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Everything posted by Ferocious289

  1. Students get student loans worth over 3k and there are payment plan options where you can buy laptops in installements. Mimimum wage workers are not working in coal mines getting 20 shillings. The mimimum wage has increased in the uk to £10 per hour so they can expect to be earning over 20k annually. A 1.5k laptop is a drop in the ocean. I'm sorry but there is no excuses, students and minimum wage workers can offord to buy the latest apple iphones but they can't afford to invest in a new laptop
  2. There are people still using laptops from 2010. In the space of 12 years, you think it's impossible for a working man to cough up at least 1k to buy a gaming laptop? Anyone who has a home,a job, heating and internet should be able to afford to buy a 1k-1.5k gaming laptop
  3. If you play a games even if it's just one, you're a gamer. If people have a weaker machine, there are options to have graphical slider settings to set low settings so your pc/laptop can handle it which helps avoiding infringing on the those who have the laptops capable of running higher graphical demands. If you want to dimiss consoles you can, look at indie gaming companies as well as AA games they don't stop making graphical improvements because some customers are using old weak machines. I don't see the need to call me a twit and arrogant when I'm simply stating facts. It doesn't cost that much money to buy a laptop that is an improvement from a laptop that was made back in 2010. Like I said, if you have a nokia or motorola and expect apple, or samsung to stop making smart phones because there are people still using those ancient phones, then technologically there will never be any advancement
  4. Here's an indepth video on the new match engine graphics and aminations and dont want to be a negative nancy but geniunely looks exactly the same as fm22 graphically. The ball bobbles more and finishing looks a bit more cleaner, other than that I don't see what could not have been added during a patch
  5. That's your perogative if you don't wish to invest a few hundred to play one game. If you're a gamer you buy a gaming laptop. In this day and age most AA games don't consider keeping the graphics the same because people use old consoles or pcs. There would be no PS5 or xbox series X pushing the boundaries because there are some customers who still play ps1 and ps2 You can do what you want, but I don't see why a gaming company to should cater to a minority who are unwilling or can't afford to buy a new laptop. Mobile phone companies don't refuse to upgrade because some people still use motarola and nokia phones. You don't need to upgrade a pc annually, I upgrade my pc every 5 years, to keep up with games in the new era. If you are unwilling to invest to play even one game and you're buying office based laptops that can only handle word, netflix and other streaming that's your choice., Expecting gaming company to downgrade, remain stagnate and not evolve,because you made that choiceis is what I call selfish
  6. It's criminal, we've been scammed with the excuse that si need to cater towards the cheap skates who don't wish to upgrade from their 2010 laptops.
  7. Even the trailor you can see how proud they were of showcasting the progressive graphical engine and effort into it knowing it was majestic pushing the envelope. Today's trailers it's all filtered fluff of real life cuts of players and fans with no actual footage of the in game footage, almost as if there is a hint of shame preventing them from showing off that this is the best they can do in the year 2022
  8. It's crazy fm17 looks light years ahead of the current graphics and player models look better, look at the backheel at 35 secs
  9. Well I wasn't talking about the match engine since no one knows how it's played as the game isn't out. In hindsight I should have clarified my post and not mentioned M.E but I thought it was clear I was talking about the graphics
  10. I think people know the difference between between m.e and graphics. My post specifically mentioned that I saw no difference in the artwork of the graphics but sometimes to save time just we include M.E. I mean you can't seriously believe I was making judgement on how the game played when it's not even out yet.
  11. I'm watching videos of past ME graphics from football manager 20 to football manager 22 and honestly can't tell which game is what. I'm not talking about animinations or how players deliver their roles, I'm talking about asthetics to the pitch, player model, stadium and crowd. Look at the pictures below from fm20, fm21 and fm22 and tell me with a straight face that if there's big difference. Fm20 FM21 FM22
  12. I think the idea is to get the kids on board by sticking with minecraft level graphics
  13. they just moved things around and gave new names to things already in the game.
  14. The M.E looks exactly the same. Can't believe there has been no artwork improvement to the graphics at the very least, the same washed up stadiums,lighting and pitches. Unbelievable
  15. Exactly they may be in the game on the surface leve, but they are not relfected in the gameplay. When it rains I don't see players slipping, if there is mud which I have rarely seen, the players are still running smoothly like they're skating on ice. I certainly don't have to adjust my tactics or player selection for any weather condition types. Imagine if there was match reports of muddy pitches, and you had to take into account that you're silky slick midfield mestro and show pony winger, would be redudant because they'll find it difficult to slip past players or thread through killer passes.
  16. There's loads of new ground to cover both big and small in regards to the M.E and qolf. Improving things that are already in the game, i.e ravamping press conferences so they are not the same questions repeated season after season. There really should be real cause and effect from the managers interactions with the press and media. For example if I criticise a player in a press conference or news interview, the very least I'd expect is that 1. The Player gets fired up and more focused to prove me wrong in the next match/sequence of matchs, 2. Player becomes annoyed and wants talks with me, 3. Squad Members agree with me and get a boost at the same time causing some friction between them and the player or 4. The squad side with the player and thus also get a decrease in performance for next match or so and become slightly less happy with me. 5. There is a media frenzy which puts pressure on said player and causes him to lose focus and form, then man management to be inputted whereby you advise the player to ignore the extra scrunity . Improving player management relationship so you have more feedback options so you're not forced to just select the right answer to avoid the player becoming unsettled and wantin a transfer, Irl managers will talk to a player and tell them they won't play next games but they''ll play in 3 weeks and depending on the players ambition, determination and the player might get a training boost or match boost. Right now player interactions are limited and boring and there is no real reason to interact with any players except for criticise/praise training/form. Neither is there the option of going back to talk to a player about their unhappiness after they've complained about something. Only the player has the power in the game to approach the manager about a complaint regarding playing time, or new contract which is unrealistic Players retiring early due to reoccuring chronic injuries. Fix Dyanmic Youth rating Board owner with personality and more frequent interactions with the manager, more in depth detail on takeovers and transforming clubs. You can be 5 seasons into a save and you never see a small team get taken over and do a city, chelsea or PSG and suddenly spend crazy amounts on new players. Fix the penalty select option so yu don't only have a split second to change the taker when you win a pen Stadium Designer for modders to use. Better atmosphere on during games, where weather has an effect on the players ability to perform to their best. You could improve the sound during games for the fans having anthems, drums, flares etc. There's much more but that's just a few things off the top of my head which could add more depth and upgrade the game considerably.
  17. So me get this straight, the devs are not listening to the community because trolls happen to exist online? Welcome to 2022 folks, where there are always going to be disrupters/trolls on the internet, The trick is to grow thicker skin and ignore/block them and take on board the serious player's feedback
  18. No it wouldn't as database updates are easily done for free by the community. Not expecting changes or saying just be happy we get an annual update is why there has been so much stagnation, because there are individuals who are happy to blindly cough money religiously irrespective of the quality of the game or how much or lack of progression there is in the series. There is no incentive for any company in the world to go the extra mile if they know their product will sell like hot cakes without ever having to fully revamp their product
  19. Gonna get it through a free givaway as I refuse to give them any more of my money after seeing the ''headline features''.
  20. The thing is it doesn't have to be fifa level graphics, but another poster showed from fm2017 the graphics and attention to detail are actually getting worse. The crowds, stadium design and pitch texturess are at a basic level that rival sensible soccer on amiga. If there was some finer artwork to the graphics and player models, floodlights and weather where you would feel like you're watching there was a real sense of atmopshere and variation to playing in different environments and countries, even if cartoonish I think many would feel overjoyed. At the moment you can't even tell if you're playing at night or day as it all looks the same.
  21. I can't believe the company line is that graphics can't be improved due to people playing on 10 year old laptops. Unbelievable. If cheap skats don't want to invest in 21st century gaming laptops that's their problems. I ain't heard other gaming sports companies say we are not investing in graphical upgrades because people are still using PS2. Absolute madness, and then you have consumers validating it. Newsflash, If you got a laptop from 2010 that can't hack 2022 games, that's your problem, don't see why everyone else has to suffer because you won't invest.
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