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Michael Sant

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Everything posted by Michael Sant

  1. Hey @zalanje thanks for raising this one. The QA team haven't been able to get this to reproduce so can you tell us a bit more about what is happening? Is it completely inactive and just does nothing, or does it take you somewhere you wouldn't expect on a different screen? Generally any further information would be greatly appreciated.
  2. I've moved this across to the USA Data Issues as our research team would be responsible for who appears in the database and who doesn't.
  3. Can you let me know which ones in particular you're having an issue with so far @mathrix08 and are there any which actually are working for you?
  4. Thanks for providing that information. We'll get this looked into further. In the meantime you may find if you holiday past the draw, you may be fine to continue.
  5. Hey @MaihoSalat in regards to the language aspect, in preferences if you search for language there are two options. If you set them both then it should work as you'd expect. It might be worth raising the other aspect with our research team over here: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/football-manager-2023-early-access-beta-bugs-tracker/database-and-research/ QA will still check this over though just to identify if there are any issues in terms of how the expectations are applied.
  6. Glad that's clarified. Yes its something new that allows you to have a general language preference for the game and then the data separately.
  7. First Touch, Technique, Vision, Composure - there's so much more than goes into it. It's always going to be subjective of course but Huddlestone is a good passer of the ball the question is going to be does he have any of the other attributes to let him actually pull that off at a high level in matches?
  8. Thanks for taking the time to share this one with us. We'll get this looked into further and get our dictionaries to hand.
  9. Hey @NeoSoSlow if you check your preferences and search for language there should be a game language and data language option. Can you check what these are set to please?
  10. If you go to preferences @One FM Player and search "language" it should show two options, game language and data language. Can you check these and share with us what you've got showing? I feel like your data language preference will still be set to Greek.
  11. There is a bit less space on that panel now than previously. This isn't something we would consider a bug - but its something for us to keep in mind moving forward with the UI. Thanks for taking the time to share this with us. Additional functionality on the UI itself, such as your suggestion about the bio being collapsible, ideas are always welcome: https://community.sigames.com/forums/forum/680-football-manager-feature-requests/ A bit more information about how you envisage it working, the benefits you feel it could bring and so on allows us to pass that on.
  12. We'll let QA take a look, but I don't think this is an issue. It just looks like in this instance the two players have two different recurring injuries.
  13. Thanks for taking the time to raise this one to us. I presume this is for the tactical instruction to have two players swapping positions. Our QA team will take a look into the save file you've provided further.
  14. It's typically around deadline day as that has allowed clubs to replace longer term injuries. If there are some you think may be wrong its worth including them ahead of a response from someone like Ed/Dean/Pete who would provide a more concrete answer on the actual date.
  15. Thanks for sharing this one with us. Looks like its clipping through partially on the managers left hand side. Our QA team will take a look into this one further. Our of curiosity, how tall is your manager @LikeAToaster?
  16. Moved this one across to the Bulgaria League Specific issues so that we can get the appropriate set of eyes on this from QA. Thanks for taking the time to share it.
  17. So I've double checked and there is no way around it requiring OS11. That in itself is a limiting factor. We do have an article which details the update process and provides some additional links to check if your system is compatible and how to get the update should it be needed. https://support.sega.com/hc/en-gb/articles/10005376781585
  18. It appears he might be a scout at the club, is his contract as a player/scout or just as a player in your save?
  19. What error message or code are you getting when you try to load it up? OS11 is listed as a minimum requirement however.
  20. The link may change when FM23 is available, but here is the Data section: https://community.sigames.com/forums/forum/850-database-and-research/
  21. We do get suggestions of this nature from time to time. It's not currently a path that is being looked at from a development perspective, but that doesn't mean it never could happen. We'll keep this idea in mind.
  22. @BeeInExile where do you think the value/costing range should be presented? Should it be a news article after a period of review for example (similar to how affiliate requests may work) or with a pop-up before you submit the request - or any other ideas you may have?
  23. Logging this in the bug tracker would be the best place to get this picked up by the relevant QA team. If it still persisting in FM23 please do let us know.
  24. Researchers provide their time on a voluntary basis around other commitments in their day to day life. At this time it isn't a direction that's being looked at, but that may change in the future and we'll keep this idea in mind.
  25. As FrazT mentions, this would be something to report as an issue with the competitions. If you're spotting it as an issue in FM23 then please do report it as a bug at that time.
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