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Everything posted by Ngoc

  1. If there is no point in ague why do you make a post? if you use all the cheat possible to make it easy and than complain it’s too easy the problem all lye within your brain it’s a single player game you play it to have fun if you ruin your own fun every way possible exploiting the defect in a very complex game in my book you are just another moron
  2. I don’t like tools but there is an easy and quick excel https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1vLJ4Gam1VqpsshaSCrbOD_dYhsVZJ5qFlPEP3p3p1pY/edit?usp=sharing&pli=1 The site has a downloadable version and importable export stats view to plug in your game set the view, print screen as web go into the excel and query the new file u just created It’s all explained here https://old.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/17hkiip/fm_squad_assessment_spreadsheet_v7_fm24_ready/? the Payton one is similar but feel more hassle and I think the Payton read the hidden stats too (cheating) this only pick the stat in the screenshot visible to the user
  3. Those data are data as such facts you can spin around as you want but the person has one team set up the tactic and put it in automatic and get those result that are facts all you say is on the other hand with zero facts only feelings
  4. Fm24 didn’t I link the source is steam guide made by a user with fm24 I guess he did the same for fm23 if you go on steam you can find the original let me look for the link https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3079468967
  5. By that logic everybody should use only gegenpress as if you don’t you probably lose as it was proven all other tactic are higher chance of losing I don’t think is a fair way to describe tactic it would make sense if they were rock paper scissor type of tactic but they are not one is just stronger that all others
  6. all teams i play against make subs this is a ******** that is going on but i never met a team that didn't make subs
  7. maybe try instructions from not OP stuff if you find the game too easy that would help you don't have to only play Gege or those instructions if you really want a challenge try to win without those no need to go to the worst "park the buss" pick-on in the middle maybe direct counter-attack and try to make it successful. There are ways to make the game harder if you really want a challenge but i doubt you do.
  8. Good job! ^_^ keep doing what you like and never listen to whoever tells you "this is the best tactic" It probably is I don't doubt it but why would you want to ruin your own game by making it too easy...
  9. or you can plop one of the 3 OP tactics that all the one that says the game is too easy to use and never ever listen when someone tells them to try something slightly less OP... They know is OP they select it and then they cry is so easy I can't get over it. (those are basic tactics without any change) if you know what makes Gegenpress OP you can actually modify a 5-2-3 adding those instructions and still being OP. The point is that when you play diablo or whatever other game with class pick the OP class and then say is too easy.
  10. 4 star rating come from stats being 13-14 I don’t think trainer with those stats want to go for your team I found a couple of people that didn’t want to train u20 but convinced them with lot of money maybe is different for very big club very renown I am happy when they have 3.5 stars
  11. That’s all good if now you feel better venting is ok if it makes you feel better after you realize it was a bit much i wish the people that say it’s too easy would be as wise but no they just vent for the fun of venting they never understand anything and keep exploiting easy tactics
  12. so true and it's always the same people saying the same stuff never willing to try anything different or listen to any advice. Oh boy oh boy
  13. This is the face of my cat when I told him "he didn't think it was cheating" there is no way in hell you use Gegenpress and double training players and don't understand that is humanly not possible for a player to keep up all season that much pressure/fatigue and you are obviously doing something that exists ONLY in-game (not in real life) specifically left for people that struggle to win and need a "helping hand" but is far from being realistic. Unfortunately, this game aims at realism so if you do unrealistic stuff and AI does realistic stuff can you guess the result? Like buying players looking at Pace/Acceleration stats, it is in the game and some people even play with unmasked stats but that is an allowed-cheating and if you cheat you shouldn't come here and say the game is "too" easy (Ai probably buy player following scouting advice that is how it should be for human too removing the stat would go a long way to even odds) You can play and cheat your heart content scout hidden stat with the editor tools or even modify to make your players stronger it is a single-player game nobody cares, but please don't come here and say the game is easy "Learn to play legit" is all I can say. And I didn't even touch the save scamming I can win 30 matches consecutively if I want to but the game is not easy I just make it easy. Until the game sets up a "hidden stat no saving game (only autosave)" mode and connects it to the achievements I won't believe anybody that says the game is easy. Of course, it is easy if you MAKE it easy for yourself to win. But you can make it hard if you want to.
  14. but it's too easy that's what I keep reading from many https://steamcommunity.com/app/2252570/discussions/0/3957036254250574725/ This only proves to me that is impossible to please everybody and you have to remove the extreme whine on one side and the other because they are probably a 0.00001% very vocal. True is **** happens luck is part of this game is not math you can influence stuff to a degree but like ANY GAME luck is part of the equation (like when you roll dice in a board game) The fun part is to react as a man to difficulties accept them live through them and solve them and if you have no fun go to another game it's your free time nobody forces you to do something you don't enjoy. I don't think a post like this gives any valuable information to the devs if I were devs and read something like this I wouldn't have an answer because a lot of people say the exact opposite which is crazy easy to win even with a very weak team. (as i proved with my link) So good luck with your whine i hope you will enjoy the game...my advice? Start a new save with a different team and see how it goes or endure it as a man and try to fight the crazy unlucky odd!
  15. yes CPU can get easily to 85 you wouldn't want to get there unless you are stress testing the CPU but in general they can handle it. and this is on the conservative side because is your "average CPU" Some CPUs can easily get to 90-95 as well. and the fact that he says it "spike" means that his fan is practically dormant so when the CPU starts working with barely any fan/cooling it goes up quickly then cooling kicks in and I am sure it lowers around 60... that is where it should be when working normally. I think this is how all computer works nowadays in the saving electricity business before the fan was kept at medium speed even when not working so was less noticeable maybe as there was less of a spike and more of a slow heating with the fan slowly increasing.
  16. 60-70 is not a problem is a quite normal temperature for multicore working (especially if the fan was off few seconds it start to work hard it will spike up quickly) a) your fan is too loud or bad fans or badly installed b) there could be a chance if you installed yourself that the CPU and the block don’t have a perfect paste/connection some people use way too much paste and will make the fan job harder to dissipate heat as a lot of paste tends to insulate (relative talking is not insulating but block more heat that a thin veil) rather than favor heat passage. c) play some music when you play video games if you are so sensitive to fan noise or set a different profile for your fan that doesn’t go that fast quickly is only a few seconds at the time probably a more relaxed curve that goes up more gently will provide the same result with less noise
  17. Yeah agree I have 54% less e jury than expected only 33 in 1 season with only 2 red one both GK that makes no sense
  18. People get injury much more I would suggest to lower intensity of training overall as well
  19. Another thing I suggest to avoid is the thread about easy wins and how to cheat the engine to always get your way... those are the worst you can't unsee them and even if you try to play without thinking about it you are in a way limiting yourself as you (or at least me) I will try to avoid using all those techniques that give you big advantage actually limiting myself more than if I didn't know about them and had more "freedom" to do whatever I felt like.
  20. we are the end user and I don't feel defended by that crazy person. So please I would like him stop to speaking for me as he is doing something for me I didn't ask and I really don't want anybody like him to represent me or defend me. Have the balls to speak just for yourself and defend just yourself don't push your incapacity of having fun with tools (games are tools some more sophisticated than others). If for Christmas they give you a tennis ball but you don't have a rachet some people will be upset some people with use it in a way that probably is not the exact intended way but they will still have fun **** happens in real life and in programming the world is not perfect so you need to learn to make your own fun and stop expecting everybody carter to your insignificant needs.
  21. He is mentally problematic, a person who purposely refuses to find a way to enjoy stuff and refuses to do anything at all to make their own experience better are clinical cases I stopped bothering to answer him. Maybe he ran too much when he was young who knows? they don't look for solutions in life they look for problems and whine about them what makes them feel accomplished is the worst type of person and they didn't exist before this new internet-generation. So sad.
  22. I don't even bother I sent a screen shot of my first season and he still writes something so stupid you can always tell who is not even worth an answer.
  23. Sorry I can’t teach you stuff stop running look around learn what min max means than maybe we can talk that is exactly my point of people that only focus on one stuff
  24. This is exactly why player sux they can’t think out of the box min max and than whine that is easier news flash lot of people are not that lame and since there is no different level they obviously cater to player that enjoy the game not min max sore loosers if you were the faster sprinter and actually don’t plan to make the Olympics or make it your job I would tell you to relax and find a new hobby as life is full of other cool stuff and only focus on one because you are slightly decent is very limiting I would ask you what you are worst at swimming? Soccer? Jumping? And I would tell since you are good at running try something else you may find new pleasure in life or drop sport and focus on math literature or philosophy life is so full of cool stuff and you locking yourself in just one like a horse with the vision limited is very silly.
  25. Best would be an assistant coach that favor your same play style and tactical formation as well as having good people management I doubt you need motivation as that is more for the actual coach honestly speaking ai use the pre-set and the present are tactic based so you want to make sure he use the same tactic as you want to use that’s mostly about it
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