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Everything posted by WhiteCat33

  1. Etincelle Macouba – Martinique Youth Academy Challenge 2030 Season 6 – Martinique Trophee Gerrard Janvion R1 League Performance: XX Place Finish Bang-average, which is unsurprising as we are young and unskilled. Domestic Cup Performance: Coupe de Martinique: Finalist! Final was a blowout, but before that we had another great cup run. Coupe de France (Martinique): Finalist! Started the season well with another Final appearance and again were knocked off by Club Franciscain. This one was frustrating as we gave away a 6' penalty to them and then they sat back all game and we couldn't break through. Squad: CA & RA Excel Player List: CA & RA Team Tables: Player Highlights: Morgan Berger [GK] - Shockingly he hasn't been scooped up by anyone yet. Still on a $6 Appearance fee non-contract for an actually good GK. In some ways I hope he gets taken this summer because I have 2 Professional good ability & potential GKs that need to get gametime. Transfer Activity: Nice and Boring. Best XI: Head Coach: Still making no money, and no new badges. Mr Manager. Club Improvements: Club is losing money so no improvements. We make a significant amount from reaching Cup Finals from Gate Reciepts, and that is what is keeping the losses low. Youth Academy: Head of Youth Development Same man. Youth Intake Preview: Youth Intake: Solid intake even if we got yet another GK. Personalities are okay, we have decent professionalism through the intake. YI Best Candidates: Multiple First Team Ready Candidates. YA Excel Analysis: Academy Tables: Many new top-10 candidates. Slowly and surely building up team quality. International Players: Main: No appearance yet, but my GK who has miraculously not been poached has been called up as the 3rd GK Youth: Spreadsheet Manager: I was away this weekend so haven't done any development. Summary Save is going well. Squad is ready for another clear out of older players (20-22) that are sub-par to bring up 15-year-olds to build the next standard of play. I expect 2-3 more seasons of mid-table finishes combined with focuses on cup runs to keep the finances stable. Expect a significant drop in performance when my GK finally leaves, but we've got the potential + Personality youngsters to fill in. Youth Academy Challenge Bingo & Trophy Cabinet Sacha Bousquet is our first 100+ Appearance Player out of the Academy! We also added another Cup Final to the check-off and easily have the most players in the MTQ R1.
  2. I'm curious, how are the teams selected for Trophée Yvon Luthbert in Martinique? In my save there are some odd teams getting entered into it across all 3 tiers of the MTQ pyramid. From what I can tell there are different teams every year with random repeats. For the Coupe de France (Martinique), is it the Finalists that get entered into the next year's Coupe de France in the sixth round? I'm enjoying Martinique tremendously, fantastic work as always on the database! The fact there are no registration rules allows the AI of the stronger clubs to make some interesting strong global teams already in 2029.
  3. But fiddling in spreadsheets is so fun!! Great take on potential, adding more depth of overanalyzing our semi-pro teams A dimension I'd consider would be Minutes Played/Avg Rating. With how big of an impact quality playing time has on development 18+ it's a facet I'd track. You could then compare effectiveness of loaning players vs rotational minutes at your club. M I wish the game gave avg. Training Rating for the season instead of just current training rating. That would be an amazing datapoint to have in determining player development. This type of longitudinal player-development is on my bucket-list for analysis, as I currently just do squad-level. I'm tracking your developments with interest, so don't play too much FM now
  4. Etincelle Macouba – Martinique Youth Academy Challenge 2029 Season 5 – Martinique Trophee Gerrard Janvion R1 Past Updates: League Performance: 5th Place Finish We had a great season considering the dearth of quality in the squad. Our first XI could beat all but the top 3 teams regularly, and our final position is justly deserved. The gap between the league and Club Franciscain is significant. Domestic Cup Performance: Coupe de Martinique: Third Round Less impressive than last year, got knocked out by Club Colonial 2-0. Coupe de France (Martinique): Semi-Final Defeat This cup is at the start of the season (as it's a preliminary for the Coupe de France) and we carried our 6-0 start into the cup to propel us to a Semi-Final. Again, it was Gold Lions who defeated us in a thriller 3-4. Club Franciscan Yes, that is a domestic Treble for Franciscan. The whole team is much better than everyone else in the league. Additionally, they have that spark of a lethal striker (for this level). He scored 42 goals in 32 competitive games this season for 70 goals in 110 league games his entire career. Squad: CA & RA Excel Player List: Team is still my GK, CD and then everyone else. You'll notice my backup GK (who never played) is the #3 CA. CA & RA Team Tables: The comparison with C.F. is stark. CA Squad: 72 vs 31 ; RA Squad: 54 vs 46. Our Goalkeeper is the only player at their caliber, no one else is remotely close. Player Highlights: Morgan Berger GK - I get one season to enjoy a fantastic goalie before he leaves us. By the time he was ready to come back to the table for a contract I got the dreaded "squad isn't good enough". I'll be stunned if he doesn't get stolen this summer. He was genuinely the 2nd best GK in the league this year at only 17. Julien Mace STC - Even with terrible consistency and marginal (at best) attributes Mace did surprisingly well for us. He shouldn't be this good with the attributes that he has, but somehow he's got that nose for goal. Nicolas Bauduin CD - Was glad to get him tied down to a contract as he will be a fixture in our backline for a while. As our 2nd highest rated player Transfer Activity: Will update when I lose my GK Best XI: Up to 89 App. for an Academy Graduate. Somehow our striker still managed to bag 17 goals, which is way better than I expected. Head Coach: Mr. Manager got another coaching badge. Club Improvements: I did another bump to JR Coaching to reach "Excellent" & "Good" Recruitment. I did this knowing it is long-term not viable for the budget, but I wanted to supercharge our first fully contracted intake. Facilities. Youth Academy: Head of Youth Development Same. Youth Intake Preview: Very happy with all the A's after splurging on the JR Coaching Upgrade Youth Intake: HOYD didn't disappoint providing us an upgrade across the board. Everyone was an Elite talent, with most rated as top players for the team. Personalities were fairly neutral, but few negative ones so I'll take that. YI Best Candidates: Lot's of highlights. No one is a stud like our GK, but provide us with upgrades to the entire midfield & a number of defensive positions. Shame no striker. YA Excel Analysis: Academy Tables: Academy Internationals: We got our first Youth players called up to Martinque! Our Cm Bilal Catteau & rotation CD/DM Mathieu Pastor. We are a ways off a senior CAP. Summary We did fantastic for the first season up with our skeleton crew. This year's intake will become the core of the long-term squad as they all got 3+3 contracts. I'll be ruthlessly cutting out the poor players in the squad both by ability and performance with the exception of my couple Professional players for mentoring. I'll be sad to see my GK leave and rob us on a transfer, but I have hope he migrates to France and makes a name for himself in Europe. I'll be following his career this save. Youth Academy Challenge Bingo & Trophy Cabinet Just added "Avoid Regulation" this season, but that's fine.
  5. FWIW I use a similar methodology, just haven't implemented weighted sums yet. I just don't know how I'd be able to decide how much more to weight the "main" attributes over the "minor" ones. I can see the logic of your 5 to 3 weighting, but would be curious how different your values are between a flat vs weighted value. I've been toying with the idea of Archetype Percentage Boost/Demote for 2-3 attribute groups like Speed, Endurance, Intelligence etc. Idea would be if the Avg is between 10-12 its neutral. Then a 1% boost in RA per point avg up and a 1% reduction in each point below. Would have to set a max boost probably. This would be an alternative to weighting, as it is essentially weighting based on what I determine core important attributes for any successful footballer. So much can be done with Role Ability, it's a lot more subjective than Current Ability. Makes for many hours in spreadsheets!
  6. I reuploaded my spreadsheets onto MediaFire: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/pnhcnqse9adoz/Aug24 I've made these sheets with legacy formulas, so they should work in any modern form of Excel (2008+). There are no macros & no external links so are fully safe. The "CA-RA Calculator" is the Excel + View for what I've been posting on here to analyze my YAC save. "WhiteCatStats" is a player performance statistical comparison tool. I'll start using that spreadsheet to evaluate player performance in my forthcoming season update. If you want to see how it works you can check my old STLC Moneyball Career: CA-RA Calculator Contents: Blank vs MTQ: Blank has been cleared out of all but 1 each of data for Opposition, Team & Youth as examples. MTQ has 2024 - 2029 data for my Martinique YAC. I have left Benchmark Data in the Blank version; however, it isn't implemented. Blank version has the England Bingo, while MTQ obviously has my custom Martinique Bingo. Importing the view: Copy "WhiteCatStats - Current Ability v2.fmf" into your FM24/views folder. Should appear when you import view View will be Name, UID and then all the attribute values. Final columns should be City of Birth and Nation of Birth. To Export Data of Your Team: CTRL+A & CTRL+P to print the screen. Print as Web Page Note: My spreadsheet does not sort, so I tend to pre-sort the squad by AssMan's evaluation of player ability before switching views. Save the file like so: Naming Convention is important To import the exports into the spreadsheet open the webpages in excel. You can then either drag-drop them into the spreadsheet or use the move-tab option. [Make sure the tabs retain the proper names] I tend to place the raw data at the end of the significant list of sheets. Level One Analysis: With your data imported go to the first sheet "Summary". Top left is where all the selection cells are. Baby Blue will auto-populate to show your Team, Nation & League. Yellow are the cells you alter. C4: Data Type - Nation is not implemented. C5: Year - Choose your year. Should be in order from 2023 - 2071. C6: Opposition # - Only applicable for the "Opposition" selections. Instead of year it uses numbers 1 - 20. C7 & C8 Minutes - Sets the minutes threshold for players in the "Reserve" and "Starter" groups. Used for Tables. C9 Formation - Not implemented (would be used for Best XI selections) Simple Hidden Attribute Tool: I usually hide Columns W - AF (All Position Role Ability Averages) setting up the selections for a basic hidden ability calculator. Like in Column C, cells U4 & U5 have a list of all Personalities & Media Handling options to select from. This doesn't limit for what combinations are possible in-game. This is a basic estimate. There are multiple special rules specifically based on Determination values that I haven't implemented. Remember Controversey lower is better, the rest higher is better. Full table found in "Personality+MH". Summary Table: C15 - AL99 Should look familiar from my annual updates. Tables Sheet: International Player Tables: Players with any Main Team Apperances: B2 - O35 Players with U20/U21 Apperances: Q2 - AD35 Top 10 & 5 tables: AG3 - AW53 The 4 Top 10 tables find and sort the Career Appearances, Career Goals, Current Ability & Max Role Ability. Note Career Appearances & Goals isn't limited to your club, but all competitive fixtures played at all clubs. The 5 Top 5 Tables are based on the current season data included in the dataset. This is Minutes, Goals, Assists, Player of the Match & Average Rating. I also include the player's best position (AssMan Opinion) and Name. Current Ability & Role Ability Tables: AZ4 - BO51 There are 2 versions of every table. The first includes repeated players, meaning each player is included in the average for all positions the game exports them as capable of playing. The second has players only in their best position. Note this is irrespective of to where they played minutes. This is the table effected by your decision for "Reserve" & "Starter" minutes. Changing the value will dynamically alter the sample selected for each average. Best XI is not fully implemented. Level Two Analysis: Team & Youth Graphs To create the graphs, you have to export each year's analysis into secondary datasets. I purposefully have no macros in this document so this requires manual Copy/Paste. I've put all the relevant sheets together with color codes. First, go to the Export Data Sheet: For the Team & Youth graphs you only need to focus on the Row 4 data. Follow the instructions. Important bit is to paste special values only. If you forget it will be all weirdness. TeamOutput Most of the graphs should auto-adjust based on the years included in the data. Determination & Pressure/Big Match don't and will require manual data-selection to reduce the ranges. All of the graphs use data exported into the secondary dataset starting row 33. The 3 bar-graphs will automatically select the last entry in the list, so make sure you paste the year data in order. Max years for graphs is ~70, but you can always modify the data-ranges if you have a Padders-level save. YouthOutput Unlike the Team, most of these graphs don't automatically adjust (I'll fix later) and will require modifying the displayed data ranges for each graph if you don't want white space. The Table in AH4 - AT4 draws directly from what is entered in the "Summary" page and is not referencing the secondary data-set. Level Two Analysis: Youth Nationality This requires creating a Youth Intake Player database. The Purple rows are the first 16 players, which should correspond to a standard intake. You can tell "Team" is selected here because of how far beyond it goes. The process is the same just to the "Intake Database" sheet. I've started the dataset at Row 20 even though I haven't done any graphs/analysis yet. YouthNation This is a very rough sheet. Top Left is the automatically populated nation Table. Shifted over and down is a pie-graph of the same data (with offsets included which creates the weird partial values). Then the 3 horizontal bar-graphs utilize the Youth Intake Database to list Cities of Birth for the First 3 Nations. The Vertical Bar graph is city of birth for the currently selected team. Note: Column BG has 3 letter abbreviations for most countries in the world. Of course, FM has some odd 3 letter nation abbreviations so some of these may need to be changed. I've changed some as I've experienced players missing, but remember I play in the Caribbean so this probably has multiple errors. Level Two Analysis: Benchmark Graphs This is a newer "feature" I'm still feeling out. You can look at the 50-year change for Caribbean nations that I activated from my Barbados save. All that is implemented right now is MinYear & Max Year. I did 7 graphs for CA and just 3 for RA. Data can be found in "CA-Benchmark-Data" & "RA-Benchmark-Data". Sheets use identical formulas, just inserting CA or RA values. My current save isn't really conducive to developing this out for the full game population, but I will be implementing a targeted version for the selected nation. Hope this helps others on their YAC journey! Message or comment if you have any questions/issues
  7. @Neo_Geo spreadsheets are developing splendidly! Very much a fan of your new spreadsheets to join the data club. I've followed squierl_plays python saves, and it's a smart choice of a base code to start your tool. Much cleaner than my excel madness I'll be interested to see how you feel about your weighted role ability calculations over time. While I have kept the totals separate for the two colors, I haven't applied any weighting myself. Others have mentioned a non-highlighted abilities boost, which I'll be considering for my next version. For Hidden Attribute calculations I am just doing a very basic restricted range based on the "highest low" and "lowest high" for Personality & Media Handling. I am not doing the huge number of special cases, and have a lot of work to do if I want to properly calculate it, but this gives me a very simple estimate. Potential is the big unknown, which keeps me hooked into this game. Personality_MH.xlsx
  8. Etincelle Macouba – Martinique Youth Academy Challenge 2028 Season 4 – Martinique Trophee Claude Chade R2 Past Updates: League Performance: CHAMPIONS!! We're Going up! We played well the whole season, but two early 1 goal defeats meant it wasn't until Week 15 we pushed to the top of the table. Our form continued resulting in an undisputed title. Domestic Cup Performance: Coupe de Martinique: Final Game Loss Coupled to a fantastic season we went on a serious cup run reaching our first cup final of the save. There we faced off for the second time against Golden Lions (the reigning champion of Martinique). While the first half was a muted 1 goal for them, the second half was filled with excitement. Sadly, we couldn't answer their final goal and fell 3-2 (again). Squad: CA & RA Excel Player List: CA & RA Team Tables: Team Top 10 Career & Top 5 Season Tables Player Highlights: GK Morgan Berger: It took the 15-year-old a few games to gain his footing, but then he was a beast in net. 16 shut outs and only 17 goals allowed in 22 League + 6 Cup games. He turns 17 at the start of the Winter Transfer Window so I expect him to leave us for greener pastures on a free. CD Nicholas Boudin: A pleasant surprise developing CD who has become the anchor to the defense. Fairly Ambitious is worrisome as we try to hold onto him, but so far he's remained loyal. LM Sacha Bousqet: Received the wonderful +4 Det event and has been playing well for us on the left flank. He's fast, and at this level that is enough to be dangerous. Excel Team Analysis: Transfer Activity: I've played through the pre-season before this update as this is the critical transfer window. Promotion to the topflight unlocks part-time contracts. However, our whole team starts new non-contracts at the start of the transfer window. We did well, only losing our backup striker, who wasn't that great anyways. Head Coach: Acquired a coaching course and now Mr. Manager is decent for this level. Club Improvements: I waited until the title was secured before enacting upgrades to JR Coaching & Youth Recruitment. Both are now up to "Good". I've been right to wait as we maintained a fairly neutral balance this year with maintained facilities. The board thinks we have the best Youth System in the country...mhm sure. Youth Academy: Head of Youth Development No change, I'll be riding him out for probably 5-10 seasons until we can start recruiting actual quality HOYDs. Youth Intake Preview: Youth Intake: Downside of MTQ is that all players are dual nationals, so it's hard to accurately track the 3rd nationalities that come through. You’ll see we have a Guadeloupe born player who registers as MTQ and France 1st and 2nd nationalities. YI Best Candidates: Two standout favorites are another GK who is professional and the Driven LB who I plan to move up to ML where we have significantly less depth. YA Excel Analysis: Academy Tables: With major edits to the spreadsheet requiring re-exporting data the HOYD tracking & Club infrastructure part don't have proper historical data. Maybe I'll go back and fix this, or just start from here. Youth Nationality: Spreadsheet Manager: I think I finally squashed the bug after rebuilding all of my Team & Youth Graphs. Some more cleaning and I'll upload versions to MediaFire before I add new features. Summary It all clicked this season; I credit the young star GK for it completely. He was the only additional piece added to the starting XI and gave our defense the anchor it desperately required. Next season will be difficult as the step up in difficulty is substantial. While stronger field players would be nice to start next season, acquiring a second great GK in my intake is honestly the best situation. I will be shocked if I hold onto my current GK, so 6 months in the youth squad to gain consistency before starting for the main squad should set us up for (hopefully) a career GK. Youth Academy Challenge Bingo & Trophy Cabinet The Cup Final appearance was a surprise Bingo check-off. With only 28 games a season the YA Appearance boxes will come slowly. Next year it's all about that "Avoid Relegation" achievement, and there is always a chance my GK could get the "Youth of the Season".
  9. This is the most infuriating Excel Error I have ever seen. Somewhere in my Calculator something is corrupted or missing a reference but of course Microsoft won't show me where and it doesn't get caught with the error checker. Probably a #REF error or a bad chart range, so I'm going through and trying to figure out where I goofed. Otherwise, you will get assaulted every major change to the sheet by that error. And trust me, it's real annoying. Plus-side this is making me go back through all my charts and fixing some quirks about them. Most will have dynamic data ranges and not require manual updating every year. Biggest improvement is for the Academy Personalities Pie Chart. Look at that, actually providing visual information!! Other major creation is I'm developing Benchmarking Graph & Tables. Ever since @mpm2342 posted their RA line-graphs to show how their squad was progressing I've wanted to implement the same in my tool. It's such a great visual to track team improvement! I used my 50 seasons in Barbados (FM23) to get what I consider a 'terminal' ability for the Caribbean leagues for a first guide. I'll get way better data if I can make it that long in Martinique for a multitude of reasons, but it gives a good base-case for North America. From this and current game yearly exports for MTQ T1 & T2 top teams I'll be able to create one that works for this Caribbean adventure. Since I'm a maniac and have been playing for months in the Caribbean I don't have data relevant to any normal FM player. If anyone has a long term (30+ Season) European save they'd be willing to share I'd build you benchmarks for CA & RA for all your active top leagues. Would look like this: Ideally, I'm looking for a save with the Big 5 and some of the relevant second tier nations active. But now back to fighting excel as I slowly progress through the summer transfer window to not lose all my star players. French National 3 Teams are already hunting my players...
  10. Goalkeeper got a 5.8 rating in that match, so you can see why im ecstatic with this year's intake. Excited to see what shannanigans my new GK gets up to with 15 eccentricity. Tempted to switch him to SK-A for some nonsense! Thanks on the spreadhsheets, I've been building my two spreadsheets since FM22. It has always been a case of adding one feature at a time to answer the question I have about my current team. Last question was Current ability and Role ability and now I'm onto hidden ability as I really want to end up with a better ratio of consistent + big match players compared to my last save. Thankfully the game actually is pretty decent about exporting clean data to work with just the one issue of parsing out positions. I was lazy and have over 300 hardcodes to create 7 position variables. I'll add those in an edit, which should Jumpstart anyone's excel analysis. If you have access to excel365 the unique() fn should be your friend to create conditional lists. I have to use legacy array functions in my sheets cause I'm cheap and they can be finicky especially when you need 3 conditions. (Leauge, position game time) PlayerPosition.xlsx
  11. I feel you, had that problem in Barbados. Too late for this build a nation but if you have the pregame editor for future saves: IIUC this allows you to increase the names available of whatever nation you set the placeholder players to. Haven't tried it myself.
  12. Etincelle Macouba – Martinique Youth Academy Challenge 2027 Season 3 – Martinique Trophee Claude Chade R3 Past Updates: League Performance: 3rd Place Finish Similar situation to last year where the final day of the season there was an outside chance that we could catch CO Trenelle. However, they smoked their opposition while we suffered a late equalizer to go out 3rd with the highest goal difference. Lots of dropped points due to our inability to cope with the late game 'send it' by teams. Domestic Cup Performance: 3rd Round Exit I'm happy with the cup performance as we were knocked out by a top 3 club in Martinique in a thrilling 4-3 match. Squad: CA & RA Excel Player List: Team is still very poor, and you can see I have some issues with the H.A. calculations. I've been more of a play-fm mood so the spreadsheet is on the backburner. CA & RA Team Tables: Unsurprising from them being top 3 players in the league, my strength right now is CM. Worth noting we also have developed 3 decent CBs and our VC LB is doing perfectly fine as well, and will be a long term mentor for the defensive side of the team. GK was a notable weakness this year... Player Highlights: Luciani had a fantastic season as our playmaker, showing dropping him back was the right call. 8 goals, 6 assists and 7.56 AR saw him named as the R2 Player of the Year (and young player). Shame he tore his hamstring in the final month of the season as he was sorely missed in the last 3 games. Bilal Catteau was his partner in CM and our dead-ball specialist who was lethal with 11 goals and 4 assists with a 7.49 AR. Shows how strong just 12 FK taking is at this low of a level. Obviously, we have a winning midfield partnership that I don't want to mess with. You'll see he got 3rd and 2nd for PoY & YPoY above. Transfer Activity: None Best XI: Michael Pages makes it our first Youth Academy player to break 50 Appearances if we count Y0 players. The 5 players above him are older players who made transfers in. For players from my time at the club Sacha Bousquet will be the first to break 50. Head Coach: No badges, I'm at the 'we're afraid you'll leave us' stage. Club Improvements: Purposefully ahven't upgraded the recruitment or coaching as financially the club is break-even right now and I don't want a negative balance situation. No teams in Martinique are Professional, so finances will be a real struggle for us until we can gain some money from Caribbean competitions. Youth Academy: Head of Youth Development: Same Youth Intake Preview: Youth Intake: YI Best Candidates: One Star GK and two uninspiring depth players Excel Academy Tables: Spreadsheet Manager: Still a lot to do to make this ready to share. EDIT: Bingo! With the inability to get back-to-back promotions in a 3-tier league I added in the Antiles cup between Martinique, Guadeloupe & 2 small island nations. A draw for Martinique is the sheer number of cups you can win in a season, which hopefully will boost reputation Summary: I put a lot of our struggles to finish off games on my poor GK, so this intake was unbelievable for the club. Thankfully the GK came in at only 15 as I have little to no hope of retaining him once he goes onto a non-contract. But for one year, let's see if this is the final piece we need to bump up to the topflight! In a way I'm happy with how it isn't a breaze to cruise up to the top of the pyramid here. On the wishlist now is a better striker as my legacy guy lost all his speed, and no one else really inspires confidence. It's telling that our two top goal scorers are our center midfielders.
  13. Glad the trick paid off for you before it was too late! It makes the promotion that more sweet right? I had a fun YAC save in Malta back in fm22 so remember Gzira, very close tie there even with a depleted squad. They start professional irc.
  14. They won't sign end of season start-time of contracts with you? That's how I hold players in Martinique. Yes you have to play the start of the transfer window slow and then over-pay them but I've been able to convince them to stay and then you don't have to constantly battle
  15. Etincelle Macouba – Martinique Youth Academy Challenge 2026 Season 2 – Martinique Trophee Claude Chade R3 Past Updates: League Performance: 2nd Place We were so close to back-to-back promotions. We were in first for the majority of the season, however the final stretch proved too difficult once teams had 2 weeks between games to rest up and we slipped down to 2nd. On the final day of the season we were in a position where if we won, and the league leaders lost or tied we would advance due to greater wins. And what happens? They get 2 shots on target and score 2 goals to bring us level and deny us the title. Domestic Cup Performance: We were entered into the Coupe de France (Martinique) this year and lost right away. Not a problem Squad: CA & RA Excel Player List: I took the export after the intake so I'm skipping it for this year. You'll see why. Transfer Activity: Nothing Best XI: Head Coach: No new coaching licenses. Club Improvements: I held the Youth Academy at "Adequate" JR Coaching & "Above Average" Youth Recruitment. I want to wait till we make the top flight to push it further to not risk financial issues. We did get a boardroom shakeup as a Consortium took over. They put $5k into the club, which I guess is a lot when our yearly turnover is 90k. Youth Academy: Head of Youth Development: I made the change last year to a Spirited HOYD Youth Intake Preview: Youth Intake: We got talented players with horrendous personalities. Perfect FM after I go on and on about picking a new HOYD.. YI Best Candidates: Top 3 Excel Spreadsheet Manager: Summary: Not a lot to say as we are slowly building up the team. All but 3 starters are U-18. The older players are our GK, CB & LB. Of the 3 I desperately want to upgrade the GK. The other two are totally fine for this level. For Bingo we now can't get back-to-back promotions.
  16. @Neo_Geo if you do plan on playing a French overseas department save, make sure to load in daveincid's fix for the Coupe de France registration bug. It's in his Realisim Megapack. If you're curious how strong the top clubs got in North America, I exported the top 2-4 teams from the major nations in my FM23 save and used my spreadsheet to calculate Squad CA Averages. A key caveat is my save didn't have @V50 fully implemented Caribbean Shield & Cup system, so there was less money and reputation available for non-top clubs in nations. Here are some quick rough graphs to show the general 50 year development
  17. Etincelle Macouba – Martinique Youth Academy Challenge 2025 Season 1 – Martinique Trophee Claude Chade R3 Past Updates: League Performance: CHAMPION! Our striker didn't disappoint us! Julian Mace led the line with 13 goals in 19 games. I was worried when in the second game of the season my BWM broke his ankle and missed all but the final game of the season. Luckily his was the only serious injury and the rest of the team was mostly fit and stayed out of the referee's books so were available for selection. In Martinique after 2 Yellows the player is suspended. Then each additional yellow is another game suspension. No playing dirty here. Domestic Cup Performance: We did so bad last season we weren't entered into the cup. Actually happy about it as it meant we played just 1 game a week all season, which was perfect for my very thin squad. Squad: CA & RA Excel Player List: Not a shock but the team is dreadful. Lots of these players were inferior to grey players they were so poor. Luckily, we had just enough "talent" to put together a competent first XI, and they played every game. Excel Analytics: Honestly not even worth it because I threw out all but 8 of these players over the summer. The less they are remembered the better. CA & RA Team Tables: If you want your eyes to burn with the CA ratings in the single digits go ahead. Player Highlights: Negative: The season long injury totally wrecked my hope for future captain and mentor BWM. He will still be able to mentor, but he will quickly be eclipsed by players compared to if he had been able to develop for a whole season. Shame as he's a perfect mentor. Hidden Abilities in spoiler: Positive: I focused on a defensive-first approach and was rewarded with a great developing back line. LB and Vice-Captain Cedric Mougin led the team expertly in Gibert's absence and with his Professional personality developed into a half-competent (albeit slow) LB. You always need a good CB and Malick Tarrieu was our towering presence on defense and corner target on offense at his beefy 205 lbs and 6'6" frame. With 17 Jumping, 11 tackling and 13 strength he actually has good values which is unheard of at this level. Also having big Matches helped him show up when it counted to make up for his shameful 5 decisions. Transfer Activity: https://imgur.com/a/8jOuV5h With the end of season contract trick I was able to hold onto all my starters for the entire season. I played the summer transfer window after as well and was able to ratchet all 8 I kept another year, so we're golden for survival next year. Best XI: Best seems ill-fitting: Head Coach: Mr Manager got his National C license and can kind of teach Technical training now. Club Improvements: The board were shocked at our success and basically gave me whatever I asked for. 3 Youth Recruitments and 2 Junior Coaching bumps and we ended at: Club also went Semi-Pro with the promotion, which is a good start. Still only non-contracts available though so will be the tedium of yearly end of season contracts to try and keep the team together. Supporters, Next Year Sponsorship & Season Ticket Pricing Youth Academy: Academy Summary: Youth Intake Preview: Youth Intake: First intake is always good with a squad this bad, but this was a pleasant surprise and I'm very happy with what we got. YI Best Candidates: All Images and comments on IMGUR. Plenty of talent across multiple positions with an overweighting of wingers, which is fine because we need them all. Excel I'll do a more limited amount of graphs right now, as you need more than Y0 & Y1 to really gain anything in longitudinal analysis. Youth Nationality: Again, the special characters are playing murder with the birth-place export. Eventually my plan is to get the full list of Martinique locations in the game and start a percentage coverage tracking. Martinique National Team Martinique actually did really well getting to the Quarter Finals of the Nations League A Championship. Gold Cup wasn't as good losing in the group phase. Spreadsheet Manager: Personality & Media Handling This season was completely stress free, so it was easy to 'multi-task' with working on the spreadsheet the entire time I played the save. One big aspect of the Calculator that I feel was lacking was the Hidden Ability analysis. This was both due to it not being the initial focus of the sheet (Current Ability), as well as sloppily coded implementation. I still have a long way to go to make an accurate Hidden Ability Translator. My initial sheet was just copied from this google doc. However, instead of the legitimate calculations with the multitude of Determination based cases I just used the rough ranges set by the base Personality x Media Handling combinations. In my web searching I found this great Steam Community Post that included a lot more information and some valuable insights that I hadn't considered before but brings my struggles in Barbados into clearer light. Discussion of Hidden Abilities in Spoiler: Summary: Perfect first season and great foundational intake. Martinique has a split-second tier each with 12 teams with top spot promotion and bottom relegated. Short and sweet 22 game season again works for small squads like ours. Only a couple of the players are over 18, so regular fixtures should hopefully keep them from sliding off in ability. Intake was good enough that early pre-season we aren't considered the worst team! I'm sure this will change during the transfer window, but it gives me hope of a solid campaign. Again it will all come down to our striker showing up again like he did last season. I'm assuming the defenses we will be facing won't be significantly superior so hopefully he does okay. If he struggles I did get a new striker in Ryan Conan. Slow, but Good composure & Finishing might work okay. Otherwise, I have fast wingers I can move up-top and just laugh as they fling shots every-which-way. YAC BINGO: Just the simple top-left for the first season. I tried to balance out the squares for the Caribbean with the unique flavor of eligibility for the French Cup.
  18. Later in a save it is a mix of both for me. In Barbados I IR all domestic games and unimportant friendlies. Then I'd manage the hard friendlies to see how the team plays in preperation for the NACL matches which I always play. For Martinique I'll be playing the games these first few years to feel out the team.
  19. Welcome to Martinique! I'm trying out a new light skin and may have spent a little too much time importing in Cities & Stadiums to enhance the experience. Squad is fairly terrible as you'd expect, but has two good elements for the bedrock of the squad. 2 Professional & 1 Resolute starter! All are fairly young (17, 23, 25) so if I can keep them the top 3 influence players at the club it can help jumpstart professional development. A striker who can shoot! Bad personality & he's inconsistent, so this could be an adventure but he's only 17 so anything can happen (if we can hold onto him). Tactical Shape: 4 - 5 -1 because I have no other good strikers, and I wonder about our defense. We'll see how it goes. Manager ; Transfers HOYD: Only one would sign onto our Amateur side, which is actually better than I'm used to this low in the Caribbean. Light-Hearted with okay working with youngsters isn't terrible. He will be replaced as soon as a Professional is willing to join. 200-1 Odds are bad, but not catastrophic. I expect it to be a rough campaign. Here's to not finishing last! EDIT: Proof Finished last in sim-year. Also real clear I need to re-make the mini-icon...
  20. Always a good read! I forgot you also add in 1/3 of the total attributes as an overall boost. My calculation is currently just flat average of the highlighted attributes without any weighting or boosting. With my separate category ability calculations I cover that player rounding out. I've templated composite scores like the DNA others use but never implemented it. Might be something I rethink now 🤔 Im playing in spreadsheets this weekend to get everything ready for Martinique. Definitely spending too much time tweaking new views, data packs and such for more immersion. Any chance someone has kitbasher lists for Caribbean leagues? I've slugged through Martinique T1 plus my team, but look to do Caribbean Cup & Shield teams. Was bummed my team only had 1st kit active in game. I'm also pulling stadium and town images for Martinique and trying to match them as best i can. @V50 you have a secret stash of images by any chance?
  21. An Injury crisis losing 3 star starters, 3 Disallowed Goals by VAR and an own-goal to top it all off ends the Barbadian dream. If it could go wrong this campaign it did, just unbelievably bad luck. Game is telling me its time to move on. Edit: Game wanted me to move on so bad it crashed as I went to take more screenshots. Heard FM. 1st leg 2nd leg
  22. I'm happy to share, and hope it helps in your save! It currently doesn't have any instructions on how to use the spreadsheet, so documentation will be part of my project this weekend to get the spreadsheet done for Martinique. With how I set up the game for Martinique [I already have the team & played pre-season] I think it's going to be way harder than Barbados, and you have seen my struggles here. Financially Martinique is weaker than Barbados. Even in 2071 only the top 2-3 teams make enough money to remain professional. The rest build up big balances, go professional then go broke and revert to semi-pro. Road View is in Bridgeview, which is a 100k person city in Barbados while any possible team to select in Martinique is from a village under 10k population. The one I got is a 2500 population surfing town. I enabled France, England & The Netherlands. All Youth Intake players are dual-citizen Martinique - France, so count as domestic players for French & Dutch clubs. The key to winning from the Caribbean is retaining 100% of your star intake players. It will be near impossible to do this in Martinique But I can't resist the possibility of winning the French Cup from Martinique, so that's why I'm choosing the nation over a more viable country like Trinidad & Tobago.
  23. It's my Frankenstein creation . Old version from the Winter is on Mediafire: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/z6k77x3z9wj9z/WhiteCatStats When I start Martinique, I'll upload an updated version with the many improvements I've added this summer. My Moneyball Statistics spreadsheet is in that folder as well. Can be helpful if you're playing in a bigger country where it's not a rocket-ship to the top of the domestic league. Look up my St Louis City Moneyball career save if you're interested in how that one works.
  24. It's all in one massive excel file. I use the standard game export with a custom view to get the raw data out as webpages, which can be opened with excel. Each one gets added into the workbook and then I have a rough-and-ready manual selection to switch between Years & Team / Youth / Opposition. This copies the raw data into a temporary Data-sheet, which is then used by all the formulas. I then have a worksheet to export the analysis into longitudinal secondary datasets. I currently do 4 exports. The top green line twice for Youth & Team. Blue line once for all time player records (still in development). Then Purple 16 lines into a Youth Intake Player record (no analysis yet). It could be done with Macros, but I'm just manually doing it right now [hence why I haven't gone back and re-exported the Team data]. If I find the motivation, this would be a perfect reason to learn how to use Access to set up a proper database of all this data. I used it back in college, but as the years go by it gets harder to remember what to do...
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