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Everything posted by snowofman

  1. purple top right corner is a graphics, as i said to someone else, comment out 1 widget at time until you find the one - just look for the appearance in the widget (might be the line with primary in it ) same for the line seperator, it's the same as above, and should vanish once you find the background
  2. whats the Exceptional on the view ? is that ment to be there
  3. Thank you for writing this and gaining abit of breath at the same time. as said above, you're never alone and there is always someone to talk to, even if ppl have to find me in the far side of the forum in the Skinning Hideout. Stay strong and hope things stays as positive as possible.
  4. the backgrounds are picked up from the default game files, check your Client Object Browser, it's easy to spot the appearance lines that points to graphics, try and comment one out at a time until you hit the correct one you wanna remove. then you can add your own file to it.
  5. We do one every year, and people seem to be starting pretty early this year, so feel free to showcase your skin for feedback, help or just to show off your work! Same rules as last year. Rules: This thread serves it's purpose to inspire other skinmakers and/or show off your hard work, not the skin that you're currently using. If you're using another skin as a base, please credit and link the skin. Please specify whether you want to release the skin or not. This will prevent a million questions like last year. If the creator isn't planning on releasing, don't ask. Be respectful. Don't ask if Creator is releasing the skin, it doesn't serve the purpose of the thread and can get annoying for people who don't want to share. Previous Editions: 2018 & 2019 Show your Skin [FM20][SKIN] Show your Skin and inspire [FM21][SKIN] Show your Skin and inspire [FM22][SKIN] The Annual Show your Skin thread [FM23][SKIN] The Annual show your Skin thread
  6. sitoolkit\skins\fm-widgets\graphics\tabs\standard\normal\top extract the sitoolkit.fmf from the default game
  7. you neede the ingame editor to see alot of them, So my guess it thats the reason
  8. if you search for skin in preferences, you should be able to change the color of the ball in skin colours (at the bottom) - not sure how it works, but it's worth a try
  9. then you need to extract the files from the default game files
  10. you probably have to fiddle around with the fonts used
  11. part with buttons (graphics/tabs/standard/normal/top
  12. If you remove the help button, it won't leave a vacant spot. the other buttons will move together, if you want the fm button in front of the help button (just an example) your swap the 2 widgets around
  13. ahh okay, yeah it's optimized for 1366x768 85% as the size on laptops are making skin for them hard and imo, not worth the time spend. but still alot are going through it and makes them in the hopes some may find joy in them, but as said so many times on this forum by many ppl... it's impossible to make everyone happy.. i hope you find something you can use and that fits your needs
  14. Try this - i remembered that i helped someone else with a similar problem a while ago. maybe you can use it
  15. you might need to put primary in the client object brower where the titlebar is check the flut file and see if you've missed something.
  16. justhowie is correct, the sas24 skin has a leptop version aswell for 1366x768 that said, it's still early in the process and most don't release a skin until after beta. just to get rid of most bugs and stuff while working on it So i would give it abit of time and then roam around the wise net to see what has been released, not every skin gets in here as a thread But we do have some "great skinners" in here and even if they don't have focus on low res skins, they are still doing great work
  17. looking forward to what the future brings and yes thank you all is well and we all are still going strong for sure. indeed, i believe alot of ppl thought it would suit him and his amazing skin to be named according to it
  18. yeah that does sound strange indeed But i'm glad it worked for you and nice to see you in the forum again
  19. thats in the Client object broswer and the graphics used as background i can't remember on top of my head where exactly. but it's "a vision trick" if you follow the graphics, you'll noce that it's all black on the right side, but has the "gap" on the left side. so it's the grapics you'll have to change if i remember correct
  20. are you talking about the "gap" at the very top of the page ? or the little gab from the search bar to the page end
  21. it looks like the right place Just trial and error it if you're in doubt. just give it a value where you can see the different, so you can see if it has an effect or not it's alot of trial and error
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