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Michael Sant

SI Staff
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Everything posted by Michael Sant

  1. This is a rather subjective one. It's going to an extent depend on tactics, if there are better openings available without needing to shoot from distance then a lot of players would likely take that option. QA will take a look at the thread but there's not a lot to work with here, we might need more information across a more sustained period to really get into this one.
  2. Interesting its carried on this long. Do you have the pkm available from this game to allow our QA team to investigate further? A guide on how to share your pkm is available here:
  3. Thanks for sharing your experience with us. There's a lot involved in why a player may deviate from their instructions - do you happen to have some PKM's from matches where this is happening along with some times in the game so our QA team can investigate? A guide on uploading these is available here:
  4. Thank you for taking the time to share this. The clip makes it a lot easier to understand see it exactly as its happening for you. The QA team will take a look into this further.
  5. Thanks for taking the time to share this one with us. The QA team will take a look into this and investigate it further.
  6. Thanks for sharing this information with us guys. The fee is set in the data so I'll look to get some fresh eyes on this from our QA side to see if we can understand better as to what is happening as it should trigger once the group stage is reached. @jnr_ironside / @Buffalo1 / @Manage79 do one of you have a save game where you've hit the group stage the transfer subsequently has not become mandatory? A guide on sharing your save file is available here:
  7. Thank you for sharing your crash dump file. We'll start taking a look into this and see what we can find out.
  8. Thank you for providing the pkm's and time stamps. These are massively helpful for the QA team. They'll look into these further and see what we can find out.
  9. Hey @norsu this thread has been checked over by our QA team already and what you're describing is a very different issue. Would you kindly create a new thread and include some screenshots, or a recording of what exactly is happening? It's something we would like to understand and look into further.
  10. There have been some considerable changes in the tactics area compared to previous years and we've moved more to reflect where we feel the pivoting roles in teams are. The templates offered are with that in mind and so this is an intentional change on our side.
  11. Thanks for sharing this one with us. Do you have any kind of stats you can share from your save so we can better understand the context of this? That will help our QA team take a look into this further.
  12. Thank you for sharing this one with us. Would you be able to provide some pkm's from matches where your instructions are being ignored and time stamps where its happening. It's worth asking as well, does the player taking throw ins have a long throw stat sufficient enough to make it viable? A guide on how to share these is available here:
  13. Thanks for sharing this one with us. If you do find this happens again would you be able to provide a save game in which this selection issue is happening? Our QA team will take a look but I feel like they may need a save where this is happening to investigate it fully.
  14. Thanks for bringing this one to our attention. There are other considerations at play when its involving third party provided content, but our QA team will take a look at this further. Do you have the crash dump available from these instances you can share with us? A guide on how to share your files is available here:
  15. Thanks for taking the time to share this one. We'll double it but I believe the translations aren't complete yet so there may be some parts still showing in English.
  16. Thanks for sharing the save game with us. It gives the QA some more to work with which helps investigating. The contract reduction for Yuri is probably something worth checking our side too.
  17. Thanks for raising this one to us. Do you have a save game available where this is still the case? This would enable our QA team to investigate further. A guide on sharing your file is available here:
  18. You could raise this in the Data Issues section as well. It's not a bug from our side so it could then in terms fall under something worth potentially discussing with the researchers. The thread is available here:
  19. There are some measures in place which means players are less likely to move at these ages. The QA team will take a look into this further, but there are an awful lot of things which mean its rather unpractical for a 15 year old to move countries (even within the EU) especially when the professional contract is still more than a year away.
  20. It does sound like its a loan with a mandatory signing in the agreement. I'd suggest double checking to see if this was the case if you're able to do so.
  21. The QME (Quick Match Engine) doesn't produce the same stats output as the full match engine. I'll let QA take a little look over this just to see if there is anything further we may need to look into here.
  22. Thanks for making us aware of this issue. We've had a few instances of it raised but its always good to understand just how widespread an issue is. In regards to the other things you've mentioned. They're a bit more subjective but if you would like us to look into them please feel free to create a thread for each issue and provide a save game so that the right part of our QA team can investigate those too.
  23. So its 5 subs from 3 stoppages in total as has been mentioned. It would be interesting to hear more about potentially being able to get around the 3 stoppages however. If that is happening please create a fresh thread and feel free to tag me in it so I can get that looked into.
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