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Michael Sant

SI Staff
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Everything posted by Michael Sant

  1. It's never a case of ignoring bugs, but rather the complexity of the issue and other issues that are also outstanding to resolve. It's an issue I've intermittently experienced myself, so it isn't a case of dismissing it either. We will review the files provided as it does help to have more examples just in case it can be down to different causes.
  2. This is a known issue we have under review. Thanks for taking the time to share this one with us.
  3. For help with customer databases its something that you would need to ask about here: https://community.sigames.com/forums/forum/26-editors-hideaway/ This section is for reporting inaccuracies in the current in-game data.
  4. Thanks for sharing this one with us, the QA team will investigate further.
  5. The first is something we have under review already, the cup issue is something we will also take a look into.
  6. Do you mean there are over 25 players based in Thailand with 100+ CA or 25 players who are from Thailand with over 100+ CA? The answer either way would be that this is what researchers have assessed for the players. It's just depending on the situation that alters which researchers would have made that decision. Broadly speaking though, we don't look to make comparisons of such a nature within the data. Players are rated by researchers as they feel fit, so if there are specific players you feel are wrong these can be raised individually.
  7. Having done a quick check, the in-game editor doesn't allow you to edit the players place of birth from what I could tell. When being on a player information page it guides you back to attributes for editing and it is not on that page. In terms of different options for managers, that would fall under a feature request to create that specifically. If you would like to see that in the game, so that you have the same options as previously you can request it here: https://community.sigames.com/forums/forum/680-football-manager-feature-requests/ The change was made to better reflect reality, and of course as you've highlighted there are some towns/cities that slip through the gaps. Wales with 137 locations in the database as mentioned before, it doesn't seem unreasonable or even too difficult to present that in-game. It's when moving to nations like Italy which have over 10,000 locations that it presents a problem. I won't pretend I knew how it worked before with Italy as that nuance in the data and game set-up is not an area I looked into at the time. There's a huge contrast in the number of towns/cities in the database from one nation to the next. Bodelwyddan may currently not be in the database at all. So I'll have to check in with who is responsible for that particular part of the database.
  8. The coefficient is based on teams performances in Europe across multiple years. There are three tiers of European competition and so while there are weightings, if the league has had a lull away from Dortmund and Bayern this could be the reason why. If you go to the Globe next to the FM Menu, Europe, Nation Club Coefficients you can see the scores for each nations performance like this: The nation will only continue to fall if the broader contingent of clubs in Europe perform relatively poorly. One team can't necessarily carry a country to the top 4 coefficient spots. If you're seeing something wrong with the coefficients in the table and Germany is lower than it should be based on this then that is something we could investigate.
  9. Thanks for taking the time to share this one with us. This one is with our QA team and they're looking into it further.
  10. Thanks for taking the time to share this one with us. This one is with our QA team and they're looking into it further.
  11. I see you've shared some details of this in other threads. Would you be able to share your save game in which this is happening so that our QA team can take a look into this further? A guide on how to do so is available here: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/instructions-and-notes/how-to-upload-files-to-us-r98/
  12. Thanks for taking the time to share this one with us. This one is with our QA team and they're looking into it further.
  13. Thank you for making us aware of this. Would you be able to share your save game in which this is happening so that our QA team can take a look into this further? A guide on how to do so is available here: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/instructions-and-notes/how-to-upload-files-to-us-r98/
  14. The projections aren't perfect and so there may be a recent expense that has come in that has skewed this a little. Your expenditure looks to have jumped a bit in the same time and I feel like, at a glance, that may have prompted the re-calculation. If you have screenshots of your full expenditure that could possibly help see what has changed.
  15. In any instance where competition rules or data is changed it requires the start of a new save for these to take effect.
  16. It's an issue we still have under review. There are times when it can be intended, but we wouldn't just look to dismiss it out of hand as being intended in all instances. If you can upload your save file too where it is happening it does help, given just how much is involved with clubs determining budgets.
  17. Thanks, we'll have this under review. As loans can be taken out for different reasons by owners (even if the same type of loan, like a mortgage loan) anyone else who comes across this thread, as there has been a couple of reports, please do upload your saves too.
  18. That'd be appreciated, let me know the file names and I can pass these on to our QA team.
  19. Allowing players to be treated by specialists, where appropriate for the injury type, does actually have the potential to prevent/resolve a recurring injury issue. The text will include this as a consideration when offering up treatment solutions. Pain killer treatment solutions will again highlight when it could cause potential further problems. If you feel like the game would benefit from the added suggestion of being able to enhance player recovery/injury management we welcome such suggestions in the Feature Requests section. I can appreciate, and respect the fact you may be unhappy, but refund requests aren't something that can be looked into through these forums. You would need to contact the retailer you purchased from directly, or follow the support guidance provided with the purchase depending upon who the retailer was.
  20. While its going to be unfortunate for someone to suffer injuries that close together, it's a 3 week period. An injury crisis can strike clubs, and invariably each season there is a story when a club has been left with one or no fit goalkeepers. This is why some leagues have emergency goalkeeper loans in real life, as a realisation it can happen. Before the issue was a sustained pattern that could be shown across the season, from season to season. Impacting multiple clubs.
  21. @Patti is the save you uploaded with this before it happens, or after it happens? If you haven't uploaded the save beforehand, that would really help with investigating this.
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