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Everything posted by danej

  1. Which recommendations do you have regarding enjoyable saves using restrictions similar to the head coach/DoF challenge? I ask because I find the game a bit too easy, thus too boring, am contemplating even harder restrictions than what I already use. I am a big realism fan, restrictions should be realistic. I prefer to only do equally well, or slightly better, than the club would do IRL. I prefer there to be a real risk of getting the sack. I prefer it to be somewhat uncertain whether the club will ever be at a level massively higher than what it accomplishes IRL. If I were to play with restrictions similar to the head coach/DoF challenge, I would in any case take it even further and keep using some of the restrictions that I already enjoy using: - Only using in-game template tactics (in part because I find tactics boring; in part because I don't want to abuse the game with OP tactics). - Barely touching traning. Mainly just a few tweaks during pre-season (boot camp/physical schedule for a couple of weeks, occasionally adding a couple of extra friendlies). - Never ask the board for upgrades (better facilities, more staff etc.). By the way, some of the head coach/DoF challenge style restrictions I have used pretty much since I started playing towards the end of FM21 - only signing players recommended by the Chief scout, delegated hiring/firing of staff + the stuff mentioned above. Even with such hard restrictions, over time it feels inevitable that the squad and not least the finances will get stronger and stronger. And that sooner or later you have developed the club to something well above anything it has ever achieved IRL. I am ambiguous towards such succes. Perhaps I prefer a more realistic struggle.
  2. I am also considering playing in a similar manner in the future. Perhaps something similar to the head coach challenge is what it takes for the game not to feel, yes, challenging. Basically I think I prefer doing equally well or only slightly better than what the club would achieve IRL. I prefer there to be a real risk og getting the sack. I prefer it to be uncertain whether the club will ever be massively better than it is real life. Even though I have always played with harsh restrictions (like only signing players recommended by the Chief scout, barely touching traning, not being in charge of hiring/firing staff, only using template tactics etc.), the game is generally still too easy. Over time it feels inevitable that the squad and not least the finances will get stronger and stronger and sooner or later you have lifted the club to a level far above anything it has ever achieved IRL.
  3. A couple of questions regarding pre-season. I have been researching this, most of all on this site. Opionions are few and far between and seem to be all over the place. Would be great with some input from the knowledgeable players here. 1. How should you make substitions during friendlies? For a long time I have subbed the whole team at half time because I saw it recommended somewhere. In order to give every first team player frequent match time and build his match fitness. However, now I am becoming sceptical towards that approach. I feel like the match fitness of a player rises much faster if he players most of the match instead of only 45 minutes. So I am considering subbing more like I do in important matches - let players play untill they are tired. Instead rotating more between matches, benching players who are tired from the previous friendly. 2. What should be the frequency of friendlies? My impression so far is that you could/should play your first friendly towards the end of week 2 or 3 (heavy boot camp style physical training up untill then, more normal training afterwards). And that you should play two friendlies per week, no more, no less (not enough good reasons to play less friendlies per week, and 3+ matches per week creates other problems). And that the last friendly should be 1-1.5 weeks before the first important match.
  4. So, are there any rational reasons to ask the board for a warm weather training camp? Which in-game benefits does such a training camp have? How is it better than not having one? Or do people ask purely out of irrational reasons? Such as a being fun, just because you can, fear of missing out or whatever. For some reason I can't find a single thread discussing this. There are plenty of threads discussing warm weather traning camps, but other aspects such as how to ask the board etc.
  5. From what I have learned since creating this post, the position/role/duty familiarity is quite unimportant. It compares a player to himself, to his best position/role/duty on the pitch. Also p/r/d's that you don't use in your tactics. So basically it doesn't matter if the players relatively speaking is much better in some p/r/d that you don't use or where you prefer another player. It doesn't affect what matter, his ability in the p/r/d that you give him. In other words, it barely matters if the players is better in some other theoretical p/r/d.
  6. Would you rest this player (see picture)? More information: - It is one of my best players, 1-1.5 stars better than alternatives for the position - He currently has "excellent/match fit" overall fitness , "high" overall risk of injury, "heavy" match load and "fresh" fatigue - The upcoming match is a usual league. Not a less important match, not an unusually match either, middle of the road I usually start anyone with peak overall fitness regardless. On the other side, I usually rest anyone with excellent/tired or worse overall fitness regardless. I also usually rest anyone with excellent overall fitness, heavy match load and "low" or higher fatigue. To me, these choices are no brainers. But I am uncertain what I want to do in this situation where the player's fitness isn't great, but isn't terrible either. Both to start the player or to bench him of course has its positives and negatives. Starting him means a stronger team and a better chance of getting a result. Benching him could be better for the team long term, preventing jadedness and/or injuries (mostly the former I think). At the moment, I perhaps slightly lean towards starting such a player. But I am far from sure on this matter. In any case, any input is highly welcome.
  7. See picture. The part with the green thumbs up stays on the screen no matter where I go now.
  8. See picture. The message contradicts itself and makes no sense, seems like an error.
  9. Roughly anyone on rather cheap wages and transfer who is at least 3 star CA
  10. I don't know if this is a bug, or intended, or a random anomaly in my current save, but: I have now played 5 months in my save with Danish side Aalborg BK. I delegate most stuff to staff, including everything scouting related. The chief scout does scout assignments and decides whom to scout etc. I still haven't gotten single good recommendation. I haven't bought a single player so far. And I don't have a single suitable target lined up. I played a lot with Aalborg BK also on FM22. And back then, I reguarly got good recommendation, so I regurlarly bought good and rather cheap players. Summarized: It seems like when you delegate scouting to staff, you get rather crappy recommendations in FM23 compared to earlier versions of FM. Again, this is not necessarily a bug. And personally I don't even necessarily find it a bad thing. It makes the game harder and more challenging that good signings seem incredibly difficult to come by, at least when you delegate pretty much everything scouting related to the staff. But it surely feels a lot different from earlier versions of FM. Like the scouting related difficulty level has been turned up quite a few knotches.
  11. Tbh I have no clue which roles etc. I use. I don't like dealing with tactics. I just use the preset 4-2-3-1 Gegenpress like I have always done. But that tactics is different now on FM23 than it was in FM22. The BBM role is switched to now being a roaming playmaker. And as you imply, both "CM" slots (the ones I thought were CM), might be DM slots instead, even though I they look more like CM slots on the visual part of the tactics screen, the pitch.
  12. Yes, this one. In FM22 and FM21 there were lots of more function at the top of this menu.
  13. Ah, interesting. But isn't that different from earlier FM's? In earlier versions I believe that all positions that looked sort of CM-like on the pitch, like on the pictures, were categorized as DM. Hm, interesting in any case. So it seems like some CM positions are actually misleading and are in reality DM positions. Confusing in any case. If they are DM positions, the should be moved closer to the defence and visually placed as DM's I think. The current system seems both different from FM22, and generally misleading and confusing.
  14. I did it now I think. The file is called AaB 2.
  15. Here comes another example, Jeppe Pedersen
  16. No it is in the CM position, BWM (de)
  17. See the picture for an example. It is quite annoying that the clock now disappears when you pause the match. Then you have to memorize how many minutes are played or something. This is relevant for example if you plan to make a substitution at a given time during the match. This worked fine in earlier versions of FM but not anymore.
  18. A lot of sub sections is missing under the Squad section. Among other things a "Stats" menu where you could see various stats, your own team vs. league average. Average age of first team squad among other things. I miss that function. I hope it is left out by mistake and will be there once the main game comes out.
  19. Oliver Ross isn't even on the list here although you see he is in the first team, is on the bench here
  20. In the example, Oliver Ross' current ability star rating in the central midfield role as Ball Winning Midfielder (De) is 1.5 stars on this screen. Whereas on the other screen he isn't even there (I will post a separate picture of the latter in a moment). In similiar examples, players can be on the latter screen, but with a different star rating assessment than on the player screen, sometimes vastly differet.
  21. Something is wrong with this. See the pictures. Quite often the role ability star ratings are completely different on different screens. This is a new problem, it worked fine on FM21 and FM22.
  22. But in that case there still seems to be an error, just another one. You can add non-first team members to training units. Although you can't manually pick those non-first team players for mentoring groups, they still pop up if you ask your assistant to put together mentoring groups. And then you can most often fiddle around with things, switch the desired into the group where one or two of the non-first team players are. From what you say, it is unintentional that this is possible.
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