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Michael Sant

SI Staff
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Everything posted by Michael Sant

  1. Thank you for taking the time to share this one with us. In your experience is it only happening with one cup draw or all of them? Just good to have as much info as possible as QA look into this further.
  2. Would you be able to share your save game in which you're encountering this? It would be good for QA to take a look into this and see if they can find out what has happened here. A guide on uploading your save is available here:
  3. Thanks for taking the time to raise this one to us. Based on what you've written, after going back to the page its worked correctly - is that right? May be a difficult one to reproduce if that's the case. If its just been a one-off then keep an eye out for it happening again, or if you know what screens you had been on/what you had interacted with beforehand that may help us investigate this further.
  4. Thanks for sharing that one and providing your resolution. It'll help the QA team when taking a look into this one a bit further.
  5. Thank you for taking the time to raise this one to us. Would you be able to record this in action? This would help provide QA with more to work with on this front. If its too large to attach to a post you can upload it to our cloud storage - the guide is available within this thread:
  6. QA will take a look into this one a bit further, there could be a few factors involved that determine this. Thanks for raising this one to us.
  7. Thank you for making us aware of this one. Would you be able to share your save game with us in which this is happening? This will make it a lot easier for the QA team to investigate. A guide on uploading your save is available here:
  8. Do you have a screenshot of this you can share at all @COMMANDER_ALBA so that we can see things as you're viewing it?
  9. Thanks for taking the time to share this one with us. Do you happen to have a save game where this is showing still so that our QA team can take a little look into this further? A guide on how to upload your save is available here:
  10. Thanks for sharing this one with us. Not sure if its intended behaviour or not for it to remain until actually closed. QA will take a look into this one further.
  11. These thoughts would fall more under feedback rather than bugs. We do welcome feedback and there is a thread through which its monitored. If you wish you can post it in this thread:
  12. Thanks for sharing this one with us, the QA team will look to investigate this further.
  13. Do you have a pkm from this game so that our QA team can take a look into it further? It seems like its triggering over and over so hopefully a pkm can maybe help identify what is that trigger point. A guide on how to do so is available here:
  14. Thanks for sharing this issue with us. Would you be able to share a pkm from a match of yours in which this has happened? It may well be on QA's radar already but its always good to have an example available. A guide on how to upload the pkm is available here:
  15. Thanks for taking the time to raise this one to us. The QA team will look to investigate further.
  16. Thanks for sharing this one with us, the QA team will investigate further. Think this may be a data issue with Forest Green so I'll ask the researchers to take a look.
  17. Thanks for sharing this with us, do you have a pkm from this game so the QA team can take a look into this further. A guide on how to share your pkm's are available here:
  18. This is something it would be good to know a bit more about and look into further. Do you have some pkm's available from these matches you can share with us, along with the times when the strikers are exhibiting this movement? A guide on how to do so is available here:
  19. Thanks for taking the time to share a pkm with us of this. If you are still getting this occurring or have matches where you feel its happened too often can you share these with us @luca91giu - a guide on how to share these is available here:
  20. Thanks for taking the time to share some pkm's with us. If there are more examples of this we'd be very interested in seeing those too as it will help the QA team to investigate it in full.
  21. Thanks for sharing this one with us, the QA team will take a look into this further.
  22. Thank you for sharing this one with us, have you got the crash dump file from this which you can share with us at all? A guide on how to upload this is available here:
  23. Sorry to hear this has happened, realise its going to be a rather frustrating one to say the least. Were you able to continue at all in any way? Navigating out of the match and back in for example? If not, do you recall what happened in the build up to this? Had you just made a sub, a change in formation, opposition instructions or anything like that? How did the last highlight end? Any additional information you've got might help us get a better understanding.
  24. If you've changed the location in preferences but it hasn't mapped these over have you since tried opening the save and then using the save as option and navigating to your new folder on the D drive?
  25. If you check the competition rules it will usually state if there is a maximum number of stoppages across which subs can be made. Can you double check this and let me know if you still think there is an issue @mitsoli_g4
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