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Everything posted by rristola

  1. You are a more experienced lower leagues manager. Have you noticed that there would be any country where you just "can't" play lower leagues style, because the player database doesn't cover lower leagues good enough? With using mods or not, those two have to be balanced? Even DoF can't lure those "grayed" players... Which are the best countries to play lower leagues (number of players and staff)? England and...? Thanks.
  2. I have same kind of problems. (With a MOD) I have a team in Finnish 5. level. I have no badges, and I was only Sunday Leagues player, so my reputation is LOW. Team is doomed into relegation, so its reputation is low. Amateur team, so no money. Now it seems, that other amateur players from even lower leagues won't agree to sign with us. I have used both the Board and a DoF in signings, but no... Could it be, that this is caused by those lower leagues not having enough created players (too much "greyed" names) in them? Things will change before transfer window closes? Could it be that I won't have enough players and my team will be disqualified from the league? (Or will game just add those grayed names...) Have you ever tried to play "lower leagues" in, well, "lower class" football countries? Can it be done in FM (number of grayed names)? BTW, in one earlier test game I tried to find a scout. All unemployed scouts had the same list of countries in their knowledge list. And none of them had Sweden (neighbor country) in that list. Is that more funny than sad...?
  3. This is just a guess, but... have you promised that one of your players could have a certain number? (Is that even possible in FM?)
  4. Well, I use a skin, but this should be the same everywhere. In player's main profile page there are attributes - Technical, Mental, Physical - look at the bottom of that Physical column. Also, in list (of names) views there is a "human pic" icon in front of each name. Hover your mouse over it, and it gives a same kind of attribute view (or window). If hovering isn't working for you, it needs clicking, I think. That can be set up in Preferences.
  5. And that is just the case here, the less money for wages aso., the less money fot scouting. Balanced. I am now managing an amateur team with wage budget 0, transfer budget 0, and still - scoutind budget about 20k... That's unbalanced! I have made a request that poor teams could have scouting budget 0, BUT at the same time "local" scouting area would be changed as no-cost zone.
  6. Also "too good" players? If my team is in 3. div., and that player has played in 1. div., but now without a contract, could he sign?
  7. So, football players want to play football. If a player hasn't got a contract before transfer window closes, he won't play in that league. In FM? Are players more willing to sign just before transfer window closes?
  8. I can't help you with that, but it could a good idea to ask that in Skinning forum.
  9. I'm managing a lower leagues team, so players' attributes aren't that high. With that in mind... My team is supposed to relegate, and I most likely have to use some kind of counter attacks. Those are pretty "fast forward" by nature, right? If I also give my players orders to "more direct passing" and "higher tempo", can it cause my players NOT to be able to handle it - or that they just make too many mistakes? Or, will game "scale" those orders to fit their skill levels? Second one. If I remember correctly, personal orders are more "important" than team tactics. Correct? What will happen, if I have "early crossings" in tactics, but give orders "from byline" to a certain better player? Should I still remember to change that tactics order whenever that better player is playing to get better results? Thanks.
  10. I have only “visited” the pre-game editor. I have found teams, kits, aso., but never ever edited anything. I have found that some unplayable lower leagues teams have only one or no kits defined. Still, those teams can be called to friendlies, and so I would like to be able to add those kits. I am also making a kit pack, and those kits need to be created before they can be updated... I think that I can find teams with one or no kits. I can find Add-button in Kits window aso. But... how to make a mod where only those changes (made by me) are saved? When you make a save in pre-game editor - does it mean ‘the whole database’ by default or is there an option ‘only changes’? Are there any "don't make this error" things? With the mod, does it just go to Docs>FM23>Editor data? Does these kind of changes need a new game to be started? These are "only" graphics things... There were all three kits and GK kits in editor, but where are kits for special competitions, like UEFA Cup? Or, how to get that part work? And if I would like to make a mod to update those kits, what has to be put into that config file? Thanks. By the way, do you know any “good” manuals for pre-game editor?
  11. Oh yeah, I have to learn to use the pre game editor. Thanks.
  12. Title says it all. I know a team (or two), which uses only shirts with long sleeves. Where and how can I force FM to do that also? Or should I remodel those shirts into SS ones... Thanks.
  13. OK, that worked. Which one, or both together... Thanks.
  14. I have been making a kit pack. I found out that some kits just won't get updated! They don't show up. I checked out from the in-game editor, that in some teams there are no kits defined - no values shown. This happens especially in lower or non-playable leagues. See picture added. I got a contact with a SI staff member who verified that CREATING kits needs to be done using editors. (And - no existing kit, no updating.) Then I created a kit for one of these teams with in-game editor. That kit changes immediately in game. No problem there. Finally, I reloaded skin, but...kit doesn't get updated! And, yes, an updated kit was in correct folder aso., and I did reloading a few times so that it shouldn't be a cache thing. Can someone verify, that CREATING kits are like rules - they must be done using pre-game editor to be updated. In-game editor - NO. Could it be, that to be updated a kit needs a "hook" or ID number, and with playable team with no kit defined game just uses a 'default' kit (with team colors)? Or, why didn't that kit get updated?
  15. In FM24? This is my (hopefully) last question now. I tried this. In in-game editor I added a home kit for this team LuPo. Then I reloaded skin (with kit update), but that didn't update that kit. Can you verify - it needs to be done in pre-game editor, or did I just do something wrong?
  16. Yeah, I can understand that "top priorities", but, in fact, I meant that ALL teams (around the world) and even in the lower leagues should have two kits created. In the vanilla game... Teams usually have at least two kits ;-} The other way round would be to search for possibility that it could be done using kit packs. Like editor files, they are also loaded into the game. On the other hand, I could start learning how to use pre-game editor.
  17. Thanks for quick answer. So, you mean, that there are no such set of commands (into kit pack config files), which would make adding kits possible? This isn't the biggest way to change the game - only a piece of graphics, and we should be able to create/update kits WITHOUT editors... Of course, adding all the missing kits would need more space aso., but do you think SI could do the basic - just to add kits with team colors? Next update? The same goes with kits for one competition, like UEFA Cup. There are pretty many of us who know how to do kit packs, but having to use the editor... I have thought to make it possible for some little teams to go "from rags to riches", and there I would have needed to add "cup kits".
  18. I found this issue, when I tried to create kits for lower leagues teams. Game can't update those kits, because those kits don't exist??? At least, the in-game editor doesn't show any values for them... For instance, team LuPo or Luumäen Pojat, ID 33084948, doesn't have any values or pictures shown in kits section in the editor. See the picture added. Would this mean that if my team would have a friendly with this team, it would have all blue kit? Blue from team colors... How can I (or anyone) update these kind of (non-existent) kits? Or, can a kit be "created" using a mod? And - without editor. I'm making a kit pack here. BTW, that good looking badge is from a mod (Metallic Logos Megapack). Or, what happened here? Thanks for advice!
  19. Again, it doesn't have to be that difficult. Example - Scouted players and its View. There is on the upper left corner 'X players found' and then pull-down menu with view options. After that the whole upper "window bar" is empty! If made possible, player could store there 5-10 different views - just like in web browsers with pages. That would mean one click only. Another story would be, if there should be possibility to store different views with different set of chosen players or staff. Like a 'bookmark'.
  20. The weirdest thing is, that SI has decided that FM relies on us - players. There are all the extra graphics, added player info, added leagues and other mods done by us. Then they don't ask our opinion on how to make this better...
  21. Thanks. Now I can remember that. BTW. How well does this work? (I have heard that sometimes board (or...) does its own decisions.)
  22. And that is exactly why it is so nice to have possibility to build your own Views! The idea in this posting was, that it is so sad that those view building tools don't work, or are just too weird to use... And I think, that many of us View makers have designed a View, which gets a bit too wide. It is frustrating, if those tools don't work, when you try to get it shrink back.
  23. OK. This team I'm managing - it sucks. So low on reputation, that I just can't find players. Well, I'm also quite bad on negotiation skills, so... DoF, where are you? I planned to do this way - I read all scouts' reports, choose right players for our team, and then initiate that players contract negotiations. Which I leave to my DoF. First, how and where do I do that? If I choose 'Approach to sign', it makes me the negotiator, right? Or, can I there "push a button" to give that job to DoF? Or, where is that button/option? Second, what is your opinion - is this the better way, or should I leave initiating contracts and negotiations to DoF, and keep ONLY finalising contracts myself? Or leave that player searching and contracts to scouts and DoF?
  24. Weirdest thing is, that fixing it shouldn't be that difficult. If all "automatic" is left out, and then given an order that every column takes its normal minimum width, then no View shouldn't be too wide for a window... Or, if it does, there's too much columns in it, and therefore it has to be too wide. After that only little adjustments.
  25. Year after year! Trying to get View's width to look "nice" takes huge amount of time, my playing time. And after a few views you are done with playing this game... I have one almost ready View, just wanted to add one more column (and, yes, there was enough room for it). View decides to grow overwidth. Nothing gets that View to shrink back to fit that window size. Adding column, deleting column, resizing colomn/columns,... Trying over and over again. At the end one of columns was forth of the window size, but column wouldn't resize. View was still... OVER-WIDTH. When I deleted that column, the next column got even bigger... Yes. Why can't you add options "Fit all columns to window size" and "Force column to its normal size". "Normal" would mean width of column header. Frustrating. BTW. If you think this is something that needs to be changed, vote for this or keep writing comments here. Otherwise...
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