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Everything posted by rristola

  1. IF, and again, IF the player community would like to take FM into a bit lower in playable football tiers, then it might be. Explaining, I don't know how "deep" data levels go in each country, but what if players would like to start from regional levels? From the home village's team? Are all cities, villages, stadiums, players, staff members,... so, all data items already in the vanilla database? Well, differs country by country... If not, then those data items would have to be added using mods. Every different set of mods would end up with a different game save UIDs... And graphics partially mixed up. And, I think this happened to me and mods I used... Edited (added) - And because there is this option to use added players and staff, then it would be enough just to create the correct league structure, and add the graphics... Well, I don't know how many players want to play other than the main leagues, so... this is for SI to solve. Thanks for your comments.
  2. It could be so. But, if SI wants us, players, to make different skins, make more accurate "realism" mods, add leagues and add a lot of graphics, then it might want us to find a nice easy way to compile a new game save. With problems solved. My opinions has been that SI would love FM to have more leagues, and also lower leagues, in it. It just can't rely on that they can get all needed scouting done (costs!). Little reminder, I haven't done anything creative with the Editor, I just don't know it. That one in mind - I just realized that I pretty much wrote how those new saves are created nowadays. With a wish there could be dependencies. Yeah, not gonna work. I will leave this issue to SI.
  3. Wouldn't it be, in fact, quite simple to re-organize building a new game save with added editor files? Just the same way 'vanilla' game does it now. With a little change. My idea is that every modder would have his/her own ID and the same way all his/her mods would have own ID's. Or those two combined, whatever. Every new mod would use its own set of UID's. BUT, only for new data presented in that mod. All existing data (in vanilla game) would, of course, use their vanilla UID's. The same with borrowing from another mod. There would have to be dependency (have to name mods used), and then it would be OK to use UID's from that mod. Graphics files are a bit different. Only thing those files need is a mention which mod files are compatible. Like, 'this added graphics file is for modders XXX mods YYY and YYZ". And this is needed ONLY in mod-to-mod dependencies. Graphics for vanilla items are fine even now. Those dependencies could also be added - might need some re-naming. When the 'vanilla' game is building a new game save, it will have to build its own set of UID's (containig all needed data bits). That would need only a bit more complex "building engine" to secure enough UID's to everything. And, if there is a conflict, then NO new save! This way it would not slow down playing the game, because the set of UID's (of a new save) is built only once. I'm not sure, if this would work. But this can't be an impossible mission. And, because you are familiar with the Editor, you can move this discussion into Requests, if you wish.
  4. I will first try "following" this rule. Files can always be re-named... BTW, if SI wants (and might be counting on) that players make mods correcting rules, and adding leagues and graphics, then it's quite odd that there can't be "dependencies" between mods. Si should think about this. Thanks. I will contact you if needed.
  5. I have use the Editor ONLY to re-validate some mods. Otherwise my knowledge of it is less than weak. I love lower leagues, and therefore I have quite a lot of added league files. When I'm starting a new game save, as far as I know, it is then that the vanilla game allocates UID's to everything needing it. Somehow some mods try to use same UID's, and then the vanilla game has to re-organize those UID's. Is this correct? Is there a way to "order" mod to use a certain set of UID's? If the loading order has any effect, then - how to change loading order of mods? (Alphabetically - so, change name?) Do you know, if there is any way to be sure to use unique set of UID's in your own mod? Why - I have tried to make added graphics for a league mod, and what works for me and all my league mods, won't work for the others trying to use my graphics packs. And that would mean a lot of extra work. Any info on allocating UID's is helpful. Is it totally automatic (by the Editor), or are there ways to change it. Thanks.
  6. Yes, and I wrote that teams like Man City would have resources to do that. Nothing else. I don't know how this goes IRL. But, to my mind inviting trial players is too easy in FM. You can invite 30 at a time, but at the next moment 30 more, aso. Also, you get player attributes too fast and too accurate. Especially in lower leagues. If I remember correctly, you play FM with strict lower leagues rules. Is there something that would make trials inviting better in your opinion?
  7. I meant that your own players (team) wouldn't be in focus. All coaches and scouts would try to get a better picture of what these trials can do. There's not time to teach better Vision to your own player. But, the same result, time goes to making those reviews. Own players are like extras helping out coaches. That's why I think that training slot could be named "trials testing".
  8. Exactly. The number of players and/or trial players. IRL, are there teams that have 30 or more players in their roster and on the pitch at the same time? Or use a second team? But, yes, every team should be able to take in about 10 trial players at any time. Not so good coaches should also be able to watch several trial players, but it should take more time for them to give any reviews. Now it is quite fast - player comes, and the next morning you have all the info... Like, after a week OR 2-3 training sessions a coach (or a scout) with JPA 5-6 (normal in lower leagues (using mods)) could give value +-2 or +-3 for an attribute, while a normal JPA 11 coach could give value +-1. Like, Technique is 6-10 or 5-11, while the better coach gives 7-9. After one week or 2-3 training sessions. But, this would be enough to be able to throw out players that are not as good as needed. One thing more. SI likes, if you can suggest some pros and cons for every request you make. Here it could be, that with "more" trial players that training session wouldn't give as much (or at all) advance for the whole team or players, that training slot could be named as "trials testing" automatically. Or, for the players, better fitness yes, better technical skills or team skills no. This rule would make every Manager to think how many trials he can invite...
  9. Hmmm, shouldn't mod always rule over vanilla game? Like, if you take all money away from Man City using a mod...? Or, using a FM23 save in FM24? Another problem. Like I wrote, I love lower leagues, and therefore I have quite a lot of added league files. (Not all loaded in one game, thou.) When I'm starting a new game (save), as far as I know, it is then that the vanilla game allocates UID's to everything needing it. Somehow some mods try to use same UID's, and then the vanilla game has to re-organize those UID's. Is there a way to "order" mod to use a certain set of UID's? And, BTW, how to change loading order of mods? Do you know, if there is any way to be sure to use unique set of UID's in your own mod? Why - I have tried to make added graphics for a league mod, and what works for me (and all my league mods), won't work for the others trying to use my graphics packs. And that means a lot of extra work.
  10. That is important. But, at least for me, I could always start my new games from the start of pre-season. Database X.0 or X.1 is fine. But sometimes later on comes a nice new league mod, which can use only database X.4. I was just wondering if there could be any method to avoid these database version conflicts. It's not nice when you just can't use the "best" set of mods. When looking mods in Steam, there are many with comments "Update, please!" And, you might have guessed - I don't know how to use the Editor! I don't know what stuff is included in them, and what is not. BTW, why those league rules mods need re-validating with new database versions? And, thanks to all modders and yeah to lower leagues.
  11. I am one of those, who would like to start their careers from the bottom. I have never understood how is it possible to choose to be a Manager with no badge at all and only a Sunday leagues player, and still get a job from VNL North/South or even higher. Game has been made to include also lower leagues! But, I also understand those reasons mentioned above... And there are countries with pretty good researching level, and those... not. Could this be avoided or made easier to handle, if mods would be divided into two separate groups - another for stuff that won't change like league rules and data like cities and stadiums, and another for all player and staff data. That could also need a new thing (as far as I know) - dependencies. Meaning: with a set of mods different mods MIGHT use same UID's, and therefore some UID's would have to be changed (when starting a new game). Then a league wouldn't find its database stuff (at least in a correct way). What would we get with this? You could start your game with any league rules mod, and 1) if there's no database for it, just use "Added players", OR 2) choose also a database for that league. This way those league mods wouldn't EVER need updating! I hate when one of mods uses 23.0 or 23.1 database and it just won't work with 23.2 or 23.4 databases. Waiting for updates... This also would make sure that new added graphics for mods are usable (helping all the graphics makers and users). I have made some kits myself for a mod, and it's really annoying when with any mod update all that stuff might have to be re-named (UID number is also that file's name).
  12. Yeah, could be. BTW, this is the Request forum, so SI Staff will - some day - read all these new requests. Nowadays they might be busy with some new product... I think that if the players "old" team wants to get rid of him (could be in Transfer list), then it's obvious, that it could pay all expenses, but if that player just wants to leave, then maybe not. And, if you as the Manager (and the Board agrees) really want this player, then it's more likely that you pay the costs. The more you want, the more likely you pay. But, on the average, trial players pay for themselves... At least when they at that time have no contract at all. Haaland - of course. But, to be able to find "new Haalands" Man City Academy could invite 50-100 youngsters at a time. (This I DON'T know!) Man City would have enough money, enough coaches, aso. BTW, do you think, that the Board should limit be the number of trials OR the number of own players and trials together? I think that any team MUST have trainings where all players, own or on trial, have to be on the same pitch. So, I vote for 'own and on trial'. Should that number be 30 or something more...? Maybe when season is going on, then 30 could be OK, but on the pre-season it might be a bit more like 40. (For lower leagues teams this the most effective way to 'scout' new players. BUT, there has to be limits.)
  13. I would like FM to be a simulation - how things go IRL. And if they (SI) says it's too much work to add these trials limits, then how can they decide ticket prices for all these teams...?
  14. Not that much room for everyone. Do you, or anyone else reading this, know how much these trial players cost to the team? Or do those players have to pay for everything themselves? Something between these two? If a team, which has mostly non-contract players and staff and pretty low budget, invites a dozen trial players, and that team would have to offer at least bed&breakfast, it has to cost something... Could this be added into game?
  15. For FM players another Xmas are those days that different leagues start. It could be a great possibility to release the game when transfers for the season are made, and kits etc. are ready.
  16. Yes, but, as far as I know, when you have pushed the "Continue" button, the next possibility for new 30 trials opens. It's more like the Board is limiting the number of invitations, not the actual number of trials.
  17. OK, I play mostly lower leagues, but I think that the same thing goes with bigger teams, too. Many times I have chosen a team with limited resources. Not that many scouts. I have tried to "go around" this problem with asking A LOT OF players to come to a trial. Fact number two. I would like FM to be a simulation. I know that the Board has some limit there can "come in" new players into a trial (per day?), but... Should there be a (Board set) limit fot the number of trials? And/or for the number of players in your team roster - your own or trials? How this works in real life? That number (of trials) could be effected by the resources of that team. Like - some given number of players per coach in training. And some plus and minus effects. - Bigger teams have more scouts for early work. They won't take many players per coach to be effective. They get that info (of a player) really fast. And they don't have to take many trials, they know what thay want. - The smaller team, the fewer coaches. They could take MORE players per coach, but then they get info (of players) more slowly. And they should throw out immediately those players that won't fit... - Lower leagues. Maybe only a manager and an assistant. Getting info is slow, but they see a lot of players (maybe) wanting to play in this team. Still there has to be a limit for trials, right?
  18. This must be one of those questions. Everybody knows there's something "wrong", but... nothing happens. I hope that FM would be a simulation, and every year some of these things you mentioned happen to goalies IRL. Especially now when delaying game causes a warning more easily. But, we just have to keep writing about this - some day SI has to do something. Or, maybe not... Let's hope some SI Staff member would tell us why this solution has been chosen.
  19. I know that it isn't recommended to re-write your comments here, but... could someone from SI Staff answer something... anything... Will anything be changed the way lower leagues' teams (with Mods or not) are managed in FM24? And/or FM25? Economics - there are teams that have budgets over 100M, over 1M, over 10k, and even those that have zero budget. Same economical thinking doesn't work IRL - how about in FM? Might drop-outs from Premier League still want to come to play for free into tier eight team? Could there be a way (any way) agreed with the Board to raise money (into wage and/or transfer budget)? Now there are several infos out. Any news considering lower leagues? If not, that's OK. But to not know, that sucks...
  20. First, this isn't anything that I have read from somewhere (these new infos), so this is purely guessing. Could it happen like this... We have an attacking corner. Our scouting says that our tall players (for headers) vs. theirs are as good (=attributes), so it should be OK to use outside 6 yard box. Set pieces coach could say NO, because recently they have won every corner played that way, We should do something else, like short corners. But, this is still uncertain for me, are these new staff members coaches or coach-analysts? If you see a full description on that job, give here a link.
  21. Why has Saudi football bought so many stars. To be positively recognized, to be followed... If that is true, then it would be natural that Saudi football would like its own league to be present, and PLAYABLE, in FM24, 25, 26,... In fact, I think that Saudi football could even be ready to PAY to get its league playable. Money is no obstacle.
  22. Could this be something like mixture of scouting the opponent and analyzing our own game in set piece situations? I have seen a clip on TV, where an analyst told that he had made instructions for a team to win the ball more in throw-ins... And he told that it had helped. It seems to me that, of course, teams know how to play set pieces, but this way they could get more info on what set piece tactic to play and when. On the other hand, is that whole set pieces setup already complete? Like, why are there only a few "slots" where I can put my players - why can't I put them where ever I want? Can I use whatever setup also "mirrored" or in any chosen tactic? Yeah, a few years back I searched for throw-in set piece tactics from Steam - there were NONE. I would like to see new "tools" in set pieces setup.
  23. Isn't everything "needed" saved into the save? Even so, that you can delete those files from the Editor folder after starting your save? And, with mods something like league rules can be changed. Using that logic also "mod" leagues should work OK. Even J League? I think so. If there's something about Japan in the save, it will be used (and not the J League rules of FM24). BTW, some time ago I suggested in the Editor forum that with mods league rules and player/staff moves etc. should be separated from each other. Why? Because league rules don't usually change during a season... Why do we have to re-verify, or - most likely - wait mod updates... No "official" answers. And, the most important part - has there been any news considering lower leagues in these blogs? Something to make lower leagues more realistic?
  24. Exactly. And this is something that I would like SI to think again. Like - you would like to have more money to buy one good extra player. Board says "use transfer money" like 'vanilla' game often does. But, in lower leagues players can ALL be non-contracts, so there's no-one to sell... In higher leagues that's no problem... This could be "corrected", if there would be some kind of "Community day" like fairs and friendly game together feature, but there would have to be possibility (slot) for that in the training calendar - and there's not. I have written about this possibility in Requests forum. There are also other features, that lower leagues could use, but higher ones don't need... BTW, I think that there is and can be mods that "change the game" a bit. With mods like 'Increase Realism Megapack by Daveincid'. Of course, no new features that way. I just asked about FM24 in this forum, because it's OK for me to continue playing FM23. But, if there's anything new for the lower leagues... Thanks for your comment.
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