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Everything posted by talino7

  1. Is there a way for me to cancel a mandatory fee at the end of the loan period? I looked in the in game editor but couldn't see anything to change it to "optional" but the loan is still not over yet. Any suggestions welcome!
  2. If I choose to "fully scout player" can I also select the check mark (no further action...) or will that stop the scouting process?
  3. I thought it was that too but not the case and also not able to change subs using the arrow under the player icon in the tactic screen.
  4. Updated drivers but no luck. Is there a file etc I can send to SI support? Unless you have any more suggestions?
  5. Unfortunately that didn't seem to work. Any other suggestions?
  6. What is the minimum amount of time a player needs to play in a game to improve his tactic familiarity?
  7. I think I know how to clear the cache (clear cache button?) but how do i clear out the preference folder?
  8. Doesn't look like it's the skin I tried another skin and the original. To be more specific this happens with the Card view of the scout report.
  9. Not sure if this is normal in FM 22 (just started) but when I receive the scout report and I choose the different positions the important attributes do not highlight. This works when looking in the player profile. I have the Highlight Key attribute selected and using Tato skin.
  10. What mod would you suggest to allow five subs in FM22. I would like to avoid doing it manually with the pre game editor if possible.
  11. Are looking at a player's goals or assists with another team useful when scouting for a transfer? If so how much importance do you place on those specific stats?
  12. Thank you. I assume that FM 21 is the same except for the data hub?
  13. I'm wanting to see how many goals my team has scored from set pieces, crosses etc. Is it possible to see team stats across different seasons?
  14. I was just going to ask whether I should spend what I have or will that affect what I can ask for in the next season?
  15. Does any money you make during the season selling players get added to your yearly transfer budget the following season? e.g., I currently have 100 million for transfers. My future transfer budget for next season is 90 Mil. If I don't spend the 100 Mill will the 90 mil get added to that and and I'll have 190 mil or do I start next season with 90 mil?
  16. First off is it more difficult to find right sided WB than left? Secondly my tactic has WB in attack role so they tend to do lots of crossing. I'm not sure if my focus on finding players with high crossing attribute (14+) has unintentionally eliminated some really good players from my transfer list. Am I being unrealistic with crossing ability?
  17. How many games do you play a player before you feel you have a good idea of whether they are useful or should be sold/loaned etc?
  18. I was coaching the U21 team and they qualified for the Euros . I then got the Senior manager job. I'd like to control the U21 team for the Euro tournament then just focus on the Senior, Not sure how to do that as I wasn't able to select a team for U21 friendlies just the Senior team. I allocated myself for control of the match in the responsibilities options. Am I missing something?
  19. I typically do... but it means he will never win any awards. I see the keepers who win awards have fairly high ratings >7 are they facing loads of shots and making miraculous saves?
  20. My keeper is pretty good and rarely concedes more than one goal per game but has consecutive clean sheets yet his ratings Avg 6.8-9. My team does not allow many shots against so is my keeper being stopped from getting awards, MOM etc because of my team's good defensive structure?
  21. I've been rotating players regardless of how they have played the previous game. Should I keep playing players that are performing very well in order to get them “on hot streak” ? Specifically if my striker scores in a game should I keep playing him?
  22. Is there a way for me to manually place player(s) on top of the list not using a specific parameter? I'd like to have my top 10 transfer choices at the top of the list by best choice then second etc.
  23. I wanted to clarify how to make use of the xG when looking at players. I'm assuming the higher the xG the better. In that it means the player is getting/creating more chances to score. If I compare his xG this to his actual goal total and the amount of goals scored is higher than his xG that is an indication of a good finisher. Conversely if his goals amount is less than his xG that would indicate that he's wasteful. I realize this is simplified and there are other factors involved but would these be a fair assumptions?
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