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Everything posted by Ferocious289

  1. sorry to pester you again, what program are you using to edit the patterns like that?
  2. Nice thanks for the link, those pitch patterns are good but a little too funky for me. is it just a case of adding them to the pitch folder or do you have to replace the existing ones?
  3. I've worked how to do it now thanks. No more green carpet or dull green patterns.
  4. If the guy has managed to mod the pitches, then it isn't hard coded, there must be a way to alter them as if he did. What you're saying is no one but the guy knows how to change it which is different from it being hard coded.
  5. Well what he is saying isn't far the truth in terms of balance. The away game advantage is artificially overpowered to the point inferior ai opponents can easily bridge the gap between the human player in spite o form, tactics, preparation and morale. If you know what you're doing youcan navigate it around it butcertain events unfolding in away game has's nothing to do with a player's ability to play the game. Tactics are important but there is no doubt a whole lot of artificial randomness and rng is at play when it comes to favouring the AI in the game. You can be in a rich vein of form and suddenly play a sunday league team in a cup game or even a mid card team who are in a poor run of form, with low morale, where the players are 120 pa wilth their attackers having 12 finishing, 10 pace and overall average attritbues but because the game is away, suddenly human managed defenders begin making school boy errors, and comical chuckle brother mistakes while the ai team are capable of out running, physically overpowering stronger players and overall just being better in sync with the rest of the team than the human player's team, I've seen a midfielder under no pressure play a simple ball back to a defender, the defender ignores and walks away from the ball, and the ball slowly rolls past the keeper who just stands there nd watches. These errors never or rarely happen in home games, but will always occur during an away game where you are unlikely to keep a clean sheet or reign supremacy over an far superior opponent. I should not have to go defensive and grind hope my team plays a perfect game if I have 160-170 ca players with better attributes and pa against a 120 Plymoth side just because they are at home. The skill gap level should not be so easily bridged. What's funny is that high pa AI teams hardly see have this problem when they play inferior ai teams away from home That's not to mention the AI's consistent ability to always be capable of scoring last minute comeback goals or winners in spite of how the game's momentum is in swing The AI is capable of scoring 2 goals in quick sucession at the final end of the game yet human player it's a very very rare occurance, Even if you are even at home and are behind you can change to go ultra attacking and you will be lucky to see highlights towards the end of the game of your team making an effort. Ifyou're unlucky you just may well end up being on the recieving end of a counter attack. And then there is also the one shot one goal phenomonen where the AI can score from the very first highlight 1-5 mins into the game or your team can be dominating yet hit the woodwork 10 times or your strikers underhit shots or suddenly refuse to shoot when through on goal as if they've in on match fixing, but the inferior ai can and will be clinical and you can always read when it's going to happen.
  6. I know there is a pitch mod out but I dont like the new grass as it all looks the same. Ideally Just would like to remove the nasty bright green carpet looking grass texture pitch that's in the game as it looks like I'm playing minecraft when it's in use, so is there a tutorial how to edit swap or remove that specific pitch texture so I don't ever have to see it used in any games?
  7. The same people who preach about cheating using a downloaded tactic will be the same ones using the IGE.
  8. A good tip to speed up processing speed is to go into 'detail level' and change club and competition detail level to minimum
  9. You're not the only one. I think the fun has been sucked out of the game this year, barely much new features to make the game feel fresh from fm22, but instead more data and more meetings make the game more draining, plus the M.E not being much of an upgrade in terms of graphics and after a while things become quite predicatable as your can easily anticipate what's going to happen in a highlight. I use to sink hours into the game, but this year feels unrewarding and barely play more than a hour before turning it off through boredom. Personally think this is one of the least inspiring releases in the franchise
  10. Pace doesn't really matter I've seen 19 pace wingers outsprinted by sunday league level players on the game when you get outplayed and the ai suddenly starts playing like they're on steroids.
  11. You can't sign them until their 18 if you're in the EU, because according to SI it only happens rarely so you can't sign any in the game. Don't understand that logic, but there is no way around it, because even if you remove work permit rules and agree a fee the player will not even be interested in entering negotiations.
  12. Think this destroys the idea of not being able sign/pre sign young players before they turn 18 in real life which is what is on the game. Think it's time to change the rules in game dont you think
  13. Yeah and I already accepted the explanation, there no need for you to get involved and explain again or accuse me of trying to rig the draw. Sit down
  14. Nope nice try at trolling but I didn't reload to get an easier tie since the tie that was drawn was a easy tie. Just noticed because I didn't get to save the game and reloaded to an earlier period and got the same draw along with other teams which I thought was strange because I was under the impression draws were randomly generated every time.
  15. Ok but I remember in fm22 even if you reloaded a few days before the draw after last round had been finished, the draw would be different every time.
  16. Cup draws use to be random, but if you reload the game, and spin the draw it always draw the same teams paired against each other
  17. Agree with this 100 percent The long change log improving/patching so many different areas of the game and transparancy in what has been fixed is a fine job. I've been critical and feel as this should have been done on release but it's here now and the update finally makes the game feel finished and looks like the team have really taken into account most of the bug reports from the community to which they should be appluaded They fixed the tournament draw speed, which was one of my complaints. They fixed newgen attribute development distribution. Staff meetings are actually reccomending improving the right weaknesses for players now. The M.E isn't perfect but it's far more balanced and logical. No more OP corners, defending is much improved and you don't see calamatious errors every match where your central defenders look like the chuckle brothers. I heard someone complain there is no more choas, which isn't true. The ball still bobbles and lesser players still have a loose touch to get dispossesed but there is now balance to it where it happens occassionally rather every single time your turn decides not to turn up. Before a defender or midfielder regardless of their composure/attributes would be in a dangerous area of the pitch and would stall too long on the ball waiting until a striker nicks it and scores an easy goal. Or the goalkeeper would have the option to play it out to a defender who is not under pressure, but instead would decide to kick it straight to the opposition player leading to goalscoring opportunity This no longer happens which is a game changer from the previous patch. defenders still make mistake but it is far more spread out and balanced. Long balls over the top still happen but again it's balanced, not every single counter is a long ball over the top leading to goalscoring opportunity and defenders actually covering space and tracking runs to make them actually look like they play football at pro level The patch was never going to be perfect and be to everyone's liking, but it's done a fine job in fixing major core issues as well as QoL features along with processing speed. That's my last post here as I have been advised to step back but just wanted to say well done to SI for this patch. For those who complaining about how happy you were with the pre-patch, then you should have turned off auto updates so you could continue to enjoy the unfinished beta
  18. I'm not going to single anyone out I was talking in general, I've said what I've had to say and expressed my thoughts. I'm not here to bash anyone for the sake of it, just highlight the fact it is poor that I'm having to wait until I don't know when before I can play a functional game which I paid for last month and all I've heard so far from the team at launch is that they're happy with the game, and hopefully some time before xmas some fixes will get dropped and it will be released when it's ready
  19. The point is the patch should have already been done by now. This isn't some small indie company, they sell millions and millions of copies each year which they get from loyal fm players who buy and help give feedback to improve the game each year, Theyare a big enough company in terms of funds who can afford to allocate a team to work overtime on fixing bugs on a product which has been released unfinished. If there was a rival in the market that had equal sales in management sim who were competing, you can bet your bottom the patch would have been released on the 2nd week of release date of the game, the latest, with an apology on top. You see it in other games all the time, because they have the competition and can't afford to leave their customers waiting around twiddling their thumbs and have them lose interest to pick another competitor Keep in mind we've been waitin for a patch since October. 2 months and to not even release a minor update is nothing short of a disgrace and taking customers for granted. Though to be honest it's probably best they don't release any more pr statements as when they do find the time to do so most of it come off as dismissive, as if the community is a nuicance for demanding/expecting feedback on the progress of updates
  20. How about both. The game was released on 8th November, the game is still in beta from when it was released mid October that's nearly 2 months where people are playing a beta version of the game. So we paid for a full game but we're playing an unfinished beta with a host of bugs, you damn right a multi millionaire company should be rushing to release fixings ASAP
  21. Here here and lets put some more fire and ferociousness into press conferences where you have the option of challenging a journalist for asking a dumb stupid question. Or single out a player, instead of the only option currently is taking responsibility as the manager and no option to lambast the entire team in a presser or call out single invididuals who had a crap 6.0 rating. There needs to be more spice and controversy in the game because at the moment it's all very vanilla.
  22. Those were the ps1 days where every game was pushing boundaries with great storylines and epic gameplay. Manhunt use to scare the hell out of me back then, just use to watch my older bro play it. Same with resident evil 1. As for character, I don't think player's legal teams will have an issue with them being depicted in a 3d match engine pushing another player or group of players squaring up to eachother before the main culprits get a yellow card. Some of the elbows and two footed lunges on fm23 I've seen only Roy Keane or Ben Thatcher would be proud of.
  23. they acting like we're asking for Manhunt style executions displayed on the pitch. Minecraft has more violence than fm where you can do headshots and set animals on fire and it's still a PG game. To suggest depicting a player shoving or throwing a punch is going to turn fm into a GTA style R rated game is laughable
  24. Being able to reduce their playing time status to any option you like without causing morale drop.
  25. The m.e already dipicts elbows and two footed flying lunges, how would dipicting players pushing and shoving eachother(which happens every weekend on the football pitch) make them lose PG rating?
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