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Everything posted by rristola

  1. Do you think that there could be any set of improvements in FM so, that the result would be more realistic? Budget, willingness to sign aso. Concerning lower leagues.
  2. That was exactly my point. With volunteer scout, or not... My idea was that there really wouldn't be any money for scouting package in lower leagues teams. I guess that in your team there is money for that package, but you don't use that money.
  3. My best guess is that SI can't "promise" that they could be able to gather all that info, if there were that many new teams. I just checked it up, in English 7. level there are about 60 teams. (levels 1-6 -> about 7*20 teams = 140 ; 60 means about half more) I know that SI was looking volunteers to gather that lower leagues info, but maybe system isn't reliable yet. But, I'm not meaning whether they are official divisions, or not. Could there be some kind of a universal "restrictions" system for lower leagues teams - because they just can't afford it? You, as manager, would like to... board says NO. That system could be budget based, so it could be used all over the world for any lower league team. Even for fantasy team in fantasy world... In addition, those probability calculations should also be adjusted - you don't move across the country if there is no salary included. As mentioned before. Or, without any special reasons. BTW, how much was the lowest scouting package in FM? Isn't it weird that a team with 0 budget has that kind of money to spend on scouting???
  4. I guess that this is the most asked question - why isn't my kit show up in the game? There shouldn't be any previously added kits - not within those leagues. I found that with Editor there aren't any specs for away shirt for that team - why? Still there is a white away shirt in team profile. Team ID 33003310 If there is a conflict within added stuff, is there a way to find that conflict? Other than manual search... Last - if I make a 3. kit for any team and put it into correct folder, should it show up? (Config file included, of course.) If that team didn't have any 3. kit before...? I did all that but no third kit. How to get that kit to show up WITHOUT touching Editor? Thanks for help.
  5. Wouldn't it be the easiest way to have setup for difficulty - adjusting players' willingness to try-outs or to sign? And like you wrote about that Premier league dropout, and him signing into a amateur team - if that is unrealistic, shouldn't we contact SI using the "Requests" forum? Same goes with amateur (or all lower leagues) teams budgets, which can be almost zero, and still they can put 20-40 000 (cost of scouting package) into scouting... What if scouting in local and neighbouring areas would cost nothing (no-cost zone), and then budgets of those teams could be zero? Going to see some youngsters tournament would be asked from the board... Reason why I am suggesting "Request" forum is, that I have got contact with SI Staff there. I asked why teams that have confirmed promotion/relegation can't scout players according to their to-be level - there is this option "fits first team", but what does it mean next year. The only thing is, that SI likes these suggestions to be well thought out. How could we get some ideas gathered here? By lower leagues players? Even LLM players? New set of rules for lower leagues. And, BTW, I think that there are many players, who would like to play lower leagues teams. In many countries third or fourth division teams are amateur-based, maybe even the second division. OK, guessing that.
  6. When I last started a game, that English amateur team was just promoted and also empty of players. I had to speed up player searching. Then, out of nowhere, came up a dropout from Premier League - I signed him without seeing him. Risky, but... Would you have? And after him also others got interested in us. What do you know about dropouts? In my team 9 of best 11 were dropouts and 18-20 years old. 6 of them hadn't played at all in previous year. How many academies/players in them are there? Can it be, that every year there are a lot of those who are left without a contract? Those dropouts are in the database, but is it like that IRL? Was my young dream tean realistic? As you wrote, those are our rules. But if you would have power over SI, would you change something in scouting rules or budget or... in lower leagues?
  7. i should have found this forum earlier. I have played FM on and off for some time now, and I try to get some realism into the game. I start unemployed, attribute masking, with lowest degree, Sunday leagues and in some lower league team. My problem is that I really don't know which means, that FM gives us, are realistic, and which are not... So, I'm still trying to find my set of realism rules. I have used CA/PA stars. For me they work as they were notes, where scout had written "Check these first", "Average" or "No way!" on those players' folders. And, because I'm playing on/off, they help me remember most important players after a pause. I do use player searching, and I would like to hear main reasons why aren't you? All managers must have computers, and they can find out which players are on free market. And you can use your phone and call them. If someone agrees to come to a try-out, why not... With chosen Scouting package you have limited the amount of possible players, with attribute masking you don't know anything from a lot of them, and most of them would say "NO!" when asked for a try-out. IRL the biggest issue probably is money - when someone is a low/no salary paid player, how to make money for living. But what about young players, who are dropouts from some top level? Would they want to find a team so hard, that they would do anything? I had a game start as a manager in into 8. level promoted amateur English team, and during pre-season I was able to get as my best eleven mainly young dropouts that were all from top 5 levels. Even from Premier. No salary, no bonuses. Could this happen IRL? I do understand that 1 hour or 30 minutes idea, but IRL... I live in Finland, and here for some schoolkids it takes more than 30 minutes to get to the school. Even for kids in the elementary school. In fact, is it so that SI just haven't thought about us, lower leagues fans, enough? There is a rule for probability calculations whatever happens in top 6 leagues (in England), but all lower leagues use those same probability numbers as that 6. level league? That would kill realism. Also the number of try-outs in team should be reconsidered. Unless IRL all those try-outs find their own accommodation. Should us, players make SI to improve those calculations all the way to 8-9-10th, or amateur level? Should there be less money to be used in semi-pro and amateur teams for scouting or just go by the overall budget? In our amateur team we had quite much money for scouting, but otherwise no money at all. Why? Scouting in your own "county" or local area could cost nothing. Therefore scouting would have to be done just inside your own area or neighbouring areas included in lower leagues. Or maybe a few thousands in scouting budget just to visit a few tournaments for youngsters... Thanks. PS. I have been making a Finnish lower level teams' kit pack. WIP, not tested. From summer -22, so it belongs to FM23. Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/62sfhukhbtohpza/Finnish_1.Div_%27Ykk%C3%B6nen%27%2C_2.Div_%27Kakkonen%27_and_some_lower_teams.7z/file
  8. But, are these anomalies? From that list I made can be seen that 6 of them didn't play anywhere last year. None of teams - from any level - wanted them... And I couldn't have any influence on that. First they all said no, when I asked them to join us. Only when the first one agreed to sign, it got easier. And all these players were free on the market. Why, if they are so good? But, of course, you can be, and most likely, are right. SI loves high (top) level football, and that's sad. There would be much more if lower levels were included properly... But - in FM you can play in 6 highest levels in England, and I started in a team that was in 8. level? Is difference between 6. and 8. level so big? And that's why I asked if anyone knows how things are IRL. Can there be so many young players in academies, that these dropouts can be found free still in pre-season?
  9. BTW, I'm the one from your example 3. I have recently thought this issue a lot. I can't say that I would know what is the best system, but it isn't this one we have now. And, of course, the better the scout is, the better (or more accurate) results he/she would be able to give us. Also faster. My results. So far. 1) First one question. There are that view with "Scouted" players. Should those results be comparable or not? Should each position be reviewed on its own, or all players be reviewed together (on league level basis)? Or both? - If each position is reviewed on its own, then every time the best of any position would get 5 stars aso. - If reviewed all together, then maybe none of position X would get 4 or 5 stars if there aren't any good ones in the league... 2) The easiest way to get the best star ratings scale for any view is to remember what was the assignment that you gave to your scout. And, yes, this assignment has to be mentioned in the view. - If you ask anything like "Who is the best ... in our team?", then the worst of your players gets 0,5 stars and best 5 stars. This would give the most variation. Most important, "in our team" is mentioned in that assignment. - Using this way we could order our scout to find better player that we have now, but that doesn't give any idea for us, what is his level in our league. Like "fits first team". Signing a new player WOULD change the whole scale, if the new player is worse/better than anyone else in our team. 3) This is the one for me. Scouting is on league level basis, and that league level can be changed (at least -1...+1). It is mentioned in the view, that assignment is to find player "for our current league level." - If assignment is anything like "...for this league", then scout would have to do extra research, which would take more time. - 0,5 stars would mean that player isn't good enough to this league level, and 5 stars would mean, that player belongs to the next level. Three stars would be "the average player". - This could happen - in a promoted team we have only 1,5 stars playmaker, we have lost a few games on a row, and then manager gives an assignment "get at least average playmaker in this league" would mean finding at least three stars playmaker. - Here you could also take a view where only playmakers are chosen, and from there you would see the CA levels of the other teams' playmakers. - When during the spring you realise that you're getting promoted or being relegated you could start finding new players for the next season. - When you have won a place in one of UEFA leagues (or...), there could also be an option to have those opponent teams' players in comparison. - You might want to find a Striker that could have any chance against those defenders. BTW, I voted for this. And if anyone who reads this, thinks that something needs to be done, then VOTE. That is the best way of getting something to be done.
  10. What? You say that we, as managers, can order our players to waste time, but on the other hand, there isn't any possible penalty for that! I have used only that 'some times' option and just to avoid warnings... I voted for this. BTW. All you, who read this, if you think the same way, then vote - this is the best way of getting something to be done.
  11. I use mods. Adding leagues, kits and more realism. Nothing to make FM easier. I am new as a manager, not a legend. I chose to be manager in a team which was promoted from 9. level in England, but team is also doomed to be relegated back. Only a few players in team and no staff at all. Team is amateur, no money for anything (except for scouting). That was the starting point. Now we are waiting our first friendly in pre-season. Nothing really meaningful has happened. I have searched new players really hard. Look who have I found. My squad (4-1-3-2), last contract - years and level: 2018-20 League Two 2017-20 Champ, but loaned into a 7. level team 2018-20 VNL 2017-20 Prem 2017-21 Prem 2018-20 League Two 2016-18 Prem 2017-21 Prem 2018-21 Prem 2020-21 VNL 2018-21 Prem These VNL players are older, 30 and 26 years olds, but otherwise they are 20 or less. My question is that should finding players be this easy? And that they have agreed to sign, and signed... OK, they are dropouts, but shouldn't there be other, higher level teams much more interested in them? Offering good amount of money! Of course, also this could happen again - when season starts, one by one they get good contracts elsewhere, and leave. I know. Those, who know how things are IRL, are there really that much free players? Even dropouts from Premier League and Championship? And in the game 'Potentially VNL level' or even League Two. Another question is - should this be taken into "Requests" forum, and asked there if this willingness to sign should be reviewed? Thanks.
  12. Good question. I don't know... In fact, I don't even know what is the real difference with Standard, SS and FC'12 kits. FYI, you can try Kit Creator for free. Is Kitbasher a good tool? 2D and 3D? Templates? What's the best/worst with it?
  13. Do you know, if it is possible to adjust those numbers with Config files? BTW, is that spot (for number) on shirts back fixed by FIFA or UEFA or..., or is there variation shirt by shirt? For instance, in one Finnish lower level teams kit there are about 10 sponsor tags. Picture added. I have tried to "give enough room" for numbers, but,,, Also, some of those tags are pretty small - do they look fine, or at least OK? Have I found tags with enough pixels in them, so that they look "sharp"? BTW, what is your minimum amount of pixels in a tag? Always as many as you can find? I guess I just want a second opinion, so that when in November we get FM23, that I don't get a message "Not usable." then. In Kit Creator there are not that many templates, have you found everything you need or have you had to use a lot of effort to succeed?
  14. As far as I know, there hasn't been any kit packs for Finnish teams - except for the League. I have made one, and I would like to have some comments on how they work in game. All kits have been made with FM Kit Creator. It makes both 2D "photo" and 3D texture for game engine. Packs teams are from from 1. Division 'Ykkönen' and lower. Some teams have just one kit, at least for now, but this pack is in WIP. Kits are NOT perfect, but are they OK? Do the game draw shirt numbers on sponsor tags? Do some tags look too "scruffy"? Any other problems...? FYI, these kits are from summer (season) 22, so in fact they belong to FM23. Link to download pack - https://www.mediafire.com/file/62sfhukhbtohpza/Finnish_1.Div_%27Ykk%C3%B6nen%27%2C_2.Div_%27Kakkonen%27_and_some_lower_teams.7z/file Thanks.
  15. I have a CMF who insisted that team needs better GK. Agreed. Now, that player says he's leaving, because promise not kept. What? It is true, that we don't have a new, better GK yet, but a contract has been written, but it isn't confirmed. What can I do? I've done what's needed, but still I get punished... by the game itself. Not nice! Options give me options: to apologise, accept that he's free to leave, try to convince him to stay, or two possibilities to dismiss him. Could these be added: - "We already have a contract with someone. Not signed yet." The annoyed player should be able to learn how things really are - that there is a contract made, and therefore promise was kept. IF this was a lie, player gets REALLY annoyed and most certainly will leave. Maybe... a lot more money... - "We haven't been lucky so far. Give us a bit more time." Depending on player's mood, he could agree to give more time, but he could also get anxious or something. On the other hand, this could have been his limit - end of story.
  16. Title says it all. Those of us players, who have made our own versions of different 'View's and 'Search'es, know this problem. Like, there are different kind of 'View's, and while its name (usefulness) seems to be OK, suddenly you get a notice "... not compatible...". I have made a few different 'View's, I have also downloaded a few to get good examples, and of course there are those 'work in progress'. For me it's hard to find compatible ones. If using those self-made 'View's is too difficult, players stop using them, or don't use them as much as they could. Not nice. Thanks. PS. Please, tell me, if there is already a 'button' in options, or something, that get's this done.
  17. Background. I use mods - English lower leagues and some 'more realism' mods. [Discussion] I am a manager in an English 8. level, or 2. regional level team. All amateurs. A lot of new players and staff. I was able to get a good GK - good 7. level GK to my 8. level team, and I didn't hesitate to make a promise to strengthen teams midfield - it wasn't ready then anyway... By the way, there can be a lot of players, that say 'OK, I could play in your team.', but then they just sign (confirm) another teams contract. I don't remember in which order all those new players' negotiations were, and when those players confirmed, but... something is NOT RIGHT. Most likely order was this: - negotiations with midfielders - negotiations with this GK - midfielders confirm - that GK confirms -->> Is this when that promise 'starting point' is set??? ... time passes - GK wants to leave because I haven't got any better midfielders... So, first, I must have midfielders to sign after this GK had his negotiations - why aren't them taken into account in this promise? Or, my mistake...? Second, my 8. level teams best midfielders (LMF, CMF, RMF) are good. Their highest recent playing levels are: League Two, Premier League, Championship League. What the f..k is that GK expecting? Even better? What would be enough? And even more, I have a League One midfielder, who has already agreed, but not signed! Any reason to tune those rules with promises? [Suggestion] When that GK came to me with this thing, the only positive thing I could have said to him is 'Sorry.'. There should be more. At least in this case my GK wants to leave... 1) If the transfer window is still open, there should be an option 'We are still actively looking.'. 2) If there are contracts still waiting to be signed, there should be an option 'Contract? We already have. But not signed yet.'.
  18. I like to start my career from lower leagues. In my current game my team (in English 8. level) was just promoted, and I had only a few players in team. They seemed to get a lot of CA stars. Even if scout said 'decent 9. level player'. When I started to sign better players, some player's CA stars dropped from 4 to one. So, not that helpful aid for a (my style) manager, or at least in some cases. For me it's just too 'relative' to my own teams players. Might work well when there's a lot of players in team, and changing one player at one time, thou. It would help me, if there was an option, where a player is compared to all players in that league. Finding a player with 3 stars would mean an average player in this league. Why this? To find usable players I need to know how good they are compared to the players in other teams. Only when I have many ones to choose from, I need this current option (if even then). This option could be chosen in game's options, or in game, in 'Scouting' pages. Stars could be given: half - belongs to lower leagues, 1-1,5 - backup, 2-2,5 - decent, 3 - average, 3,5-4 - good, 4,5 - star, 5 - belongs to upper leagues So, a bit like now. PS. Think about it, like situation when I started my current game. I could have 'asked' my scout: "Is this try-out player a good one?" Scout: "Four stars." Me: "So I should sign him?" Scout: "Only for backup!" Confusing!
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