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Everything posted by talino7

  1. I've wondered how does the AI decide what player each team will pursue for transfers, loans, and signings. Is it reputation, stats etc.
  2. I checked the rules and can't see any that don't allow that and I did check expiry dates lots of time on contract.
  3. Not sure if this is a bug or a new rule but when wanting to loan a player from another team I was able to select "end of next season" as an option in FM 22. In FM 23 the option is there but grey out. It's been that way through three transfer windows. Any suggestions /ideas as to why this is happening? I'm playing in Serie A.
  4. I'm playing a tactic with two forwards (424) I have Moukoko, Lucca, Hojlund, Beljo and E Ferguson. I'm in season two, so they are all very young, any suggestions on how you would rotate these five very good players?
  5. I have some of player that I'm loaning from other teams and I negotiated a clause that I will buy them if my team Qualifies for Europa League. Can I assume that If I qualify for the Champions League then this clause is still in effect?
  6. I can't seem to find the opposition pass map in FM 23
  7. I changed the team name from Capitoline to Roma but when playing in the Europa League it's back to Capitoline. any suggestions on how to fix this?
  8. I'm wanting the upgrades that come with FM 23 but I like the player database that came with FM 22 (age, teams etc) is that possible to do?
  9. I 'd like to start my save with Bari in Serie b and not Serie C. how would I do that using the editor.
  10. I'm playing with 4-2-4 (2 cds, 2 wbs, 2 mids, 2 IWs and 2 forwards) I' curios as to what instructions I should use when playing teams that like to go up the middle?
  11. If a player is asking for more playing time and I want to keep him happy is this determined only by starts or does being subbed in a game also count towards him being satisfied with his playing time?
  12. Every few weeks my email get swamped with scouting reports of all my national team players. it sometimes reaches 50+. Is there a way for me to stop my national team players from being scouted?
  13. I'm using two tactics and have several new midfield players who are not very familiar with their roles. One tactic has CM, BWM, MEZ the other CM, BBM. Should I play one tactic until they get familiar or alternate between the tactics as needed?
  14. I know that the risk of injuries increases but does speed, stamina, decisions etc. get affected by fatigue?
  15. Is the dreaded mid to late season fatigue and related bad results more of an issue in FM 22 than FM 21?
  16. I assume the two ratings are averaged out and also the analytics are more of a snap shot of what the players is doing in the last few weeks?
  17. I'm playing Roma and both scout and analyst have very high attributes. I'm getting some big differences between the ratings my scout is giving me and what my analysts are finding. For example Harland is A+ scout rating but C- analyst rating. am I missing something?
  18. how can I tell if opposition playing highline in fm 22. Should I be using a specific match view. My apologies if this is a basic question.
  19. I read that some people will not choose a player for role unless all their key and important attributes are in double digits. Would you suggest that for a high level team in Serie A or do you have a specific values that you use as the minimum?
  20. What instructions can I use to increase my chances of recovering the ball from possession based teams?
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