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Everything posted by snowofman

  1. it's probably the classes used
  2. it's your 110% zoom if i'm not mistaken should look normal if you go 100%
  3. hard to say if and what you're missing as it's a mashup.
  4. if you go into the sidebar menu table.xml and locate this line <record id="column_widget_properties" alignment="left,centre_y" colour="white" size="normal"> you can change white to your colour of choice this is for the club, meaning you have to scroll abit down and find the one for nationals and change that aswell. incase you wanna see the menu while managing a national team and ofc unemployed
  5. as said above, the continue button is a known issue and will be fixed
  6. preferences - search for skin and you'll see skin colours.. you can change it there or you can go into the settings file and remove the pre coded, so it wil always be the default colous or what you put in instead
  7. Only the person properties has been updated to the FM24 one and the changes that has to do with the condition (the 4 files) has been moved to the new person properties so maybe that your problem, but you should then notice that you no longer has the % condition either?
  8. yeah i read your original post backwards for some reason.. So when i checked i naturaly saw things backwards no matter what skin i have tried, normal or the transparent is shows as your 1st picture, so where the info has gone in the 2nd picture i have no idea
  9. Normal version is the same - so seems to work on my end Have you unticked "use caching for faster loading" ? else try that and clear the cache - reload the skin
  10. Just tried looking at the "FM24 Base Skin (Transparent)" and is has the default info as shown in picture 1 so you must have changed something other then the files you linked to as i have those files aswell
  11. i have this aswell (noticed while checking for this answer) i'll investigate and return when i have an answer
  12. not something i've seen before..it looks like a monitor issue
  13. I believe that if you go into the Client object browser and change the value of the transparency, if you dim the brightness. else you will have to add a overlay to your background with the opasity you wich, thats how it's done with background selectors
  14. I understand your frustrations and wishes/hopes but the fact still is that making a skin takes a very long time, and making a skin for laptops are twice the time of a normal skin as said, its still early in the game cycles and lots can still come out, but i agree that more and more are moving away from making laptop skin simply because they either don't feel it's worth it if they don't use it themself or that maybe changed from laptop to desktop themself (or got a external screen) The community is year after year given something for free in most cases "lets use the SAS24 laptop skin as example" it's optimized for 1366x768 85% which is the normal resolution for most smaller laptops and if you for some reason can't use it because of the zoom, then i'm sorry to say that the problem lies at your feet. Not liking a skin for whatever reason is perfectly fine, we all have preferences and needs of how we would love a skin to look. but it does limit the choices of usable skins. Learning XML to make a custom skin is no small achivement, but being a pro at it is not really needed as "almost" everything you'll ever need is premade for you from SI side and we just move things around to fit the creators need and thats how it often start and i dare to say that "almost" every skin out there is made because the skins that were avaiable didnt have / live up to what the creator were looking for to enjoy and play the game like he want to, so that he/she wants to share his work is only a bonus for the whole community and not something he's forced to by any means, And yes.. There is years where few skins are missing, that can as you say yourself be down to ppl "retire" from skining.. but some are also stopping because the demands and or negativity towards what has been made gets too much. Anyway: at the end of the day, we as a community have to remember that Skin is made by unpaid volunteers and given to the community to enjoy, so if ppl don't like something, pick another skin or make the changes yourself (and yes it's not easy) I hope there will be something that fits your needs and that you enjoy using. Happy gaming!
  15. you have to add a graphics that you then colour replace with primary and or secondary there should be threads explaining this better if you look in search
  16. try and untick "use cached files for faster loading" then clear the cache and reload the skin - it might have borked out
  17. Settings is the right place you should be able to change the colours. Try changing the title color to green or red or something thats easy to see if changed then save the file and reload skin, remember to untick use caching for faster loading in preferences as that can hold on to the old files
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