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Everything posted by el_manayer

  1. If your defenders play worse than the AI defenders, then it is either your players or your tactics (or the atmosphere in your team). As someone said above, the match is simulated in the same way if it is AI vs AI, player vs AI or player vs player. Edit: currently there seems to be issues with defenders in the ME, but these happen equally to you and to the AI.
  2. Well, I come from FM21, so my opinion is based in comparison with that. I have been trying the demo, finally. Here my opinion, from negative to positive. The bad: * A lot has been said about international management and set pieces, so I won't repeat. The current status of both is a shame because it hasn't evolved with the rest of the game. * Player interactions and promises... I can't believe this is not reworked. Anyone who plays a single season in the game would notice that this does not work the way it should or it was first intended. * Some UI decisions, which I could not believe when they were first made, are still there. I am talking about the lack of the time bar during the matches or the rearrangement of players in team talks, for example. Seriously, about the time-bar. Why? Somebody explains it to me? Immersion? Is that immersion? Why not giving me the option to have it if I want it? It is a game, I am not in the field, I don't feel like I am in the field, I don't watch the whole match... so if I want to go back and forth watching it to understand what is going on in the match, to observe players individually, or if I went for a drink and came back and want to have a brief look, why I can't???? To me this is absolutely crazy, honestly. I will never understand it. Please, I beg you, bring it back. * The squad planner... not a bad idea, but badly done. It is overcomplicated to do something very simple. It is not intuitive nor comfortable to use. * I can't believe that faces look worse than in FM21. Specially due to issues with hair, beards and eyebrows. This is a shame. * My only complain from ME perspective is the erratic behaviour sometimes defenders show. Like, a lack of awareness of their surroundings. They also seem to fail too often very easy headers. Also, for some reason they act sometimes like under pressure when they are not, and just hit the ball forward with no sense even if it is against their instructions. * I wish English teams were not as overpowered as they are, basically in all FM games. I have seen videos simulating several years in the future, and English teams always dominate Champions league. The reality is different. The good: * ME: Honestly, I didn't expect to be surprised here. I expected it to be better, but I found it much, much better than I anticipated. For real, a lot. I don't know if the huge evolution I feel is more for FM21->22 or FM22->23, but it feels way way way better, way more natural, way more realistic. So much, that I am indeed buying the game (in a few weeks, when I have more time to play it) even with all the negativity I wrote above. I am also confident that the issue with defenders will be solved in a patch soon. * Also, I used to watch matches in 2D and, for the first time, I am indeed enjoying the views in 3D. Although there is a huge room for improvement here in term of graphics, textures, stadium diversity, lightning, etc., the player movements feel a lot more natural than in FM21. * Many people complained about lack of cut inside from inside forwards... but the little I have played, I have seen a reasonable amount I think. Not as much as in FM21, but my players were behaving more or less like I expected in this regard (they also have the pkm of cut inside, so it might be that)
  3. Maybe I am wrong, but you would only need to connect it if you reload the cache or want to update the pictures or something, isn't it?
  4. AI is a complicated topic, but this thing... this is not even AI, is base coding. It is a shame that it has happened in the game since ages and is still there.
  5. Lol, I see this attitude often here and I think it is doing more harm to the game than anything else. It's something that's been broken for years and (apparently) hasn't been fixed. That's the point. If we all ignore all the problems the game has, then yes, the game is perfect. If you know something is broken and avoid using it, very well done, you can get your fair play gold medal, but the user here was just reporting a problem hoping that I'll be fix. It's good that you checked that, in your case, that doesn't happen, but there's no reason to be condescending.
  6. Year after year, the same problems are still unresolved
  7. Questions for those who have the game: * Are interactions with players still the same? I recently read the devs admitting that the whole module needed a rework. Did they rework it? * Does the new supporters feature have some effect on your game? Can you be sacked or pressured if they are unhappy with you?
  8. Well, Haaland currently scored 17 goals in 11 league matches= 1.54 goals per match., which times 38 is 58.7 at the end of the league... and in your example he scored 57... so... quite accurate indeed!
  9. After seeing how the game is, definitely not. Everything that is bad (or even horrible) about the previous games is still there: set-pieces, international management, non-sense UI with messages scattered around the whole empty screen, stupid interactions with the players, graphics and stadiums, regen eyebrows... I am going to have the same fun with older FMs than I would with FM23, even if ME might (or not, we will see) be improved, or even if in older versions I am not able to wear a never-in-game-visible-watch in my manager character. Blindly buying the game every year only contributes to the stagnation of the saga.
  10. I think Messi is the best example to understand both. You would not say that Messi is a strong player, he would generally not get the ball from another player using his physical strength. However, when he is with the ball he stands physical contact very very well, maintaining his original pace and direction without falling. That's what balance is. If you check his stats, he always has very high balance and low strength.
  11. People working in UI... please... do you really think that this window is well designed? So well designed that it hasn't been changed since introduced 2 or 3 years ago?
  12. Very nice work, thanks. I would be interested to see something similar with all top leagues loaded, to compare if the issues you mentioned are tied to only having one league loaded or not.
  13. I only check scouts reports for things like consistency or injury probability + player potential, but anything that I can see in the attributes myself I don't even bother to read. I would like to try a play-through with attribute masking and relying only in scouts and statistics/performance, but I am afraid I am not good enough in the game for something like that
  14. Yeah, that was me! It is fun that you only take the last and less important point of the issues I mentioned, and I only gave it as example of the many small stuff that in my opinion are wrongly done. But yes, it was a complaint more about the laziness of the devs than the game itself. The fact that the game introduced an ugly picture of an office with the goal of making the game "more immersive", but it only resulted in a single click on some dialogue with the same ugly background picture no matter where you are... doesn't make the game more immersive, it just makes the game a bit more annoying because you unnecessarily change to a whole new screen just so you can see the background. It was something that in previous versions you could do without the screen changing stuff. So yeap, if you are moving me to a new screen only to show me the background, you'd better work a little bit on it, don't you think? At least some variety. So yes, my happiness level went a little up when I read that they added a couple of more pictures there. I wish you could feel the same joy as I do right now because of this
  15. Thinking that FM keeps the low graphics so it can be played on crappy laptops is extremely naive. It can be played on crappy laptops because it has crappy graphics that didn't evolve with time. Sooner or later, it will, and then all those guys with crappy laptops will either buy something new or be left out. Honestly, the latter is probably like 0.1% of the player base, and I am very sorry if you can't buy a new computer and you keep playing with your 10-year-old machine, but things evolve and you can not expect to keep playing with the same computer forever. And well, from the graphics side, the game should be playable on 20-year old computers if the game is well optimized and you could select to see only 2D graphics and don't generate faces. Processing power is a whole different story... Also, the whole discussion you guys are having here about salaries and affording computers and stuff is extremely dumb. You are in no position whatsoever to judge whether someone would be able to afford this or that, or if it has other more important priorities or whatever. You are talking here about expenses as if the whole player base is living wherever you are living... More on the topic itself, I saw the videos and really liked the new animations and how everything felt smoother. Still, I can not understand why it would be so hard to put some new camera angles there or update the pitch textures so it doesn't look like a green carpet. These are extremely simple tasks to complete in a year, let alone five years... I still think that FM23 didn't change enough stuff to be considered a new game and a considerable improvement over FM22. Although the ME always seems to be going in the right direction, that is the least to be expected from the core of the game.
  16. If you are already older than 29 you should consider selling yourself and buying a new promising teenager to play the game for you, so you can sell him after a few years and repeat.... mmmm maybe I played the game too much... Jokes apart, what is starting to limit me is my eyesight, even though I am only 31 I have a small problem that got worse and my eyes get tired extremely easy when there is much text with a lot of contrast. I would not be able to enjoy the game if skins weren't there.
  17. This looks fantastic, look at those stadiums, I love them. I love the screenshot taken near the grass, it looks just so good and natural for a small team stadium. That helps the immersion immensely. I mean, graphics are far from realistic/Fifa like, but I think everyone would be happy if the game still looked like that Today but with the recent updates in player movements etc, and we had it 6 years ago
  18. Here there was a lot of complaints about graphics, problem is that it is not the only thing. People are molested because complaints are not being heard. The sad true that SI does not want to accept is that, in recent years, most changes to the game have given nothing positive to the experience and, in many cases, have made the game worse. This is not my personal opinion, but rather the general consensus on this forum and in other forums I visit or people I played the game with. Things that come up to my mind rapidly without opening the game, are mostly things that were changed for the sake of "realism", and have miserably failed in making the game more immersive or to escape from that cliche that FM was a spreadsheet simulator. Examples: * The disappearance of the time bar during matches. It makes 0 sense, and back in the days when this changed, people complained about it. Did SI hear and rectify? Absolutely no. It was just ignored. * The scatter of players during team talk, to make you "feel" that you are in the dressing room. Guess what? You absolutely don't feel that. It is just annoying. Before, you had a nice, clean list, easily accessible and readable. A huge percentage of the players complained about this. SI yet hasn't considered going back. * Similarly, the arrangement of questions and answers in press conferences. It only makes the game worse and press conferences even more annoying. People complained, but nothing was done. * Things like when you move to a different screen with a background of your "office" to have a completely inflexible "conversation" with someone. The same office background picture, no matter where your club is or its economy. It doesn't succeed in making the game more immersive either. All these examples here are, arguably, wrong decisions that have made the game worse and more annoying, and a huge part of the community has expressed this sentiment on many many occasions. Sometimes I might even forget that these small details, a few years back, were better. The game was genuinely better, and the only thing that keeps the game afloat is that the match engine is, generally, a step forward every year. And it is the most important part of the game, so we keep playing new iterations. But many, many things that were added or changed recently were wrong decisions. I know it is hard to acknowledge your own mistakes, and I have no hope of SI doing it. But it is like that; you only need to play an older game and a newer one to notice. If I could only have the match engine of new games but everything else from older games, I would do it without any doubt. And don't get me wrong, I am not saying that EVERYTHING that has been added in the last few years is negative or has made the game worse. I did not say such a thing, and many things added recently are interesting and make the game more engaging. However, many others are not, and SI should learn from their own mistakes, acknowledge them, and reconsider some of these decisions in order to have a better overall game. People often say that the opinions expressed here do not represent the whole player base, and that's true. But that doesn't mean that the rest of the playerbase does not agree with things said here. And when people in this forum, reddit, in other active communities like fmsite.net, or even in steam or youtube comments, have the same complaints about the same things... well, that's a general opinion then. And it makes me sad when someone suggests that there is a trend of "hate" against the games or the company or even Miles himself. That's wrong. Everyone who is here or posting in other forums is someone who cares about the game. The game was and still is a very good game, and we all recognize that and only want the game to be equally good or even better in the future. There will always be different opinions, but if wherever you ask something and >90% of players have the same opinion... then that's the reality. As a company, ignoring it and pretending like every decision, change or addition made the game better is simply the wrong way.
  19. For you and for 99.99% of people, and if I am wrong, I invite whoever it is to come here and say that you are excited to have a watch in your manager avatar that you can only see before loading the game. That's the thing, even if they did design the watch in a single day, they'd better spend that day's work on doing anything that remotely improves the game. And the other thing that annoys me more is that they announce it like it is actually "exciting". It is not judging, i also like to have a nice avatar, but it should really really really be down on any kind of priority list to add something like that, that you actually don't even see, to a game with so many other graphical needs. I can only imagine the next features being announced like "Rather excitingly, this year you are able to choose your manager's underwear color!"
  20. I mean, if you buy it every year no matter what, honestly your complains mean little to nothing. If you consider that the changes are not worthy a new game, simply do not buy it. It is what I did last year, and I kept playing FM21 and I can assure you I haven't missed anything added in FM22, and I played FM21 same amount of time that I would have played FM22 in case I would have bought it. I am still to see if I buy FM23, but from what I saw I will probably keep playing FM21 over again. And it is not that I consider the game expensive or that it would mean any sort of economical effort for me. It is just that I don't feel that I am missing a new game, and all things that I do not like from FM21 (set pieces, player interactions...) or that I miss in a FM game (team facilities, graphics) are not included or changed yet, and the novelties of last games would give nothing to improve my enjoyment. Also, the evolution of FM in the last years is, sadly, not any different from most games that release yearly. If you buy any of these games every year, they are basically the same, but they still need to announce that the novelties are worthy.
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