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Everything posted by Neo_Geo

  1. Going to be a hard season 5 for me. Nuzzi was out of contract, no interest in signing and whilst my facilities are not maxed I need to get funds still so I offered him out for a straight £10m (the asking price he was happy with). Inter and Juve offered it up front and Dortmund with £6m up front £3.6 over 12 months and 30% of profit. He's joined Inter. In addition to this I have Dortmund nearly triggering Beretta's £5.75m release clause and Chelsea nearly doing the same with Capone's £7m release clause. The season hasn't started and my squad is going to be decimated to the point where I think relegation could be a possibility if I lose these players (the back-ups are no where near yet). This is the first season we are predicted NOT to finish last, second last now at 500-1, so losing Nuzzi is a huge blow but if the others follow suit I'll have lost the best talent in two windows
  2. damn it @DazRTaylor you’re going to make me start up a secondary youth challenge save I don’t have the time for two(!)
  3. I had negotiated with PSG and Juventus to the point where they would not speak anymore, so I negotiated rather than suggested. Inter then came in for him meeting the minimum fee so when PSG came back I wanted to try and get a percentage built in the the deal so if he has really high potential then I’d not feel like I was shortchanged. Time will tell, in my Katwijk save most players that left to the big guns didn’t get played that often and only Sezer, my Turkish centre back wonderkid, got an additional move from Bayern to Juve (he left for minimum fee so that’s why I’m now scarred by it )
  4. Too many save types too little time I miss playing champ man in my teens where I didn’t have a full time job and responsibilities
  5. Reached that point in the save my players are being targeted. Why is it the clubs making offers don’t want to postpone the transfer but then come back with a loan back offer. Don’t they know the rules of the save? So I sold Roos to PSG after Inter met the minimum fee release clause of £6.25m, I negotiated for £5.5m, 500k after 1 international appearance and 40% of profit from next sale. He will be missed that’s for sure, here’s the last look at him as a Chiasso player:
  6. So complete overhauls I agree, going from a passing game to route one for instance would be a lot harder in real life. However, something like playing wingbacks over fullbacks because your two left and right sided defensive players are better at attacking than defending isn’t that hard to achieve. In fact those players may prefer that type of play. Another example is having two strikers then moving to a single striker with a shadow striker, again nothing huge. It’s also a good reason to have a varied squad rather than just ensuring you have players that fit your style. Say I played an anchor and a regista with two defensive wingers, full backs on defend and tell the team to play it long to a target forward and advanced forward. If I don’t change my style i’m totally reliant on having good DMs, so what happens if you have AMs come through one year? Having multiple tactics that you train as well reduces the likelihood,of asking your squad to do something they don’t want to do. Of course there will be times you need to play players out of position but by in large it’s best to go with the flow of the team. Real managers however can buy and sell players, unlike this challenge, so it isn’t really the same as they can go and buy players to fit their model, but sometimes you’ll come up against a team that render your way of playing completely useless, the good managers are not stubborn the bad ones have Plan A and Plan B is to do Plan A better (seen first hand at Rangers with Mark Warburton and now with van Bronckhorst which is why it particularly frustrates me)
  7. Why can’t real football managers be like this? They always seem to shoehorn players into a way of playing rather than playing to their strengths. I’m the same as you that I’ll adjust formation based on who I have in the squad as you have little choice with the random element of the intake being the driving force behind how you set up. It’s one of the reasons I love this type of save so much. You also have the option to retrain players for different positions and roles if you can plan that far ahead (or are forced to).
  8. @Sanno11best of luck, they say third time's a charm I honestly applaud all of those taking on England, its my kryptonite
  9. Unfortunately I think a lot of the morale comes from your form, one win can seem to trigger a bit of a run. Are you micro managing during the game with regards to the instructions? It may well be you need to pick your moments when to go on the attack and when to instruct to sit deeper based on the momentum of the match (if they added the graphic for momentum it suggest to me that this now plays a role in how your team perform and when they score/concede)
  10. Slight spoiler for my save but I encountered the new look Europa League (referred to as the Swiss model - fitting for my Swiss save ) So now its a single group and you play 8 different teams and have to finish in the top 8 to reach the knock out or between 9th and 2th to qualify for the knock out play off round. Should make it interesting to see how it impacts the chances of qualifying (also removes the ability to make tactical alterations for the return game against teams in your group).
  11. Hard luck. try going to another nation with fewer tiers or at least smaller seasons if you like this style of save but it’s just not ha-pending in England. I started with South Shields in the beta and got a little bored. I like finding nuances in other leagues (still sticking with europe for now). I think England is probably one of the hardest nuts to crack in this type of save
  12. that’s the best scenario you could really hope for, best of luck for the next season
  13. I’d imagine your expectations next year will be to fight bravely against relegation but what do your supporters want and how much influence do they have over the board. Going great to be in the top league that quickly in Germany
  14. Switzerland I think as well as my team, FC Chiasso, are professional from the get go. Holland I believe was the same but I think there was something with no relegation from keuken kampioen for the first 5 years? I’d imagine most nations with 2 playable tiers the 2nd tier clubs and therefore newly promoted clubs that are eligible for the challenge are likely to be professional.
  15. Mate Thats awful. One of my biggest fears with this type of save.
  16. Thanks for the heads up, was likely to try Scotland whenever my Swiss adventure is over
  17. Did you have to alter the filter at all? I tried to use the file saved from the filtered players but it complained it wasn’t in the correct format, I inspected it and the table was completely different. Maybe I did something wrong somewhere along the lines, thanks for letting me know, I’ll try and sort it out later.
  18. Thanks. I wanted to take a bit of time to rework the season reviews to save time in the long run (hopefully), hence the long time for the first season update (that plus lack of playing time again but looking into getting a steam deck to get the brunt of each season done on there).
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