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Everything posted by rristola

  1. Do you know if repeating that "Have you anyone..." question would ever give you more that those about 20 names? Or asking any other staff member or player? I seem to have a team with LOW reputation - players don't want to come into try-outs... And I can't get them scouted because I can't hire any scouts... Well, not yet.
  2. I have a low scouting budget team to manage. I would like to get players into try-outs from a country, but I can't afford that country into my scouting budget. Are the rules in FM23 - - if I can hire a scout with knowledge of that country, he can "deliver" that knowledge to me (scout personally knows those players, no "scouting" needed) - if no scouting budget, no scouting over there (some costs would be too much, or...) Which one is it?
  3. I'm making a kit pack. I found out that one team uses only home shirt with long sleeves. I know that this is not that important, but does anyone know how to force this in FM, and using the CONFIG file in a kit pack? BTW, does anyone know, how to add a continental series kit into a kit pack? I know that with editor something can be done, but with a kit pack and CONFIG file?
  4. Team FC Eurajoki is missing from the game. In season -22 it played, and will play in season -23 in Nelonen (level 5). Team can be seen in Football Association of Finland's result page https://tulospalvelu.palloliitto.fi/team/144514/info At least a few of the other teams in that table are in FM database.
  5. Finnish team SoPa, ID 518368, has wrong home shirt color in teams profile page. In the color bar it's red, but in this film - https://www.facebook.com/sopajalkapallo/videos/1109824926308820 - it's blue. And this is SoPa's own Facebook page.
  6. I'm pretty sure that some Reserve team ID's were found with no problems, but... That FM database is "included" in the Kit Creator - could there be a little mistake with that database? I don't know. Only thing that is a bit "weird" is, that those kind of 10 digit ID numbers aren't that usual. IMO. Someone thought that they were from a custom database?
  7. OK, explanation why I needed that info. In Kit Creator there is this nice feature, that when you make a kit with it, it fetches the team's ID from the FM database (when you type team's name), and with those two (2D and 3D) kits Creator gives you automatically a config file (where ID is needed). Very nice! Why didn't Creator "find" this team's ID - I don't know, and that's why I had to ask. Thanks for help. Kit Basher is another, but similar program. Try typing "fm kit creator" into Google. You can try Creator for free, but using added graphics (like sponsor tags) is very limited. And, if you are interested in Finnish kits, here's link - https://www.mediafire.com/file/2ey8ad4h0p9yswf/FM_Finnish_kits_-_2D_3D_-_Premier%2C_1.Div%2C_2.Div_and_some_lower.zip/file It will still be updated.
  8. FM Kit Creator is a program to make kits for FM. There are not (yet) that many templates there, but a lot can be done. You can try it for free. I like it, because there is possibility to see your kit on a mannequin all the time.
  9. I hope that I don't have to clean my game (mods). Please, check this ID - Finnish Premier league team AC Oulu's Reserve team AC Oulu OLS ID. Is it 2000067188? I'm doing a kit pack, and Kit Creator didn't recognize that number...
  10. Hi, Daveincid! Do you know, if the FM22 package of Increase realism would work with FM23? Are there usually technical or "syntax" changes year by year, or is it about old data? I guess - "You can try. No guarantee given...".
  11. I've been doing a Finnish kit pack, and in FM23 there is a third kit for team Seinäjoen Jalkapallokerho (SJK) (ID 33007394). I couldn't find any photos. I contacted their office and they told me by email that they don't have one.
  12. I've been doing a Finnish kit pack, and in FM23 there is a third kit for team AC Oulu (ID 521643). I couldn't find any photos. I contacted their office and they told me that they don't have one by email.
  13. In Steam there is Italy down to D5 (Eccellenza) mod. In case you would be relegated from Serie D... And a lot of other leagues mods. BTW, did you know that there are a lot of graphics updates made by players? Logos, pictures,... and 2D and 3D kits. Check this sortitoutsi.net site. That's one of the best. That might be true. But there are also countries where a lot of people doesn't live in the biggest towns, so their "natural" favourite team wouldn't be any of top league teams. And many could want to be the manager in their "own" team. What makes me to want these lower leagues included more deeply, is that new managers just don't get their first jobs from professional leagues. And, at least I want to start from some semi-pro or even amateur team, as would happen IRL. Also many of these top leagues' players are originally from lower leagues - how should we find any new wonderkid, if they are all already in academies now? And, the best, sometimes something like this can happen IRL: FA Cup, 11.1.2021 Marine AFC - Tottenham. I saw that one on TV. Marine AFC was then a semi-pro 8. league level team. What if that team wouldn't even exist in FM? Picture below (Getty Images). But, you are absolutely right - SI will have problems to do lower leagues. And those could be done with using volunteers and assistants. And, if I remember correctly, isn't it so, that below top leagues there is some variation in all players' attributes. So, that anyone wouldn't be able to find the "best" players in advance - in earlier games. IMO, SI could, and SHOULD reward their valuable assistants somehow. Like you, FrazT. At least free copies of new FM's. Every year. And for those who make lower leagues' players' data updates, league updates, update pictures or make all those kits. My biggest fear is, that those lower leagues won't ever be "realistic". Some probability calculations aso. are from pro levels, and they can't be used that way in lower leagues! One example - an amateur team, which has 0 wage budget, has about 40 000 to be used in scouting... (Was that package about 40 000? Can't remember.) Or, a physio with skill level 15 would come as a volunteer into our team... There should be done some adjustments concerning lower leagues. I wrote about this in Requests forum. Thanks.
  14. This is concerning team FC Reipas, ID 33003310. I have made a kit pack. There are both home and away kits for this team made by similar way. With FM22 I realised, that In-Game Editor didn't show ANY values for this away kit. And there was all values there for home kit. Away kit couldn't be updated either in FM22. Is there this away kit even set up in "vanilla" game? There is a white shirt seen in Team Profile, but is it just some kind of a default shirt?
  15. And should be easy to do. Voted for this.
  16. What about cutting that hiring into two halves - 1. finding the right candidate, and 2. finalising contract. This would have to be set up in Responsibilities, but there you could give finding the right candidate to the Head of Department, and even the right to finalise those contracts to that same Head of Department, or to leave that for DOF, or...
  17. I haven't had to fight with that staff power structure myself. But, a few thoughts. 1. If manager is only Sunday leagues level, into what league levels can he/she be admitted as a manager? In FM, I mean... IRL there are restrictions, right? IMO, if us as FM players, choose to start at Sunday leagues level, we shouldn't be able to get any top league level manager jobs. On the other hand, if we are talking about some lower level leagues, then - can there be any long served GOOD DOFs? What I have seen there are those old volunteers or with salaries between 500-1 000 with Negotiation skill something like3-5. They can be sacked, or changed, or... Could there be more complex negotiations when you are there trying to get that managers job? Like, if team has a loved DOF, the Board could say "You work under DOF. If there are any conflicts between you and DOF, you will have to go." 2. Again, more meaningful questions to job negotiation. The Board asks "Are you ready to use other tactics?" If not, no job. 3. There are local derbys included, why not also these.
  18. I agree. And the same goes with other possible similar situations. I don't like, if I have to start remembering all possible limitations. There should be someone else, or the Board to do that. That feature 2 - warning message, with "must answer" button in Inbox. Like, if you know that you are going to move some young ones to reserves anyway, then just push "OK". Should that warning come a day before, or...? Should this "Warnings" be an option in Preferences? Voted for this.
  19. The way I see FM, there is much potential to include also lower leagues into it. I have also seen, that SI has searched volunteers to scout those lower leagues' teams. I personally haven't ever played FM as a manager in Premier League or any of those top leagues, but many, many times in lower leagues. Sadly there is something not that good in FM's way of handling those lower leagues - outcome isn't realistic. This is a pretty long writing, but it has three suggestions, and also reasoning for every one. The next is loaned from the "Discussions" forum, and I am the author of it, -- -- -- -- I use mods. Adding leagues, kits and more realism. Nothing to make FM easier. I am new as a manager, not a legend. I chose to be manager in a team which was promoted from 9. level in England, but team is also doomed to be relegated back. Only a few players in team and no staff at all. Team is amateur, no money for anything (except for scouting). That was the starting point. Now we are waiting our first friendly in pre-season. Nothing really meaningful has happened. I have searched new players really hard. Look who have I found. My squad (4-1-3-2), last contract - years and level: 2018-20 League Two 2017-20 Champ, but loaned into a 7. level team 2018-20 VNL 2017-20 Prem 2017-21 Prem 2018-20 League Two 2016-18 Prem 2017-21 Prem 2018-21 Prem 2020-21 VNL 2018-21 Prem These VNL players are older, 30 and 26 years olds, but otherwise they are 20 or less. My question is that should finding players be this easy? -- -- -- -- Why did I put this here? That was one start of my games. and I wanted to ask people (who would know things IRL better), if that scenario could happen IRL, because it sounds unbelievable. Answer - NO. What I'm thinking is, that there could be some kind of a UNIVERSAL system to calculate new, MORE REALISTIC attractiveness aso. values for different lower leagues levels and teams in them. There could be an OPTION for more strict rules for lower leagues in Preferences. First - scouting. - Scouting budget can be quite a lot compared to wage budget. Just checked up - one team in English 7. level had about 7 000 p/m wage budget (about 3 000 left to use) and 3 200 p/m for (regional) scouting package. One team in 8. level had 0 p/m wage budget, but still it got enough money for that scouting package. What? -> Could new rule be, that the lower the wage budget is, the lower scouting budget gets? So that they would be balanced. And, IMO the wage budget is far more important than scouting budget! Doing a lot of scouting when wages are 0, is unrealistic. If team has not enough scouting money, it doesn't have to do scouting every month. And, if wage budget is 0, there can be only volunteer scouts in team. -> Opposition analysis and such are included in teams budget - but if there is no money, should also this be "too expensive"? -> The Board can always give more money to be used for scouting - like to go to visit some youngsters tournament. There is one bigger suggestion, if even possible to accomplish. In FM doing scouting without any scouting package costs nothing. What if scouting in your own local area would be considered as no-cost zone? It would be like when you would drive by your own car to see a game in the other football center in town, or into the neighbouring town... That way those lower leagues teams still could do some scouting. It would also be quite realistic, because players with no salary or even appearance fee would not travel long distances just for a hobby a couple times a week! POSSIBLE PROBLEM - what means the (smallest) local area in each country? Are there enough players in those areas that this would work? Should it be the local area AND neighbouring areas? That is for you, SI DEVS, to decide. (I assume that all countries are devided into some kind of local areas???) Second - probabilities for some things to happen, or not... - Like there was in my example, is it really that possible for a 18-20 years old player previously from Premier league team academy(?) to change into a 8. level amateur team, if there isn't any significant "special" reason, like coming back to home town after being dropped out? -> How could it be possible to increase the speed of decreaseasing the attractiveness of going to try-outs or willingness to sign into a lower leagues team - step by step the bigger the gap between those two leagues. -> I have found that even top league level players DON'T get ANGRY, when they are contacted over and over again from lower leagues. Why? After 2-3-4 times those players should NOT answer those calls, aso., for some time. Or their agent. Without any special reason. - There could be also other things, where probabilities should be adjusted, but I should know more about life in different countries IRL to be able to give any suggestions. That part is for you, SI DEVS. Third - something positive, there should be ways to get more money for lower leagues - There are now possibility to play friendlies, and have a Community Outreach. -> Could there be one more option - Fundraising Event, where players would play a friendly, market, fan stuff would be sold, possible sponsors could have their tents there, aso. It would take 2 slots in training schedule, and amount of profit - something proportional to the team. -> Negative sides - there could be players who don't like these kind of happenings (minus for mood). It takes time away from training. They play a friendly, so they need rest. - There are teams, which have 0 wage budget. For those teams even 1 000 is a lot of money... Fourth - willingness to sign concerning staff - Good staff is hard to find, they say. But, in FM it can be too easy. -> I have been able to find a Physios who have been true professionals (skill about 15), and they agreed to work as volunteers. Maybe they have other well paying customers, but... really? If you, SI DEVS, have any idea to take these lower leagues as official ones - some day, you should adjust calculations/rules for lower leagues. IF you find out that there are now any unrealistic things. Isn't this a simulation more than just a game? Thanks. PS. With FM23 I am planning to start managing in Finland lower leagues. I have even made some kits for them. Link - https://www.mediafire.com/file/62sfhukhbtohpza/Finnish_1.Div_%27Ykk%C3%B6nen%27%2C_2.Div_%27Kakkonen%27_and_some_lower_teams.7z/file
  20. I have to recheck this. It might be that this is an added team, that comes with an added league. If there is some data is missing in a mod, well... prot651, I was using exactly that In-Game Editor.
  21. I tried to be polite. And LLM play style will go on. Thanks for your opinions.
  22. With these two thoughts combined, the "system" (probabilities to do something) is about fair in official divisions. Therefore with adjusting those probability percentages concerning lower leagues even them could be more realistic. I can easily agree that those dropouts signing was unbelievable. And, as you said, wouldn't happen IRL. And that's why I asked... Yes, agree, That's why those "restrictions" could be either league level based (not willing to) or budget based (can't afford). If any lower league team HAS money, then they of course can spend it. And they would also be a bit more attractive. But, IMO, lower leagues could be moe realistic, if SI... Do you mind, if I try to change something in those rules with "Requests"?
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