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Everything posted by Neo_Geo

  1. no I think it needs to be a nation not in the default game
  2. Sounds good, I like the fact it will force many to go out of their comfort zone (myself included) and doing this in the New Year would give plenty of time to progress with the current save. It won't be to everyone's taste but I think it'll be great fun.
  3. How about when people are done with their main save those who are interested sign up to the Timo Megapack Challenge. Those who sign up get one of the nations drawn at random (no duplicates) so you get varied challenges and stories. That's of course if that pack is eligible under the rules of the challenge
  4. That low down? That really sucks. I've only seen it occur at the 4 star stage. I don't see how it can be a planned feature based on the chairperson's WWY attribute because surely you can ASK them for the upgrade and they say no.
  5. I’d have changed too, it’s like two ladies showing up to a party with the same dress on, someone has to change
  6. Nice one, I hate seeing people get so many seasons in before discovering something invalidated the challenge and they lose all the progress they made.
  7. I hate to say it but what did you create your manager as in term of the badges because I see you have 18 points under coaching and 15 under mental which looking back at my manager when I created them I had 12 and 11 respectively, so your manager has a total of 33 stat points compared to 23.
  8. Looks like the youth facilities is still bugged. Training facilities 2 months after completion of last upgrade I can ask again but youth facilities option not there.
  9. I feel your pain, I’m largely in the same position. The best thing is optional contract extensions. My star centreback thinks he’s leaving at the end of this season on a free transfer but as soon as he turns 18 in November I’m triggering his 3 year extension I didn’t have a contract extension for Mandi so just had to suck it up and offer him out. I’ve yet to see one player change their mind when it’s about the strength of the squad.
  10. Financially I am sound at the moment with £29m in the bank before champions league money this season, I’ve got 4 star training and youth facilities though I think the youth facilities bug is still present as I haven’t upgraded in a while and the option isn’t there. The training facilities were complete about a month ago so it takes a little while before it’s back. I’ll probably just wait as I think he may yet improve and establish himself as the Swiss number 9.
  11. Well I waited for the Euro's to finish and then approached Mandli for contract negotiations and as expected he was still adamant the squad wasn't strong enough. No one wanted to come in at the upper end of his value so I lowered to £10m with 50% of profit of next sale and Valencia bit: He now has an estimated value between £50m -£73m and has a 5 year deal on £39k a week and a minimum fee release clause of £96m (which if activated would give me £43m ) It's probably the best I could have got given it's his last year. Sure enough I sold him and the squad moaned about lack of depth but again promising that youth was the key they backed off. Time will tell if this was a wise move as far as the challenge is concerned but financially it made sense to let him go. In related news FC Chiasso's 28/29 Kits are out now!
  12. I love this forum for all the variety. South America is neglected for sure, only a handful have completed it there and still nothing for Colombia if you fancy something more challenging than Brazil
  13. The balkans look really bare but Northern Ireland looks tempting. If I tire of Switzerland / fail ‘ complete it, I reckon I’ll give Northern Ireland a go since wales is now off the list
  14. way to go @the_hdk two completions in quick succession on here, get in!
  15. Congrats @Daddy if it makes you feel better I was 1000-1 when I got promoted and ended up in the championship group, so 800-1 should mean your squad is stronger than mine was. I was lucky to have a great keeper (I’ve actually won goalkeeper of the year every year I’ve been in the league)
  16. @HenTheChicken outstanding feat, we’ll done Love that it was Oliver’s last game, it’s like it was written for a movie. Thats wales off the list of nations not completed.
  17. Looks like I’m the odd one out, i use GIMP. Complex to setup at first but then easy to update once it’s in place.
  18. I’ve seen both the negative change but also a positive one as well, think it was for determination as well. I don’t believe it’s to do with mentoring I think it’s more along the lines of a “personal life event” that makes that change but the game never goes into detail as to what it actually was.
  19. Sorry to bombard (getting some time to play the game this weekend). I qualified for the Europa Knock Out Playoffs but because I wasn't in the top 8 (qualify for the Knock Out directly) I was asked by the media about being knocked out of the competition, questioned whether I had actually qualified but I have indeed (drawn against Standard Liege), another new feature (Europa League Reform) not fully tested
  20. AI once again being shown up as sub-standard: Mandli December 2027 - I'm considering my options Ne Geo December 2027 - We're an ambitious club, we need you to be part of it Mandli December 2027 - You're right this is an ambitious club, I think I'll stay Mandli January 2028 - I'm unhappy because I want a new challenge with a more ambitious club Spoke with him and he let it drop but this is going to continuously yo-yo until I sell him I think
  21. Forgot about Kitbasher.... Might have to get a section of my infographic for current kits
  22. So I just had Mandli and Pereira both came to me stating they were going to consider their options at the end of their deals and managed to get both to back down by stating that as a club we have ambitions but we need them to be part of it to achieve those and BOTH of the players said they would stay put as the club is ambitious (Pereira even ditched his agent as a result). I've now got £22.7m in the bank so I will have a decision to make in the summer regarding Mandli, offer him out to get some money in for him or let him go at the end of his contract for nothing. There is an A grade forward in the youth intake preview so maybe wait and see what they look like (if its obvious they are a wonderkid I think I'd sell Mandli but I doubt I'd ever be that lucky!). EDIT: Now have £18m in the bank following an agreed training facilities upgrade What would anyone else do in this situation? Here's Mandli just now:
  23. Here' they come.... EDIT: Now one of my team leaders has come to me saying I should let him leave......the same team leader that had a go at me for letting Nuzzi go even though he was in his last year of his contract and wouldn't sign another. AI in this department is sorely lacking.
  24. Mandli just complained about playing in a stronger squad, I told him about his release fee, he wasn't having that, then told him to pipe down and he's left it there but isn't happy. It only ever ends one way, he's got 2 seasons left so I'm looking at one season left with him tops. This season is absolutely make or break for the save.
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