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237 "I mean, funny like I'm a clown? I amuse you?"


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    Author of Just Skin


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  1. Look in the match folder the in-between highlights file should indicate which file is needed for the left side panel (potentially, match stats)
  2. Look in the fonts folder there should be files for title, text etc
  3. If the skin isn't formatted with a folder and in fmf format you need to use the resource archiver you get with the game (on steam) and extract the skins contents to its own folder but remove the fmf from the skins folder else there will be a conflict as there's 2 skins with the same name in the skins folder
  4. Delete Tactics/tactics overview side panel
  5. Interesting I did look thinking @TCSSkin did this in the last edition for for but when I looked and I couldn't see it I wondered if I'd dreamt it. Would be interesting how it displayed with the attributes being bunched.
  6. You'd likely need to edit the specific Xmls for the inbox panel then these should be found in the human folder I believe and changed the class used or the colour replacements (red-replacement) on the class I'm not at home at the moment to look at which lines but you're looking for something like <container class="main_subtle_box"
  7. will be in settings/tato settings likely one of the value="grey 800"/> could be changed to something like value="rgb(15,15,15)"/>
  8. The short answer would be no. Switching between graphical and numeric requires the game being closed and reopened between the switch. There is files such as the person properties which are directing panels with ID's to what it should pla and the ID's for the attributes are being relocated through the person properties to a different class.
  9. to remove the left panel you could change line 23 to and remove lines 26-64 to remove the team info from the left can you not select a different selector from the drop down? else you will need to play around with match/match touchline tablet panel and change what is shown by default in there. for the scoreboard the first quoted is for the home team name and the second for the away teams name although with the German league you may need to play with match/comp/ger/match score area panel as the German league is licensed
  10. Team overview would be team/team squad there's lots of views you can put this on never tried it on a player panel as I use status e.g on loan from/ contracted to etc
  11. Have you tried clicking the scoreboard?
  12. I'll take a look after I finish work later EDIT: Fix uploaded
  13. Not at my computer but I'd assume client object browser hit ctrl + f and type tab. There should be a container around there with a height marker (assuming that your issue is the line is effecting your tab markers)
  14. hmm... for players (rensie skins) there seems to be several attribute panels in player for example player attributes panel wozzie look for lines like this you need to change attribute_label to attribute_circle if you use notepad++ you can simply open all of these at the same time press CTRL + F go to the replace tab and use the replace function (I also failed to mention you need to change non_player attribute panels too also close and restart you game after making these changes
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