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Everything posted by snowofman

  1. panels\club\sas\overview\kits.xml delete line 38 - 68
  2. have you check here ? else you probably need to go to the button and change it in the config file graphics/tabs/standard/normal/top
  3. I believe it was scouting centre assignment card for recruitment focus I edited the other day for the exact same thing
  4. 1st you'll have to edit the layout of the page, so there is made room for the selector then you have to go into the player profil and locate the widget that controls the selector
  5. please try and not drop the same questions in different threads as you have made a thread already the colour of the timer can be set in the settings file, if you don't have the lines, you'll have to either search for it here on the forum or extraxt the settings file from the default files
  6. Not sure why i saw this as the social feed and not the news.. my apologize for not paying attension and answering in a complete opposit direction
  7. just read the few posts above and you can read what to delete if you delete the comps folder inside match, you'll have the cups etc pull the default and the match score area panel from the match folder.
  8. it's the config files you need to add to the folder you want shown. and ofc edit it so it picks up the correct picture for the stadium you want shown
  9. just go into staff - training and take control over the individual training of the teams you want there and it will pop up
  10. just go into the file that contains the view and make the width of the moral less and the dot will be hidden or give it a label_disabled="true"
  11. then try header item or item title
  12. i believe it's the news feed panel.xml if you rename it or remove it, it will default back
  13. please use PM or another thread for this.. This is a Show your skin thread
  14. Anything is possible if you know how. If i were you, i would find a way to contact the creator of the skin where you found this and ask and see if he/she might be able and willing to help you. else you might need to use the skin as it's made, unless you want to try and sort it on your own.
  15. no i didnt see the edit it should not matter from where you get the Skin, as long as it has the newest version number i can't say why it's not sticking, but as said i've experienced more ppl this year having issues making panels stick and it's does not seem to be a skin issue (rare cases it is because of a same id somewhere) but then you would have atleast 2 panels resetting you can try the following. when you have started the game and loaded the skin, untick automatically override custom panels and used caching to decrease loading time then clear the cache and reload the skin then go in and set your panels as you want them then continue 1 day - then save the game close down FM - restart FM and check if the panels is sticking now it's a wall of text, but it's a solutions ppl have reported back to me which has worked for them.
  16. it's not a new addition, but it seems to be causing more ppl to have panels resetting this year then previous.
  17. you have to add it to the tactics icon info panel overview.xml the easy way is to look in someone elses file and see how it's done
  18. have you unticked "automatically override custom panels" in the preferecnes ?
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