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Everything posted by rristola

  1. Sorry, I thought that you meant more CREATING tactics than ACTIVE tactics. You're absolutely right. And, BTW, I have written about this into 'Requests' at least once, and about these difficulties when using set pieces screen more than once. Something has happened - not enough. I suggested then that loading set pieces should be easy - you should be able to see all correct type saves (attacking corner aso.) at the same time, choose 1..MAX from the list and even make them to be used as mirror image from the other side and in all tactics. Aso. There are 3(?) set pieces that you can use per type in corners, right and left, attacking and defending, in max three tactics - that's a lot of loading... Then free kicks,... Also, you, as the manager, should be able to give hints what corner etc. set pieces to use during a game. But, all we can do, is to write about this into these forums. And VOTE for these suggestions! Like I did above.
  2. Thanks, rsihn, for your comprehensive answer. Still, a few questions... 3. Is it good that WWY is fixed? Can't someone learn how to deal with youngsters? Maybe 2-3-4 points to its PA? Those other attributes tell how good you are as a teacher, this how good you are with a certain age group. I think you CAN learn that. 4. There are attributes that describe how good you are as a teacher (in FM). IRL the first basic coaching courses teach people to TEACH football (to children), not that much football. And that's why school teachers have their own special line in university. I think that Discipline shouldn't describe how strict you are with all your orders, but how good you are using more loose way if possible, and army style only when needed. Determination comes by nature, but also with knowledge, training and experience. So, you can learn that too. But, yeah, there should be a MAX value (PA) for every coach - everybody won't be perfect in coaching. rsihn, what you wrote were the facts. What about your opinions? How would you change coaching courses, if any way?
  3. I'm pretty new with these coaching courses, because I have found good enough coached from unemployed ones. Now I could use one course. But, is there suitable...? My question is, what are the basic rules in 'sending to a coaching course'? Let's say, a coach is sent to a course with original coaching attributes all 10 - what would be those numbers afterwards? How much randomness is there? If a coach is at his best in attacking, can the biggest impact go to defending? Can the manager do anything to 'steer' that education? If a coach is good in 'football theory', but bad as a teacher, are there any special courses for that? Or to specialise into youngsters? This is the problem that I have right now. I found into my amateur team a coach with tactical & attacking attributes both over 10, but with teaching skills... not worth mentioning. I want to know, if there are / should be special coaching courses to improve teaching skills - discipline, motivation, people management,... self knowing - adaptability, determination, a bit of judging skills how to 'analyse' other people - judging skills and negotiation working with youngsters - improves also a bit of discipline, motivation and people management special 'football skills' - like, a coach specialized in attacking gets the most recent knowledge in attacking (tactical), and those techical issues that goes with it (technical) - might only get +1 - +2 into attributes and ONLY in attacking, and MAYBE into tactical & technical There could be a mechanism, that levels these attributes in hand. Like, with a teaching course, if 'Discipline, Motivation, People management' are 10, 6, 10 before, they could be 11, 8, 11 or 10, 9, 10 afterwards. Some randomness. Could there be coaches, that just can't improve above a certain limit? Like, someone just isn't good with Youngsters? Negative thing is, that prices wouldn't be cheap, but 'average'. Positive thing would be the possibility to improve certain exact sector. So, tell me how these things work now, and if this sounds a good improvement. If this gets voted, it might be tranferred into 'Requests'. Thanks.
  4. Could that be possible IRL? Of course, a manager could have a degree in coaching without having a career as a player, but... Which level of coaching degree were you planning to set for yourself? In some leagues managers have to have a certain level of coaching degree, as far as I remember. In FM - I don't know... You could start as unemployed, but then apply to get that manager job in Championship. Personally I like to do just the way you do - from the bottom. Degree and reputation as low as possible. Now I'm managing an English 8. tier amateur team (using a mod). So, NO money into salaries for staff or for players. Still, good players seem to be found too easily. Best ones drop-outs from the best six tier teams, that still could have future even in League Two (in scout's opinion)... How in earth can that level players be found in free market??? And be ready to play without any payment??? Guessing that FM wasn't ever planned into managing in low level leagues, and DEVS haven't had that in their priority list - at least not yet. Sad. But, your main question. I think that lower leagues are easier. There are more available and good enough players to choose from. Even when that player isn't at his best in some role needed, he could be... good enough. In top level there are fewer suitable players, and you should get someone to sign. Do I have any hint to give to you? Try to find a team that is in real troubles in real life like near bankruptcy and losing its fan base, and of course in FM too. Then try to be a kind of a Magic Maker there...
  5. I haven't designed any 'Set pieces' in a long time, but... isn't it possible, that after you have saved the first one, you just continue moulding your plan, and when you're finished, save the new one with another name?
  6. I have played FM for some time, but more on "what feels right" basis. I have read manuals only when nothing else helps... So, this is just a guess. If your board wants 'direct' and 'attacking' playing style, could this 'direct' mean here that they want 'counter attack' kind of play? Sometimes a bit of running with ball, but mostly wise, skillful passes and crossings forward, and - shoot and score. If this is the case, then it might be those 'Much higher defensive line' and 'Much higher line of Engagement', that make that impossible. You can't attack fast forward TO the goal, IF you ALREADY are there. Adding a little bit: You have also 'Prevent Short GK Distribution', so - at your best - you can force the other team to play 'Park the Bus'. That isn't the nicest type of game to watch... Maybe your board wants some fun.
  7. Thanks, gunnerfan, for answering. It is a bit weird, that there are no more comments. Are players so tired to this so OBVIOUS fault, that they just don't care any longer? And, still, this would be so easy to fix... Adjustable time in options so, that you have enough time to "quickly" read that advice. Is it important or not? If you would want to check it up, with PAUSE or not, hovering mouse over "the window" would bring it back on front. Some key would do the same. PS. Makes me wonder if DEVS play FM themselves at all... Annoying fault.
  8. I haven't had this problem. Yet. But, three things come to my mind. 1. Learn facts about Feyenoord. Do they use the same tactic and/or playing style year by year. If they have one chosen tactic, learn to master it by using it in whatever team you work. 2. Try to get inside Feyenoord organization. U23 or U18 teams are fine. 3. Try to get to be a Manager in other Dutch premier league teams. If you can win Feyenoord with a much cheaper team, they'll remember you. PS. I really don't know, if game's AI can take these into calculations considering your future.
  9. Since I haven't got any answers, I repeat this question. Please, give me a few answers... Your team has a game, during that game your Assistant Manager gives you a hint and it shows there in a window or box for a "second". Do you have enough time to read those hints? I haven't found any way to get those windows or boxes to stay or to reappear - have you? PS. Sometimes that message disappears in less than a second... Before I get a pause, it's gone.
  10. Haven't had this in my games. So, just guessing. Is that hint to add a staff member coming always from the Board? What if it is the game's idea of telling you, that "common idea" in team is that? Like, Physios have treated a few too many injuries, that there is a need for Sports Scientist? Maybe a member of Board knowing this then tells you, that you, as the Manager, should officially ask the question from the Board? But, yeah, there are weird things in this game. Sometimes Board says NO to a volunteer worker, because "we don't have enough money..."
  11. I have a CMF who insisted that team needs better GK. Agreed. Now, that player says he's leaving, because promise not kept. What? It is true, that we don't have a new, better GK yet, but a contract has been written, but it isn't confirmed. What can I do? I've done what's needed, but still I get punished... by the game itself. Not nice! Options give me options: to apologise, accept that he's free to leave, try to convince him to stay, or two possibilities to dismiss him. Could these be added: - "We already have a contract with someone. Not signed yet." The annoyed player should be able to learn how things really are - that there is a contract made, and therefore promise was kept. IF this was a lie, player gets REALLY annoyed and most certainly will leave. Maybe... a lot more money... - "We haven't been lucky so far. Give us a bit more time." Depending on player's mood, he could agree to give more time, but he could also get anxious or something. On the other hand, this could have been his limit - end of story.
  12. Title says it all. Those of us players, who have made our own versions of different 'View's and 'Search'es, know this problem. Like, there are different kind of 'View's, and while its name (usefulness) seems to be OK, suddenly you get a notice "... not compatible...". I have made a few different 'View's, I have also downloaded a few to get good examples, and of course there are those 'work in progress'. For me it's hard to find compatible ones. If using those self-made 'View's is too difficult, players stop using them, or don't use them as much as they could. Not nice. Thanks. PS. Please, tell me, if there is already a 'button' in options, or something, that get's this done.
  13. Title says it all. You have experienced this too. During a game there appears a window with coaching advice like "You should give X orders to mark Y closely." YES NO I don't know what possibilities in options there might be to get that window to stay longer, but for me it disappears too fast. Way too fast. How could I be able to make any decision, when I even don't have enough time to read that advice. I also tried to get it reappear, but... I don't know how. You, please, help me. - How to get that advice window reappear? - Are there anything in options to get this adjusted? Thanks. PS. This is something that should be working better, with updates and in FM23. Or, is it just me that has missed something...
  14. You're right, and I have done that in some cases to check those out. But obviously not with 'aggressive'. As a word 'aggressive' still sounds to me more like rough than eager... Measuring how able to tackle hard player is. But no. For me it's time to learn.
  15. Which one would be bigger negative issue - not having good enough attributes, or player possibly getting moody? Like when moving PF into BWM? Main thing seems to be to check needed attributes first. OK. My fault. I thought that with eagerness to tackle comes also roughness... So, also possible troubles. I knew that there are hidden attributes, but I haven't heard about dirtiness before. Well, good to know that. Thanks.
  16. So, it's only common sense that is needed. Good. And after this just try to find your tactic's weak spots. Are players 'smart' enough to avoid second warning? Are there a types of players (like aggressive), that you wouldn't order to 'tackle hard'? Is high aggressiveness good, bad or both? Have you had situations, where you have ordered a player with warning to 'tackle hard'? Risky?
  17. So, game understands that these are pro footballers, and they CAN play also a lot of other positions, roles and duties - only not quite as well. Have you ever had to put CMF to play as CB, or something like that? What happened? OK. I should have read the manual. Somehow I thought, that those players can adjust their playing duty _automatically_ as needed. To keep distances OK. This has happened to me some times. I have had better team than opponent. I tried to make a tactic, where players would patiently search an opportunity to score. What I saw was, that my defenders and midfielders had a few passes, and then someone from defence kicked a long ball - not being under pressing. Those balls usually ended to the opponent - and even without challenging. Tried to find a good way to prevent this kind of playing (trait Simple Passing, 'Personalised' orders for passing). Have you used 'Offside trap'? Any comments?
  18. This is not about which role goes well with another, but how setup options work, work together, which are more important, if something is a NO-NO, aso. And if you answer, you don't have to answer to all questions, any helping comment is fine. Thanks in advance! - Are mentality choices MORE than a collection of setup options in those three windows (like 'In possession')? Or, if I do all those same adjusts by hand (without change in mentality), will that have the same effect into my game? - Do you have three tactics? Are they 'for defending, for a balanced game, for attacking' = three DIFFERENT tactics (with different formations?), or are those tactics close to each another? - When you have to change tactic, do you use only those three preset tactics, or do you change whatever option there are during the game, like 'Passing Directness'? - Your players should be familiar with used tactic - how much can you change your tactic during the game so, that it stays familiar? CMF from BWM to CM to AP to be more attacking? Expecting that player in question to be familiar with all those roles. - Is it better to change tactic somehow or to use shouts, if your team needs to start playing better, if it seems, that opponent is whenever about to score? - Are shouts important and effective? To all team or to a single player? - There are a lot of discussion about good duty combinations. Can this duty problem be avoided with using duty 'Automatic'? What kind of a player is suitable for this? If player's 'Automatic' duty has enough stars? - If I find a problem within my certain player's way how to play, is it enough to try to change only his 'Personalised' orders? (At least some CB's try long balls - sometimes there are none of us even in that area receiving those passes...) Better use traits? - "Conflicting" orders. If chosen tactic is 'Route one', can I still use 'Be more Expressive'? What would happen? Would it be wise or a no-no? - Does a 'Personalised' order overrule general orders? What about player's traits versus general and/or 'Personalised' orders? If I cause a conflict with these, is that just stupid? - Can anyone else be a 'Target' than a TF? Like, having a Winger to cross ball to DLP forward or someone in AMC? - Players' roles and duties should be chosen so, that distances between players wouldn't be too long. Can 'Personalised' order 'Roam from Position' make this better, worse or... even both at the same time? Which kind of players can be allowed to roam? - Scouts' opinions like 'strong' or 'creative' are clear, but what means in FM when a player is 'smart'? How to use that when building a tactic, or what freedoms does it give me? Let him roam aso.? - If I raise 'Tempo', can it become too much for someone - that amount of mistakes goes up a lot? Or, can it mean only slightly more mistakes at most? - Biggest worries when using 'Offside trap'? What would be the best sign that player is good in controlling offside line? Best to choose 'stopper-cover' pair as CB's?
  19. For all of you, who would like to use database 22.3 or even earlier - you can choose the database version when starting a new game. I wanted to use some mods with new playable leagues and/or lower leagues. Those supported only 22.1 database. It works! So, when you are starting a new game, push 'Start a new game', then 'Career', and you get 'Career game setup' window in front of you. In upper right corner there is button 'Database', which opens a new smaller window. Upmost pull down menu lets you to choose your database. I have there 22.4.0 Update, 22.3.0 Update and Default,which means version 22.1.0. In that same smaller window you can also activate mods that have been loaded.
  20. If a player has a negative mood like 'complacent' or 'anxious', can manager still get him changed to another in the playing squad, or is that squad then already 'locked'? What are best advices or shouts to a player, if he gets moody during a game: - nervous - anxious - complacent - ill-disciplined - another bad ones? To calm down or to fire up? Or are those always case by case?
  21. Thanks for answering. First, little background. I had just started in an English 8. level amateur team that's doomed into relegation. Players were not good enough, only one could stay. A lot of try-outs, board wanted under 23 years olds, so many young players. Lucky me, I could even get one player, that had played in Premier League, to sign. Also that game I wrote about, was a cup game against one level lower team. That could explain that high xG. Can young age explain weaker performance than player's actual level is in FM? As I wrote, this team is only recently put together. This affects tactical playing as a team, but can it affect also scoring - like in one-on-ones? Would you think those 'Finishing traits' as any kind of a proof of experience and skill? What about Scout's opinion "Ability to strike a ball sweetly makes him a good finisher."? Believable? This is a good point. I have done this mistake.
  22. Thanks, gunner86, for answering. With that 'GK Rating' I had two possible answers in my own mind. Either this 'outfield player as GK', or some kind of 'how unpredictable player is in front of a GK when trying to score'. So, a bit like flair. That would help finding scorers. There's no info text there. In that game, still remembering, team even had a few one-on-ones, and all they did was shooting over the bar. Just made me wonder.
  23. What is this 'Goalkeeper rating', which is included in attributes? I haven't found any explanation... I haven't found good scorers. Once my team had xG about 4, 33 shots, 10 on target, 1 goal. Help me with attributes or whatever to find capable scorers. I do know the basics about attributes, but is there some 'needed' combinations which makes a player a scorer? Should I try to find some traits? Scout's opinion "Ability to strike a ball sweetly makes him a good finisher." Is that enough? There are View Columns named 'Goals per 90mins' and 'Shots on Target Ratio'. Are there such Columns, that could help finding useful (player's scoring) data from previous seasons?
  24. Background. I use mods - English lower leagues and some 'more realism' mods. [Discussion] I am a manager in an English 8. level, or 2. regional level team. All amateurs. A lot of new players and staff. I was able to get a good GK - good 7. level GK to my 8. level team, and I didn't hesitate to make a promise to strengthen teams midfield - it wasn't ready then anyway... By the way, there can be a lot of players, that say 'OK, I could play in your team.', but then they just sign (confirm) another teams contract. I don't remember in which order all those new players' negotiations were, and when those players confirmed, but... something is NOT RIGHT. Most likely order was this: - negotiations with midfielders - negotiations with this GK - midfielders confirm - that GK confirms -->> Is this when that promise 'starting point' is set??? ... time passes - GK wants to leave because I haven't got any better midfielders... So, first, I must have midfielders to sign after this GK had his negotiations - why aren't them taken into account in this promise? Or, my mistake...? Second, my 8. level teams best midfielders (LMF, CMF, RMF) are good. Their highest recent playing levels are: League Two, Premier League, Championship League. What the f..k is that GK expecting? Even better? What would be enough? And even more, I have a League One midfielder, who has already agreed, but not signed! Any reason to tune those rules with promises? [Suggestion] When that GK came to me with this thing, the only positive thing I could have said to him is 'Sorry.'. There should be more. At least in this case my GK wants to leave... 1) If the transfer window is still open, there should be an option 'We are still actively looking.'. 2) If there are contracts still waiting to be signed, there should be an option 'Contract? We already have. But not signed yet.'.
  25. I like to start my career from lower leagues. In my current game my team (in English 8. level) was just promoted, and I had only a few players in team. They seemed to get a lot of CA stars. Even if scout said 'decent 9. level player'. When I started to sign better players, some player's CA stars dropped from 4 to one. So, not that helpful aid for a (my style) manager, or at least in some cases. For me it's just too 'relative' to my own teams players. Might work well when there's a lot of players in team, and changing one player at one time, thou. It would help me, if there was an option, where a player is compared to all players in that league. Finding a player with 3 stars would mean an average player in this league. Why this? To find usable players I need to know how good they are compared to the players in other teams. Only when I have many ones to choose from, I need this current option (if even then). This option could be chosen in game's options, or in game, in 'Scouting' pages. Stars could be given: half - belongs to lower leagues, 1-1,5 - backup, 2-2,5 - decent, 3 - average, 3,5-4 - good, 4,5 - star, 5 - belongs to upper leagues So, a bit like now. PS. Think about it, like situation when I started my current game. I could have 'asked' my scout: "Is this try-out player a good one?" Scout: "Four stars." Me: "So I should sign him?" Scout: "Only for backup!" Confusing!
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