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2 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Thank you! and which files/folders do you take from there?
  2. Can you please tell me how you put the overlay in order to use background pack?
  3. Yes my friend! This was the solution. Thank you so much for your help!
  4. I did check the file, its the only thing is missing
  5. Does anyone know why in this panel does not appear the referee infos? Did i miss something?
  6. If you find a solution, please, share it
  7. I didn't have the tension to reply, but i will do it. If my friend @GIMN wanted money for his help, i wouldn't have problem to pay him. I am a newbie and every help i take, its like gold to me. Unfortunately for you, @GIMN didn't ask for money and helped me a lot. Now, i don't know what's your perpose of sending a message like that, but it's ok. I suppose you are proud of that :).
  8. Yes my friend! You are right! Now, what do i have to change in order to have white letters? @GIMN
  9. Unfortunately, i cant find none of the three container class="contrast_box" with the colour defined by searching each one of the xmls... If you have time, it would be a pleasure to help me more... @GIMN
  10. Where do i find them? Because in the club vision .xmls at Mustermann Numerical\panels\club i cand find any red_replacement=white... @GIMN
  11. @GIMN How can i change the background of each box to dark ones? Can you help me? Thank you in advance!
  12. Guys, i need your help! How can i change the transparency of the main sidebar? I use backrounds and its not always clear the letters. I dont want a sold color, i just want a transparent sidebar wiht more opacity. Is this possible? If anyone have an idea or an .xml file, it would be the best. Thank you in advance.
  13. Does Coffeev1.2 have the background option? @hyrule_king
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