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Everything posted by el_manayer

  1. How does this perform? A tactic with a single defensive role (even if you have 3 center backs) is something I wouldn't be brave enough to do very interesting
  2. At times I try having 2 different ones, but generally I only engage with a single one. In FM21 I played from release until FM23 came out only a single save I play very slow though, and do not have a lot of free time
  3. Yes, maybe I didn't sign the correct player. Or maybe he is still adapting, who knows. That's what I was thinking before anyway, I was just surprised that some people were complaining particulary about goalkeepers around here. I'll see if I can turn things around!
  4. Hi, I am also having problems with goalkeepers. Both my old one and my new signing often makes mistakes, meaning they just don't stop easy shots. My tactic is very solid defensively, so I am not judging the total number of received goals (since they are still low), it is just that he (Andre Onana) and his predecessor (Rui Silva) barely stop anything
  5. So, is there a problem with goalkeepers making more mistakes than usual? I just signed a new goalkeeper recently (I did no play the game in a couple of months) because my old goalkeeper used to make many mistakes, but I am very disappointed with my new player (Andre Onana) because he also makes a lot of mistakes that cost me points and matches. I though I just did a bad signing (which might be indeed, although it wasn't cheap) but I am reading here that people is having problem with goalkeepers as well? By the way, my forwards are playing extremely good this year without being top class, so definitely I do not see bad forwards performances
  6. I don't. It indeed happened for example playing the first season with my favourite club IRL, Real Betis, and I did not sign anyone in the first summer transfer window. IRL, last summer the team tried to sell a few players and nobody seems to want to leave the team because of the great atmosphere that is right now there, even if they got almost no play time this year. In game, these same players are crazy in my save, everybody wants to leave. I understand that the game can not replicate the real status of each club, but it kills all the immersion for me, and even more when I am leading the league in a extremely successful campaign. But still, I would be able to accept it if I the interactions would make some sense, or if it would happen less often.
  7. Same for me. The biggest problem that I am suffering, that was already present before but this year I feel it much more (I come from FM21) is the squad players complaining for everything: * The players that play more often: get attention, get some offers: immediately want to leave, no matter what, if the team is worse than mine, if they are gonna be pay less... * The players who play less: want to leave, so can play more often And no matter what, you have basically 2 options: or concede to whatever they are asking, or get the whole squad mad at you. I have save scum thousand times and tried all the options in the conversation, but all of them lead to the same conclusion. Constantly dealing with the stupid interactions is the opposite of fun, and I have already gave up in 2 saves because of that. I wish I could play the whole game just without this part.
  8. I am extremely tired of players moaning constantly, and half squad wanting to leave everytime another team knocks the door. Like, twice per week I am forced to go through the non-sense interaction with a player because of new contract (having maybe 3 years left!), playing time, wanting to leave, etc... And indeed, no matter how many options you have to choose in the interaction screen, I have save-scum many times and the outcome is always the same: either you agree to what the player says or the player gets mad. I wish I could completely erase this part of the game, which is completely contrary to "fun"
  9. Hi, I've never used this but apparently you can edit your stadium with FMRTE: https://www.fmrte.com/features/fmrte/changing-stadium-3d-appearance-r9/
  10. I did the math and it turns out that 95% of users in this forum are software developers
  11. Players ending up not playing in top clubs is probably the consequence of them not reaching high CA and not the reason, since you don't know where those players were developing prior to that.
  12. Just a side-by-side comparison here (forget the red circle). Now tell someone with a straight face that the second screenshot is 10 years of evolution over the first. Nothing can justify this.
  13. Well I have never mentioned bugs. I have never mentioned when people complain that they always lose, or win. Neither the red cards or something like that. Obviously every rant seen here can not be taken into account. What I meant with the loudest noise: The loudest noise is that press conferences are boring and excessively long. The loudest noise is that set pieces creator is crap. The loudest noise is that player interactions are absurd and immersion breaker. The loudest noise is that the stadiums look pathetic. The loudest noise is that international management is old and obsolete. The loudest noise is that the UI is bad, ugly, unintuitive and overly complicated. The loudest noise is that many changes made for "immersion reasons" failed in their goal, like the removal of the time bar during matches or the weird arrangement of players during talks. And yes, I have seen SI answers. Now go and try to find SI commenting about any of the things above, which are indeed the loudest noise since years.
  14. I mean, you are defining what a feedback is: people feelings about the game. Otherwise what is this thread for? If there is a bug, I can clearly show it. But feedback is not only related to bugs. I don't, I said that is the impression I get when reading that or other similar posts I see here. And I am done with this thread. I have tried to give my honest personal feedback and the only answers I get is that some of you take it like I want to **** you off or I hate SI or whatever. I have been paying attention to the thread to see if SI would acknowledge that is actually listening to the people posting here. But nothing. And by the way, the loudest noise is the most agreed opinions. If SI don't agree with them, but they are raised everywhere, it is ok, we can't do more. But it is an important opinion, not just "noise"
  15. Again giving the impression that things don't get fix because we do not work hard enough for it. I can have an example of one slower player reaching the ball faster than an apparently quicker player, but that would prove nothing even if I have 10 examples. Can I have an example of a creative player not being creative enough? I agreed with the users above that the attributes seem to matter less than I think they should, and that in older (much older) iterations of the game I did not have this feeling. I even say why I think this would happen, but I have no idea neither can I prove it without seeing the math that actually goes into the match engine, which obviously I have no idea. How could I? I am doing my best writing my impressions here, but this is a far as I go. I don't have time for more, and it should not rely on us to tell SI how to fix his game.
  16. How can you quantify that attributes do not matter as much as they should? Or that player should be more distinguishable on the match engine depending on their abilities, just by looking at the match? Honestly, sometimes it feels like it is the responsibility of us players to find exactly the flaws of the game and tell to the developers how they can address it. Even though, we don't get a miserable feedback from them, a simple "hey we are listening". People are commenting their thoughts of the game in this thread, all of them are obviously subjective, but also some of them are repeated basically in every page of the thread from different people. Still, SI does not say a word about most stuff. Some topics are just unspeakable for them. Sometimes issues can be pointed out directly and say "this is a bug and I have an example of it". But some others can not, they are just feelings and impressions and opinions. All of them subjective, but when a large chunk of the player base agree with X not working as it should/expected, or X not being intuitive enough, or X feature being an unpleasant addition to the game... etc. then the company should listen and consider them. Whether the posts people write here, some of them quite elaborate and takes time to write, trying to illustrate their thoughts about the game, are just lost words in the vast internet or are actually taken into consideration by SI, we don't know because we don't get any answer unless it is a clear bug or unless we are talking about one of the few issues that SI acknowledges and is able to talk about. Or well... we do get some information about the stuff raised here (in each year feedback thread) being considered or not: when in the next iteration of the series, the game still has everything people has complained about in the same state (or even worse, like press conferences having more questions). Then we know we weren't heard. Pd: I understand that you, as moderator, are just trying to help and keep the thread as useful as possible. The problem is that SI itself does not show up enough, so people get frustrated, the frustration rises to worse and often more aggressive feedback and then you all have an even more unpleasant job. By no means this is a personal message for you or other moderators.
  17. I have the feeling than in older FMs attributes were more important. I remember in FM10 signing a creative midfielder, watch the matches and really feel that the guy was something else, with different thinking and passing abilities than the rest. Had a similar feeling with a tall strong forward, which I could really feel his physical superiority and how defenders struggled against him. My feeling is that the game is so bloated with stuff now that influence the calculations, that the attributes themselves have a much smaller weight in the final output. I don't say that moral, team cohesion, etc. should not influence... but maybe it should have less of an impact, so that you see Messi in the field and you feel that this guy is Messi and not another random dude.
  18. If you click in the icon to expand the view of each figure, you get the real figure with labels
  19. I think you've nailed it. The game has lost the focus of what really matters, and SI refuses to acknowledge that many additions done years ago are a mistake for a simple reason: noone likes it. The press conferences being the best example of something that is supposed to add realism and role-play but nobody likes it, everyone shares basically the same opinion and still SI refuses to accept it and change it for example for what you have proposed. I personally have many complains with the game, but I don't remember getting even a single red card yet, and I have 2 simultaneous saves one in a Europa League level team and a second one in a semipro league. Probably I got some, but the fact that I don't even remember makes it clear that I haven't suffered anything unusual here
  20. The style of the shot maps is something that I can't understand how anyone would decide that it is good for representing anything. Pentagons? Really? Awful, I've never seen something like that, it makes it much harder than necessary to quickly get useful information, which is the point of data representation. In my work a constantly make plots and if I come up with something like that everyone would simply laugh at me and ask me what the hell am I doing. For the lower figures I also can't understand why the x-ylabels are not directly shown and you need to click in the figure to really understand it.
  21. The problems you are having with the squad planer are due to the squad planer being an useless mess
  22. I understand the database is a league extension made with the editor? It sounds like the error comes from there, probably there is a small error in that file. You could try reporting it to the people who made it.
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