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Everything posted by glennuk

  1. Wow @BustaRaymes - I have never seen a stat decrease that bad!! Usually I have some drops (I believe because of my poor training facilities compared with my junior coaching maybe???) but that is usually accompanied by some improvements in other areas. EG: A drop in technicals, but increase in mentals. No idea, but we have quite a few that are WAYYYY heavier into the stats and analysis than me (I am jealous of them), so I am sure someone may have an explanation.
  2. Rein Meer AKA ReinBerg -Season 3 - Japan J3 League - Mid Year Review & Youth Intake Preview League So the predicted drop off has started. Losing our best and most creative midfielder was a tough pill to swallow and it has certainly hurt us pretty bad. It has not been a complete disaster by any means, but we have certainly not looked as strong as we had in the first two seasons when we were usually in and around the playoff places. Hibiki Wada has become my most prolific striker (and currently the most prolific in the league), which is a slight surprise as he had usually been 3rd choice in previous seasons. Upgrade & New Contract & Coaching Course I saw somewhere that someone suggested asking for improvements immediately after signing a new deal. I signed my new deal, asked for an upgrade and it worked!! Thanks fellow forum members (sorry I can not for the life of me recall who suggested it) Youth Intake Preview After a couple of disappointing intakes, some of my legacy players leaving, retiring etc. I was really hoping for some A's or B's in the intake. None present, but an Excellent Intake?? Hopefully that rings true despite the poor letter grades. I could REALLY do with a couple of CMs. So let's hope the intake delivers.
  3. Rein Meer AKA ReinBerg - Season 2 - Japan J3 League - End of Season Review League So we were flying all season, again banging in goals left right and center, scoring a few less than last year, but still averaging over 2 goals a game (2nd highest scorers in the league). However we had a poor end to the season and had to win on the final day to get into the playoffs......and DID WE EVER!!!! Playing 2nd place FC Ryuku we decided to show the league what we are all about, our unofficial club song should be "We're gunna score one more than YOU..REINBERG". Also look at the efficiency, 7 goals scored from 6 shots on target. Playoff Semis So back in the playoffs again, this time against 3rd place Tottori. It was a good back and forward game and perhaps I didn't realize that if scores were level after 90 minutes the home team automatically wins (what a CRAZY rule). We fought hard. Had more shots, more xG, but couldn't get that final goal. So another year....another playoff loss. The Squad Still mostly full of legacy players, especially due to our poor intakes. Kido, Wada and Hashimura are all really good strikers, so this season I have been playing whoever is on form gets to start. It has worked quite well, but had a few periods when all 3 of them couldn't hit a barn door. Suminaga our best CM doesn't want to stay at the club anymore, which will mean a big void in the midfield. Our Playmaker and most consistent midfielder! I rejected a bid and of course he decided he was going to leave on a free instead. I would consider him one of our most important players, so I am quite worried what season 3 will bring. Our 3rd choice CB is also retiring and we have quite a few players 30+ on the books. These youth intakes need to improve and fast.
  4. @Gundo - Nice to see you in here. Been a while since I was a regular back in the early days of the Dafuge and Gundo FM challenges! Hope it goes well in Norway
  5. Rein Meer AKA ReinBerg - Season 2 - Japan J3 League - Youth Intake - Does it get better than this??? Another youth intake....another disappointment. Really hoping it swiftly improves. I have asked for a Youth Recruitment upgrade about 15 times with a 'No' every time. Note: I signed all tagged players (mostly for squad depth/to fill out my U18s) So with all of these poor players, poor personalities, poor potential, did I manage to find a top 3 this year?? Possibly! Top 3 - Youth Intake 2 Tetsuya Saito (YP02A) - He is by far the best player here and one that I feel could crack the first team, or even the starting lineup one day. He is relatively tall, fits into my inverted winger preference being right footed and has some decent mental attributes. I will try to get him into a few cup games, or a few league games as a sub and see what happens. Some hope for this one. Hideki Nakamura (YP02B) - He may have been my top choice if not for his unambitious personality. He is a decent way away from starting, but actually has potential in an area that we are weak. Again I will try to get him some playing time this year. He isn't too bad in any one area, with strength being the glaring weakness. So do I now have two youth I have some hope for.... Daiki Ito (YP02C) - I guess this is the 'C' grade defensive midfielder that appeared in the preview. I however am less impressed with him. His passing is weak, his mentals need some heavy improvement and he doesn't really shine in any key areas, with possibly the exception of being a hard worker. Hopefully he will prove me wrong, but I don't see him cracking the first team unfortunately. Other News - Junior Coaching Upgrade So although my Youth Recruitment requests are always shut down, I did manage to get another Junior Coaching Upgrade just before the intake came through. 25 Seconds into his debut sub appearance Tetsuya Saito (YP02A) scores his first goal for the club!!! and against my personal rival club Haneda no lesss!!!!!!
  6. Well here is to hoping in a couple years they sell him for 10-15 mil and you are set for life
  7. Rein Meer aka ReinBerg - Season 2 - Japan J3 League - Mid Season Review & Youth Intake Preview League We are doing pretty well in the league again, still one of the best (2nd best) going forward, but struggling to not concede. 41 goals in 19 games is something to be proud of though. We are actually on a pretty poor run mid-season and have been falling down the table during the last month or so. I think we still have what it takes to move back into playoff contention, but only time will tell. Our Pre-Season prediction of 20th is definitely going to be smashed, so take that MEDIA!!!!! Note: See my nemesis Haneda (the board that sacked me in my first attempt) mocking me with their current 2nd place position. I will have my revenge, in this life or the next!! Youth Intake Preview So...it's a little better. Compared to the last preview this looks good, but ultimately it is still a poor sight to behold. Only 1 position higher than an E. We could well do with another midfielder, but more of an attacking one than a defensive minded one, but I guess beggars can't be choosers.
  8. Question for experts in the Japanese Leagues. In J3 League, how in the world are the Home Team and Away Team decided in the playoffs? Is the real rule that if scores are tied after 90 minutes the Home Team wins the playoff match? I may have come 3rd, ended up as the AWAY team against the lower placed team and finished with a draw in the match (which meant I lost as I was the away team) Anyone know if this is right? Or a bug?
  9. Rein Meer aka ReinBerg - Season 1 - Japan J3 League - Youth Intake The youth intake happens in November which is the end of the season in Japan. So not only did I forget to include it in my end of season review, but I WANTED to forget it, as it was sooo bad again. I am not having luck in Japan (this is my 2nd save) with Youth. Youth Intake (0.5 Stars - Poor Intake) Top 3 - Youth Intake 1 I usually do top 3, but I don't even know if it is worth it. Riku Takeda (YP01A) He was the only youth candidate with a 3* (one white) PA from my coaches report. Bad personality, but at least he is brave and has good tackling....silver linings?!?! Yoichi Fujita (YP01B) Actually looking at fit for the team. Yoichi may be an okay fit. As an Inverted Winger he does less crossing, so the 2 for crossing isn't as terrible. He works hard and is decently quick for this level...again, trying to find something nice to say, but it isn't easy. Daisuke Kumagai (YP01C) So I almost didn't include the youth in this review as I don't think any will make an impact on the first team. I was always told as a kid "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" so.........
  10. Rein Meer aka ReinBerg - Season 1 - Japan J3 League - End of Season Review League - 3rd What a first season. We were dynamite going forward and, at times, calamitous at the back. I know I am biased but definitely the most entertaining team to watch. I mean almost 2.5 goals per game is pretty impressive by anyone's standards. So by finishing 3rd we got to play in the playoffs Playoff Semi Final - Won We were very comfortable throughout the game. A lot of Sagamiharas xG was from the second half, where we took our foot off the gas and put in some time wasting tactics. Could we get promoted season 1? Only one more game to go! Playoff Final - Lost We actually did not play bad and in fact second half we were dominant and had plenty of chances to get the second goal. I was disappointed to not be going up, but we certainly would have struggled in the J2 League. I am hopeful that with another year of improvements, youth intake and a bit more experience we can mount another challenge for promotion. The Squad We have a very good attacking team. Our defence is pretty poor throughout Koki Kido and Ryu Hashimura are definitely very good for this level and are my two key men. Kakeru Suminaga is our only good CM and has the playmaking role in the squad. All of our defenders struggle. I need some good youth in this area ASAP! The Finances My board keep saying no to improving youth recruitment, this could be a problem if it doesn't change soonish. However that does mean my finances are great, as we are well below wage budget and don't spend much on...well...anything. Improvements We got an improvement to our training facilities at the end of the season, annoyingly after I paid 250k in taxes Then I also got a new contract. Then finally after asking at every opportunity and being at the club for a year, I am getting my first coaching badge!!!!
  11. Season 1 - Rein Meer AKA ReinBerg - Japan - J3 League - Youth Intake Preview Just a small update here. I am still LOVING Japan, even with a new club and the issues I had at Haneda (FC Honda). I quickly settled into life at ReinBerg playing an attractive 4-4-2 system with LOADS of goals being scored both For and Against. Improvements We actually got TWO junior coaching upgrades (no youth network improvements though ) New Contract I signed a new deal And we got Youth Facilities upgraded, which must have been in the works before I arrived, as I never requested or saw any news about it until this popped up. Youth Intake Preview As for the Youth Intake Preview....it was absolutely DIRE!!! E's for days!
  12. @Pablo Counago - I see you browsing and just wanted to say, best user name ever. ITFC LEGEND!!!!
  13. OH MY!!!!!!! Asier Marco could be tremendous, especially with that starting personality!!!!
  14. Season 1 - Rein Meer AKA ReinBerg - Japan - J3 League - The Start History by Wikipedia Founded in 1995, ReinMeer Aomori was managed by Aomori City Football Association, which picked players from existing clubs. The name was originated by the mix of two German word, "rein" (clean) and "Meer" (sea). The name was picked to symbolize the nature of Aomori. The logo is the main protagonist of the Aomori Nebuta Matsuri festival. In 2016, the club played for the first time in the Japan Football League and hopes to reach the J1 League by 2030 -Let's see if I can meet this goal!! After my first attempt with FC Honda, I am back in Japan and happier than ever to be at ReinBerg (I will use the in-game name for ease and to match screenshots). I love the club badge and the fact we have a 20,809 seater stadium. When I first joined the club I was VERY excited and confused as to why we had two players who were rated as J1 League Players!!!! Of course their contracts were expiring and they would not renew. So I managed to sell them both for nothing (1k in total) but with 50% next sale clauses in both their contracts. Goodbye Marcos & Giovanni Clunie
  15. Thanks @darren1983, sorry I accidentally tagged @Darren1982 lol
  16. Yeh I was at the end of season 3 and just had my best youth intake yet. Got to excellent training facilities and things in the save were looking up..... When I went back and holidayed through an older save with the promise already in place I had 13 games left in the season and used only youth players.....still the same response from the board 🤔
  17. I started a new save and joined as manager on 15th January. I cancelled one of the existing transfers (the player was still debating the contract offer). However there was already a free transfer agreement for a player to join on 1st February when his contract expired. I had no option to cancel that one. Not playing him for now, but he would be my 2nd choice winger if I can. @Darren1982or @XaWany clarity on this? I keep searching but maybe I'm using the wrong search terms
  18. Started again already, but can anyone remind me what to do with a pre-arranged transfer (was a free transfer with the player joining at the end of his contract) that I can not cancel? Do I try to sell the player ASAP? Leave in reserves? Try to loan out? Or I think I read somewhere I can play them, but cant find it now....
  19. Was behind on my updates and then...... Soo frustrated. I decided to ask the board for a youth upgrade. They said only if you say you will play youth. I played youth every game.....got fired for NEVER playing youth??????? Feel like it must be a bug, as I even went back to an earlier save. Set my lineup to only youth players. Simmed until end of the season and still the same message. SO PSA: I guess never promise to give youth a chance. Will probably restart in Japan. But just sooooo annoyed. Things had just started going well with Honda.....
  20. No @bezzy i had actual players. In advanced setup of the database did you add the option to include players from lower leagues in Japan (EG: Japan National League etc.) or just Japan League 1, 2, 3?
  21. @libbyshuss - I think it was the official minor update from SI that changed the name to Haneda, as I was Honda FC in game and it changed to Haneda after the update! @XaW - Congratulations. First in FM24 and first ever in Japan. Hoping to follow in your big footsteps soon enough. Although my youth intakes have been absolutely terrible.
  22. FC Honda - No Update - Just a post for accountability It looks like I have one transfer, but it is just a youth player I offered a contract to and he took a while to accept (I did offer it 2 days before his trial ended to be fair to him). He also will not make much difference. Luckily I had a rolling save 2 weeks before, so you can see him still in my youth intake on trial with the club. You can also see him here in the youth intake screen (although not yet labeled as YP01N)
  23. Honda FC - Season 1 - End of Season Review Still really enjoying the Japan save, although I am a bit afraid that my Youth intake was so bad. Even the 0.5 star CA youth have fallen to at best 3 silver star CA. (I know that is all subjective, but still....) League - 10th Mid-Table is actually a decent achievement considering that we have a relatively weak squad. We were never really in trouble throughout the season which has been encouraging to see. There were even a few moments where it looked like we may challenge for a playoff spot. Cups League Cup - Second Round All Japan Cup - Second Round We purposefully played a weaker team in the cups. Mostly just to get some fresher legs for the league. Honestly my squad is THIN The Squad We settled on a 4-3-2-1 formation, which is my preferred style. We have a glut of attacking options, with three good right wingers and I rotated them based on form, which is why my starting front three don't have the most starts. Kenshin Yuba came in after our best player was injured for the season and he took the right wing spot and made it his own, scoring and assisting 16 goals in total! Another surprise was Go Nakashima who was on the transfer list when I arrived at the club and didn't get a start for the first 10 games or so of the season, and then became my starting inverted winger on the left. Last but not least our ONE good CM, Ryusei Kusakari who is our only CM with above 2* CA (3.5* CA). Other than that our team is pretty poor. I really need next years Youth Intake to be better. Finance We just got our 3 Mil per year sponsorship before this screenshot, so by the end of the season I was just in the red by a few hundred thousand. The sponsorship should keep me afloat for a while though. Upgrades & Facilities As well as the previous Youth Recruitment improvement, right at the end of the season we also improve our Junior Coaching. So we now have: Fairly Basic Junior Coaching Basic Youth Recruitment.
  24. @XaW - How'd you get that, when my Japanese intake was max 3 * PA and 0.5* CA. Life is not fair....FM is not fair....but I love it!! I am sooooo jealous right now! Hope you get them all on 3 year contracts with +3 optional
  25. FC Honda Worst Youth Intake Ever??? Seriously, again not meant to be a full post, but is this the worst intake ever? All good or decent talents only! My best player signs at 2 silver stars CA and 3 stars (with one white) PA! Silver Lining?? I'd like to think I took my best three players to the chairman, let him watch them train and then said....."REALLLY????" So he improved our youth recruitment.
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