is a delicate and complex business. Changes that we make often result in unforeseen knock-ons that we need to chase down and fix... and those fixes then often have their own knock-on effects as well. In a recent internal update we had an engine that ‘felt’ really good and played really nicely… except that central defenders were racking up 200+ passes in some matches, which is unrealistically high. As soon as we discovered that we had to 'go back in' to address that issue without, of course, losing the parts we liked.

    Although we're happy with the engine in the current game, we’re confident that we can improve on it with the right update, but we need a bit more time to make sure we balance things out. Thanks for all of your feedback so far, it’s been and continues to be incredibly useful.

    The Match Team

    Does one of the animation tweaks include fixing defenders standing still, waiting to be pressed?

  3. 15 minutes ago, Dagenham_Dave said:

    There's already a set piece creator in the game. Does it need improved? Maybe. (personally I think it's fine as it is, because the last thing the game needs is a further advantage for the human player)

    But people's ire this year seems to be that any 'new features' are just revamps on what are there already. Surely that's all a 'new' set piece creator would be? 

    The single biggest flaw with set pieces is that you cannot select where players are on set pieces, only positions

    It's needed fixing for ages. I don't get why it hasn't

  4. 52 minutes ago, HUNT3R said:

    Spotting something is very different to spotting, investigating, making changes, running tests, making more changes, more tests.

    It was spotted - SI indicated it was a known issue. They're working on it already. :thup:

    I feel like it should have been mentioned before the BETA released. I wouldn't have bought the BETA if I realised the bug existed, as I can't play the game how I want to play it with this bug.

    As a result I've not played FM at all despite getting it on Thursday.


  5. Another season down and this one was quite the disappointment considering the recent success.

    In terms of transfers we had a clear out. Yitao is a regen that is the long term successor for Mbappe. Havertz came in as a short term option whilst I develop some of the younger CAM's I have. He'll probably be sold this season1469351512_Arsenal_Competitions-6.thumb.png.0f92990588f3a92738b081b8fafc161d.png1319098603_Arsenal_TransferHistory-5.thumb.png.8b18735429e8c4c00586961c31c343ab.png1133911561_AndrewWilkins_Inbox-22.thumb.png.32d0546fd447daede03abccbe219aec2.png

    The first time in 4 years that we didn't reach a CL Final. Absolutely bottled it v PSG.

    The last screenshot has bugged out and is showing the players all comp stats instead of just the league. I'm considering a clear out considering the amount of top regens I have coming through. I think Havertz and White definitely go. I'm also not against selling Trent and Odegaard just to freshen things up a bit

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