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Everything posted by el_manayer

  1. Lol I had no idea of this. I usually wait a year or so and players generally accept it
  2. Kind of the same than IRL I would say, if his role is more static he is going to perform well.
  3. If it happens with all/most players is probably a bug, but if it happens with a single player it might just be a player that was caught with that age so he maybe joined your club/country only then. It should not be the norm but it is also not unrealistic
  4. Beta was out a month ago so that averages about 16 hours per day. Even if half of those 16 hours the game was just in the background, you should seriously consider a small change in life, because that doesn't seem mentally healthy. Just my personal honest advice, I hope I don't offend you and you don't take it in a bad way. I would only understand such playtime if you are stuck at home/bed for some reason...
  5. It hasn't changed in years so I guess SI thinks they are good and enjoyable
  6. I think the best is to sell them and invest the money in new players that you will eventually also sell. That said, if you are in the same club +5 years and you are successful, you can keep almost any player with no much trouble. Even if they get sad for a few months, they'll come back on track unless the personality is very bad or too ambitious, and if their team mates complain, you can also calm them down if they like you enough quite easily.
  7. You can always decrease the number of leagues that you are using in your save, but you'll have to wait until the end of the season for it to take effect
  8. It is very low in my priority list as well. Better improve in match graphics and make them more enjoyable, maybe even a 1st person view just for immersion.
  9. I still think that it is not realistic that I can't even negotiate that clause. As said, one of the players has been the last 3/4 years renewing his contract yearly, always 1 year length and without that kind of clauses. I kind understand it if the player <35 or so, but if they are older they can't demand to sign a contract of 2 and possibly 3 years. No 1st division club would accept that
  10. Hi, so I think this is highly unrealistic in many cases. I am trying to renew contract of 2 veteran players in Betis: Andres Guardado and Joaquin. We are in October 22, that means that the first is 36 years old and the second 41! Furthermore, the second is an absolute legend of the club, he loves it and he only wants to play there until he is retired. I want to renew them for personal reasons more than anything else, but obviously I plan to use them sometimes in the squad. Thing is, no matter how I face the contract negotiations (I reload multiple times to check), they demand automatic contract renewal after X matches. I guess this feature makes sense in some context, but not in either of this ones. Let's see them This is Guardado. He demands automatic renewal after only 10 matches! So, without it, the contract would expire in 2024, he would be already 38 years in the Spanish first division. But, he would not sign unless I am basically forced to play him until 39. It is a practically forced 3 years contract on a 36 years old player. This does not make sense, and does not reflect the reality. Then, this is Joaquin. Even if he demands automatic renewal only after 20 matches, he is 41! He basically wants a 3 years contract with 41! In real life, he has been renewing his contract yearly, always one year long, just to check if at the end of the seasons he is still performing. Unrealistic. I am not sure if I should report these as bugs, if it does not happen to other people or if you guys think this is indeed realistic and I am totally wrong. I am here to hear your opinions. The worst thing is that they are not asking for it, it is a demand, I can not take that thing out of the negotation by any means, which I also feel unrealistic. There is also nothing about that in the pre renewal conversations with the agent.
  11. Correct me if I am mistaken, but you are looking at different teams in different leagues. Maybe the league in the second screenshot (Campeonato AFP plan vital) doesn't have that rule? Edit: Also, at the bottom-right of the second screenshot you have "Campeonato AFP plan vital" selected. Probably that's why it is showing you the rules of that campeonato. Try to change it there to primera division chilena
  12. Sorry, so the 1st "big" update is the one from Beta to final version or there is another one before the one you mentioned?
  13. Lol When you scout a player, you get a hint of his hidden attributes in the report if these are good or bad. If the report is completed and you got no information about, for example, consistency, it means that the consistency of the player is just normal. Note that the reliability of this is always dependent on how good your scouts are.
  14. I don't think that's an excuse, abusers can be handled and, anyway, devs still come and answer some stuff sometimes, which I very much appreciate, but only about certain topics while some other topics are always ignored even if the majority of people ask for them. Maybe if they would face the questions the players have, acknowledge what does not work properly in the game and clarify why some stuff got priority over some others, players would be more relax and abusers would abuse less (not trying to justify here bad behaviour or disrespect by any means!). Part of the reason why the ambient here is this salty is because of the curtain of silence that they hide behind, but hiding does not solve the problems, it only creates frustration, and problems are still there and are noticeable even if the company just ignore them because sales are still good. Things can be done better in regards of communication, and the frustration along the community is not new, the difference is that this year some content creators have spoken, but the frustration come from earlier and it only increases when expectations are not met even in very simple things like tuning a bit the broken modules or reworking things that make the game annoying (hello press conferences and player interactions). Even if almost everyone agrees that the game is still very good, for what I see, not only here but everywhere else, there is also general consensus that we are in sad times regarding the saga due to the lack of evolution, bugs that are carried over from year to year and not enough sincere communication. People just keep buying the game, you see steam reviews and they are still positive, but we all know this is all because the base game (ME) is very good, but the discontent in the community, specially if you have played the game before, is huge.
  15. One thing I am actually struggling to get from the ME is maintaining a slow possession based style of play, playing from defence short easy passes until the ball reach the offensive players. I am not sure if this is a ME issue or me, but I have tried many different things in the tactic and no matter what, my defenders very often just kick the ball far up the pitch even under no pressure instead of doing an easy pass that's indeed very possible.
  16. ME is very good, however those bugs are not animation problems, are ME bugs. The fact that a defender just run opposite to the action is not a bug, and can't be justified because of lack of concentration because... well how bad is your concentration that you don't see that everybody else and the ball is just going to the other direction, and you only notice after ~5 seconds? Specially when it happens so often. I am still confident that this will be solved, and without this bug, better long balls interception and some more dribbling inside for IW I think the ME is going to be fantastic. ME is the only thing I am still optimistic about the game to be honest, specially with the silence from SI about everything else that people complained about here.
  17. This is to me the worst part. The forum is supposed to be a contact between players and the company, but the developers never really answer what, I feel, they are ashamed of answering. In the feedback thread you only see answers to specific selected topics, always the same ones, while every other thing is just ignored or never acknowledged. I don't mean that they should share their internal conversations or plans, but if you want to be transparent you better explain why something that annoyed the playerbase for years is still in the same state. It might be because different priorities, it might be because of limitations of the current graphics module, it might be because there will be a big overhaul of the whole module in the future and it is not worthy to expand the current obsolete system... I don't know, all speculations because we only get silence. Sad, really sad.
  18. Going from 800x480 to 1200x720 would increase the size of the whole pack by a factor ~2.3. That might be a reason, since these megapacks are already quite heavy
  19. Something I noticed in previous versions is that it is very important to change the train focus of each player from the default one. Like, directly choose the role they must train. I noticed it for players that I forgot to set the focus and weren't improving at all with the default one, and then I changed it to a particular position/role and almost instantly they started to improve.
  20. It has been happening since years, and even if you can try to justify it in some cases, it just happens too often.
  21. HI, I bough it in a similar way (although I don't know that website, but it was similar, Europe multi-platform). You get a code and then you have to introduce that code into the SI/FM official page (I got the link directly in the email from the seller) and there you choose in which platform you want to redeem the code. You choose steam and then get a steam code, which you introduce in steam as usual.
  22. Lol they haven't said a thing about what everyone is asking here. Just look at the post that he was quoting.
  23. Exactly. In addition, some of the decisions UI of the last few years are totally incomprehensible. Have you ever seen a skin that doesn't change the team names on the scoreboard during the game? That thing they decided a couple of years ago, instead of writting the full name, write only 3 letters. Seriously, SI, why don't you look at the decisions taken years ago and check if they were correct or not? Nobody, nobody prefers to see 3 letters there instead of the full team name. "Oh, but we did it for realism, on TV it looks like that too". Well, on TV I can distinguish Messi from Verratti. Then the removal of the time bar during the matches, the thing that by default you don't directly see the players attributes anymore when receiving a scout report, the rearrangement of players during team talks... And this year for example, they include some cosmetic to your manager but design the most weird system I have ever seen to put them on or off, and the proof is how many players constantly ask how to remove this earring or this watch. It seems like every UI decision is made just to make the game less enjoyable, and it is very sad in a game this good.
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