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Everything posted by danej

  1. I would like ideas to save restrictions in order to make the game harder. All else being equal, I enjoy the game the most when my performances are either on par, or only marginally better, than what the board expects. I prefer that there is a real risk of getting sacked, at least occasionally in each save. Here are my own ideas that may be of use to others. Most of this I always use. I will also put my "staff responsibilities" setting in pics below so you can see what I currently delegate. 1. Delegate all regarding staff. Hiring, firing, extending contracts, everything. In my experience, this isn't a major problem, at least not if you are OK with mediocre performance. The DoF generally appoints decent staff. For example, in my current Sunderland save, I had the best first team staff in the Championship. And even now, at the beginning of season four and my first in the Prem, the staff is slightly better than average for the league. Also, the club owner generally appoints a decent DoF in my experience. 2. Delegate everything regarding scouting. 3. Delegate initialising and negotiating signings. Only finalise them yourself. 4. As an extension of point 3, only consider signing players whom your DoF or HoYD is trying to sign. In reality this means that you cancel most of the deals that they want to make because they are rubbish. But that you occasionally approve a useful signings of theirs. I love this restriction. It means that I generally make rather few signings in my saves, thus allowing my original players or my own regens to show what they can do. 5. Limitations regarding whether you are allowed to ask the board for upgrades to the infrastructure (your own coaching badges, training facilities, youth facilites, level of junior coaching and youth recruitment, number of staff). In any case you can never ask for more staff, since in my experience the club owner does a decent job at upgrading those numbers when needed. I am a bit undecided on the rest. In my current save I have never asked for anything, so nothing happens and the training facilities have slightly deteriorated. I consider softening the rules here so that I for example can ask for coaching badges up to a level of that of other staff members. And that I can ask for various facility upgrades for each level I manage to promoted the club, i.e. once for each promotion or for qualification to a better European Cup or for advancement to a more latter stage of the Champions League, something like that. 6. Delegate all media handling (boring). 7. Delegate all traning. Never touch training. As with point 1, of course this is far from ideal. But it is good enough. You probably won't do any worse than AI managed clubs by doing it this way. 8. Only use preset tactics. When it comes to the details, I am currently a bit undecided. My favourite tactics, the Gegenpress 4-3-3 DM wide feels OP. So perhaps I will experiment further with other non-OP tactics, and/or implementent even harsher save restrictions in other aspects of the game to compensate for an OP tactic. Besides, I don't like tactics and prefer not to spend much time on it. 9. Possibly letting your ass man pick the team for each match, only being able to make changes to a certain extent. I am quite undecided on this one, but something I am considering. 10. Delegate everything match day related except for "Leads friendly matches". Meaning you will never to touchline instructions and team talks. 11. Rarely interact with players. So basically little morale boosting. Only allowed when "buttons are there". Like praising the best training first team player or praisning man of the match, or someone who has trained well according to a training report. 12. Ask for the DoF to negotiate contracts in most cases. I am a bit undecided about certain details here. My experience is that if I use the preset 4-3-3 Gegenpress (and rotate properly), I will usually achieve borderline massive and boring succes in spite of these harsh restrictions. So any input regarding further save restrictions is greatly appreciated. Also, as you can probably tell I like toying around with various save restrictions. It tweaks the saves in certain ways. I find it fun. New ideas are welcome.
  2. I guess I am still not entirely certain about how I would want to play. However, a few things I do know: - I generally love the Gegenpress. I love how it looks on the pitch. The only problem I have is that it can be too successful. But who knows, perhaps I can come up with even harsher save restrictions on other aspects of the game instead of having to resort to abandoning a tactic that I basically like a lot. - I have developed some scepticism towards the Tiki-Taka over the four seasons that I have used it. It is fun and beautiful and some ways. And it is middle of the road performancewise which is a plus. However, it is rather defensive, few chances and goals in both ends. And the consistently low crossing annoys me as well. I get your point regarding choosing a tactic depending on the squad you have. However, I feel it works well the other way around as well - if you pick a tactic and recruit accordingly, you will most likely have a squad that can play that tactic within 1-2 windows if not sooner. By the way, I think you are spot on regarding the point that it is important what I like to see on the pitch (point A). This is the main reason that I have become a bit fed up with the Tiki-Taka. This point is essential I think. This point is also why I probably wouldn't consider other tactics than Gegenpress, Vertical Tiki-Taka, Wing Play and Control Possession. The others are probably too defensive or ugly for my taste.
  3. Related to this thread I just had an idea that I might use - to always use the preset tactic that the existing ass man at the club has as his primary tactic (I always delegate everything staff related to the DoF anyway as part of my save restrictions, so I don't think that the ass man has ever been changed in one of my saves). That could be an interesting way to try out new tactics. And at the same time a way to prevent to much success. At least too much easy, boring succes, at least if it a style of non-league to legend save where you switch clubs if you get an offer from a bigger club.
  4. To narrow it down and on further reflection: At this point in time I think that the only ones of the preset tactics that I will consider using is Vertical Tiki-Taka, Control Possession and Wing Play (besides reverting back to Gegenpress). All 4-3-3 DM wide, because I have playing five at the back and because I don't like how there now usually seems to be two DM's instead of CM's in the preset 4-2-3-1 formations. Any thoughts on Control Possession and Wing Play (both 4-3-3- DM wide)? As mentioned, Vertical Tiki-Taka is well descibed in the thread that Cloud9 mentioned, guess there is not much more to say about that tactic.
  5. Just reread the thread, see that I have read it before. Unfortunately I don't think there was much help there. Only three of the preset tactics are being discussed to a decent degree, Gegenpress, Vertical Tiki-Taka and Fluid Counter-attack. And only the discussion regarding the fluid CA tactics was useful, adding to what I typed in the OP.
  6. What are your experiences or opinions regarding the template tactics? I mean these, as shown in the pic: Control Possession, Gegenpress, Tiki-Taka, Vertical Tiki-Taka, Wing Play, Route One, Fluid Counter-attack, Direct Counter-attack, Catenaccio and Park the Bus. I ask because I don't care much about tactics. Personally, I have never used anything but the template tactics, and I might never will. Subjectively I don't see a reason to. In my experience, I can pick a template tactic to be as succesful or unsuccesful as I wish. I also ask because I probably don't want to spend the time trying out every single tactic extensively. I imagine that one needs to use a tactic for at least three months in order for the squad to gain full tactical familiarity so one can see how well the tactic actually works. Anyway, here are my own input regarding the template tactics: - Gegenpress. I have almost entirely used the 4-3-3 DM wide in FM23. In FM21 and 22 I used the 4-2-3-1. But quickly dumped it on FM23, didn't like that they switched the two central midfielders from CM's to DM's. The 4-3-3 DM wide just feels better. Also easier to recruit players for the CM rather than the DM position I feel. Anyway, all along my rather brief FM career (FM21-23), Gegenpress has been OP, as long as you rotate a lot. I have overperformed board expectations every single season I have used it, in spite of the very harsh save restrictions that I generally use in order to try and avoid too much boring success. Most time the overperformance has been massive. I love how the tactics look on the pitch. Physically intensive and imposing, in your face, attacking intent, plenty of chances and goals in both ends, especially in the opposition end. The only problem I have with Gegenpress is that it is OP. Too effective. Can become boring, success being a foregone conclusion. - Tiki-Taka. I have only used this tactics (4-3-3 DM wide) in one save which is my current one. Have played four seasons with Sunderland. Performancewise it feels good. Not OP, not the opposite. I finished 14th, 15th, 4th and 5th in the Championship respectively, luckily and undeservedly getting promoted through the playoffs in season four. In some ways the tactic look beautiful with all the quick short passing. However, with time it also feels a little boring. Usually impotent. In total for the 46 x 4 league games, I have scored 210 goals and conceded 159. This averages 2.0 goals per game, 1.1 scored and 0.9 conceded. I don't like the lack of entertainment. Also, with time I don't like the consistently low crossing as per the instructions. It feels a bit monotonous. - Route One. It has all along been my B tactics (4-3-3 DM wide). One that I only use if I am up by four goals, or three goals with less than 20 minutes to go. I use it to preserve fitness. Of all the template tactics it is one of the least physically demanding ones. It feels quite underpowered. I don't keep track but I feel like I concede at least three times as many goals than I score when using this tactics. Tactical familiary with it isn' great since it isn't my primary tactic so that could be part of the explanation that it seems underpowered. Anyway, it obviously also isn't the prettiest to look at. Plain football, lots of lumping the ball forward. The rest of the tactics I have never used. I don't think I have much qualified input regarding them. From my experience and what I have read, I would think the Gegenpress is the most effective/OP one of the template tactics. Vertical Tiki-Taka might be the second best. Interestingly, I guess this one is also the one that looks most like a Gegenpress which perhaps explains the effectiveness. But now I am speculating, I have never used this tactics myself. I consider trying the Vertical Tiki-Taka one day. However, I am sceptical towards the "Narrow" instruction when in possesion. That might feel a bit boring and monotonous. Anyway, any input highly appreciated. Edit: I might try the Control Possession one day. Could be an interesting option.
  7. I have never used anything BUT default tactics. The Gegenpressing 4-3-3 DM wide is OP if you rotate a lot. So you really don't need anything else unless you love tactics in my experience. I have also used the Tiki-Taka 4-3-3 DM wide (not the vertical one, the other one). It is middle of the road, not OP, not the opposite.
  8. Minor bug still in the game, the U18 leagues are switched, north teams play in southern league etc. See screenshot. Is like that every season except for season 1 in my experience.
  9. In this case, the loan player is actually high in the hierarchy. It is Dennis Cirkin, I am managing Sunderland, summer 2025. Just had to sell him to Sunderland because of a clause, I took their offer of a loan back for the season. In other words, he has been a regular at the club for the last three seasons and has been my vice captain all along.
  10. All else being equal, I want to pick a loan player as vice captain. Apart from him being a loan player it is a no brainer IMO. Are the any reasons not to pick loan players as captain/vice captain? Does that work poorly in the game engine? The game seems to suggest so, since the loan players are bottom of the pick list when you are told to choose captain/VC just before the first league game of the season.
  11. The squad this season sorted by appearances
  12. I try my first career update here. My most exciting save ever. I am almost done with season 3. A brief background: I play with severe save restrictions. I won't elaborate on it for now, feel free to ask. Essentially, my save restrictions are similar to, but much tougher and more elaborate, than what lollujo uses in his non-league to legend series. I do my save restrictions in part for wanting realism, and mostly for not wanting easy, predictable success which gets boring. Among other things my save restrictions include delegating most stuff to staff. Including scouting, I also can only sign players whom my DoF try to sign (I finalise signings myself, turn most of his crap signings down). I don't touch training. I never hire/fire staff myself. I never ask to upgrades to the infrastructure unless the board suggests it. I rarely interact with players, only when there is a button in the mails to do so (for instance praise the player who has trained the best during the week, praise someone who was man of the match in the last game). I also only use templated tactics. In spite of these severe restrictions, I have had easy, predictable succes in every single save. So I needed to take it up a notch. I realised that me using the template Gegenpressing 4-3-3 DM wide was a big part of my boring success. That tactic still seems very OP as long as you rotate a lot. So for this save I instead use the template Tiki-Taka 4-3-3 DM wide (not the vertical Tiki-Taka, the vanilla/extremw one). And boy this has been fun. In part because it looks beautiful. At times (often sporadically) it looks like Barcelona 2010, It looks like the Spanish national side. Also, results are quite realistic. There are few goals per game, a bit less than two. I don't score much and I don't concede much. The tactic is usually a bit toothless up front. So, the story so far. The first season I almost got the sack (board expecting a mid table finish in the Championship). I was hovering around 18th-20th for a lot of the season. Eventually finished 15th which saved my job. Second season was very similar, I finished 14th or 15th. But wasn't in danger of getting sacked, was never close to the relegation zone. The current season three (24/25) has been a positive surprise. I was leading the table from gameweek 9-17. Was still 2nd as late as week 35. Eventually dropped off. Was 6th before the final match. Looked unlikely to make the playoffs. However, I won my last match luckily 1-0 vs. 2nd Hull who was lucky to get automatically promoted anyway. Everyone around me dropped points and I finished 4th. Am now in the playoff semis vs. Southampton. Got an undeserved 0-0 at their place. Return leg now. As implied above, I haven't bought many players. After typing this up, I will throw in some screenshots of the transfer history below. With Sunderland, as in real life, I am lucky to have a young, talented squad, an many of the original players have developed well and could do a job in the Premier League. Players like Abdoullah Ba, Dan Neil, Dennis Cirkin, Dan Ballard, Anthony Patterson and Aji Alese. Other original players like Trai Hume and Niall Huggins are also decent backups and would probably be so for me in the botton half of the Premier League as well. If I ever get promoted that is. A great thing with this tactics + the mentioned restrictions is that it feels like the weels can fall off any time. Success never seems guaranteed. If I fail to win promotion, next season could be another mid table finish. A special mention goes to original youngster Jewison Bennette. I sold him a some point, think it was January 2024, to Brentford for around £10m. He looks great on papier, has 5 star PA. But he didn't develop at all, so I though it was better to cash in on him and was lucky to have Brentford and Southampton enter a bidding war for the player. The price was way above his market value which stood at around £5-7m.
  13. This is hilarious. Have never seen a youth intake (preview) half as bad as this one. My infrastructure isn't even that bad, middle of the road.
  14. The case: I manage Sunderland. Am in season 3, December 2024. One of my best players, Leighton Clarkson is pissed and wants to leave. I am usually very careful with keeping promises, however I missed one here. I let my DoF negotiated his contract when he was signed on a free, and I was unaware that my DoF had made a promise that Clarkson would be utilised in a position and role that I don't use in my tactics. As expected, Clarkson is now mad that I have used in in another role and wants to leave. He has a semi-low release clause for domestic clubs in a higher league (= Premier League clubs, I am still in the Championship) of £15.5m, his market value being £15.5-20m. My dilemma: Should I accept his wish to leave or not? In other words, when I have the private chat with him regarding the broken promised, should I eventually promise him that I won't stand in his way (which makes him hand in a transfer request immediately after that chat is over)? I made a couple of brief test runs, reloading. On one hand: If I make that promise, it seems like interest in him is greater. Bournemouth immediately turns up interested. Which is concerning, they or some other club during the January window might meet his release clause. On the other hand, if I don't make such a promised and tell him that he is going nowhere, on the positive side no clubs seem interested, at least to begin with. But on the other side, Clarkson is much more displeased, publicly telling team mates etc. how unfair I treated him. So what to do. If I make the promised that he is bascially free to hand in a transfer request and that I won't stand in his way, the risk of losing him seems greater. But on the other hand, if I deny him, he might ruin team dynamics more, and/or stay mad for a longer period of time? I am not very experienced at FM which is why I ask. I guess that if you have managed 30+ seasons, you will have learned from experience how the different scenarios play out.
  15. Example: Leon Dajaku of Sunderland. At the start of the game he has settled status. Is on 2k p/w. Apart from getting a work permit, it is easy to get him to accept a contract extension for a low wage, in the region of 2.5-5k p/w at any point during season 1. However, the WP application for him seems to get rejected every time. Somewhere in game I read that the WP application would probably get approved if I offered him a higher wage. However, I have seen no indication as to how high a wage is required. Anyone who has a good guess regarding the required minimum wage to get a WP application for Dajaku approved? Hm, on second though I guess I could just save the game before negotiating with him and reload infinite times. Do trial and error, figure out the required wage that way. In any case, input appreciated. Not least input regarding whether the wage threshold is basically the same for alle English clubs, or whether it makes a difference which club you manage, what league you are in and whatever else. Edit: Just tried to reload etc. The WP application gets rejected even though I offer him 22.5k p/w, the maximum I am allowed to offer. So I guess wage isn't as important as I though and that I think I saw indicated somewhere in-game. I guess a player like Dajaku is just to bad to have a chance of a WP, and that there is nothing I can do about it. Please let me know if I am missing something here.
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