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Everything posted by Ngoc

  1. Exactly is funny how they all use the east mode tactic with easy mode engine cheat (pace and acceleration) and than complain game is too easy if they had an hard mode they would use the same exact tactic with the same exact cheat only push it even to more extreme and find even more cheat why don’t they just try to use other tactics but player that are not always the best but maybe because they are good at that specific tactic that is not gegenpress and ultimately use a mod to hide all stats number and only trust assisted judgment or their feeling without the hard core number written down i bet the one that complain about how easy it is use the unmasked number as well Ehehe
  2. Than you would be a moron as I posted a screenshot few post above and I tend not to talk with moron is pointless
  3. It’s funny how you came here saying you don’t have the game and then insist that other team don’t make changes to people that actually is playing the game. Are you trying to convince yourself that is bugged to convince people that likes it that they shouldn’t like it or what is your angle
  4. I had one issue and was not team talking was this player I bought and asked to play IWB I played him IWB (because was exactly what I wanted as well) actually all the time he was a very happy green dot on the promise suddenly one day he got all mad saying I wasn't playing him in his favorite position I went to check if maybe his favorite position changed and It was still IWB and I was playing IWB but he was livid... it lasted 2 matches then the promise disappeared and he was happy again. Totally a bug and since it disappeared I overwritten the save of that moment it bug out (so I couldn't send the bug report). **** happens but I usually take it as a challenge for my managerial skill of handling sudden crap like in sim city and the hurricane no point in complaining just "deal with it" is my philosophy. (not that in real life it goes always according to plan or always everything makes sense) I am not saying it doesn't have bugs it has bugs and maybe more than some people can tolerate (if they have low tolerance) but not playing because of it depends on you. I find challenges in small problems and the game at least for me and my methodic playstyle is on the easy side of the spectrum so I welcome those little hiccups
  5. all teams that play against me make subs. It may be true that subs are somehow broken but I wouldn't trust that "a lot of people" because to me it never happened. A lot of whiners that go to the forum to cry about everything every time they can a lot of the other 67.000 people on line don't seem to have that problem like me. so A lot seems a new term to describe to a few whiners of forums at best is relatively not game-breaking and probably will be fixed so why are we still talking about it as a problem?
  6. Never happened to me so not a problem from my point of view.
  7. blaming/complaining about AI is funny. This is practically a math game they can EASILY make an AI that makes you eat dirt if they really want and program it to exactly do what is best in every single field every single time. the challenge is to make the AI not be perfect at math! You need to program an AI as stupid as the post we read here and this is a seriously complex challenge because stupidity has many faces and many levels of gray so they can't make a stupid AI of infinite shades of grey. And what is even more difficult is to make the AI act like humans: making mistakes! How many times your player is too tired with a high probability of injury and so so morale and there is another one that is in perfect condition and happy and you play the tired one because is ur favorite try to code something like that into AI and if you don't AI will always win. Yes this game is easy because making an accessibly stupid AI is hard and they tend to overdo to cater to the "medium" human being (and believe me the "medium" human being is very very low in the food chain of intelligence) Read the number of posts in which people complain that AI is cheating.... and they lose too much or too often with a better team! Can't blame the game for being easy blame the people for being too stupid and forcing AI to be lowered so much! it's true a different level would be nice but I fear coding AI for a different level is hard time/resource-wise the easiest way would be to debug (giving malus) to the human player but AI would be the same.
  8. That's my point don't believe what you read on here from random people! Teams I play against make subs! and too many injuries are a LTP2024 issue... I posted a screenshot of my first seasons in the first season I had 54% less than projections (only 33 injuries all year only 2 red, one of which was the goalkeeper, known bug), and in the second season, I had 46% less than projections 36 injuries (if I remember correctly 4 red one again being the goalkeeper). True is players need to adapt to playing FM24 as if it was FM23 with the same exact tactic/pressure (everybody gegenpress with tons of stress aggressive ALL the time maybe with players with low stamina or physical attribute) and using FM23 training (most people fill up all 3 daily slots) never check or bother to check medical don't even have sports science or physician... yep that will break tons of players but they blame the game They had a bug it was the fact that goalkeepers break crazy easily and they would address it if they didn't already If you really like the game buy it if you feel the need to listen to whiners and stupid reviews maybe you don't really want the game and want a reason to NOT buy it.
  9. if you believe what you hear from rants in videogame forums you won't buy any game ever again. A lot of good games came out recently and every single one had people screaming is broken (and I enjoyed most of them). Plus in modern times games can be fixed with patches bugs will be resolved (to a degree). I feel the real question should be do I like football managers or do i find it a spreadsheet with images? If you like the type of game go for it and try it for yourself. I never ever listen to any online review the only one I may listen to is my real friend commenting on a game people on the internet are absolutely not reliable 90% are morons that like to talk doom at every little thing.
  10. Is the gegenpress crowd the same that keep whining that there are too many injuries?
  11. That’s about learning how to deal with it and don’t train them or use them mindlessly like in fm23 make them rest more never overtrain them and turnover whenever is possible if you have too many injury once may be bad luck if you consistently have too many injuries is a LTP issue
  12. Yep they answer one of the post that mention it. It’s a known issue and getting addressed
  13. Yeah, a lot of people play like that I really can't understand it. the game does really well at letting you automate whatever you don't like to do for instance I hate pep talks and interviews and side matches-shouts so I look for an assistant with good people management and motivation and let him deal with those. (that honestly is quite realistic I would probably do that in real life as well ahhahaa) I love to schedule training (I actually manually do all 3 teams main team U20 and U18 all training week by week) and pick players that are cheap but good and so on.... so I keep all the contracts manually I never let any of the AI negotiate anything or propose anything what else do I hate mmm... I am not a fan of opposition instruction that's why I look for a coach or assistant with good tactical knowledge and delegate it to them. So far I am enjoying the Set piece but it's a huge time sink so once I find a really really good set piece coach I am sure I will delegate those to him and move on because I don't see myself enjoying redoing it every year. I don't plan to do something that I don't enjoy in a videogame honestly winning here (if you are good in 2-3 things) is pretty easy the rest is an overkill let the AI deal with those to keep the game slightly challenging (plus you don't need to deal with crap you don't want to! it's a win win!)
  14. I wonder if playing them gk instead of sk make them less easy to injure
  15. In my new save I didn’t hire the head coach for u20and u18 and I can actually change the tactics on u18-u20 as I am de facto the HC of those too so it’s like fm23 I forgot I had to fire the HC to get the power of tactic I guess I answered myself
  16. I have my club atmosphere mentioning with thumb down "there is currently one unhpappy player at the club" but when I go to the happiness page there is absolutely no unhappy player at all (Not even one ore not even "content" they are just all happy is still pre-season)
  17. it's a game if you have fun setting them up do it yourself if you don't enjoy it put it on auto why do people always think about min/max what is best try to enjoy the game the way it feels more natural.
  18. Should be a lot less just once every 2-3 maybe 4 matches and should influence player more not all of them but a few of them like it is now is pointless
  19. My statistic sample is obviously small but 1) I lowered the resting to No-No-No-Half-Full 2) I never use more than 2 slots of training per day (always 1 rest) and I have certain days of extra rest 3) before every match I go to the medical page and make sure to only play players that are Low-risk or below-average risk (obviously sometimes I need to use some average risk but I try to avoid it) 4) I use "balanced" tactics and so far never had to go to aggressive on my tactic and I have much more injuries than in FM23 where I was playing NO-NO-Half-full-double / I used to have often 3 slots full in training / I never bothered checking medical / I used almost always aggressive tactic I can't be sure as I could just have been unlucky but the number of people mentioning it makes me feel something has changed FM23 was too forgiving in my opinion so much training and they barely got hurt but now it feels like they pushed a little too much and you can do very little to lower the % I am sure the player that plays FM24 training and expects to use the player at the same intensity level will get easily 7-8 injuries at all time (for me I am 4-5 at the time for now)
  20. My statistic sample is obviously small but 1) I lowered the resting to No-No-No-Half-Full 2) I never use more than 2 slots of training per day (always 1 rest) and I have certain days of extra rest 3) before every match I go to the medical page and make sure to only play players that are Low-risk or below-average risk (obviously sometimes I need to use some average risk but I try to avoid it) 4) I use "balanced" tactics and so far never had to go to aggressive on my tactic and I have much more injuries than in FM23 where I was playing NO-NO-Half-full-double / I used to have often 3 slots full in training / I never bothered checking medical / I used almost always aggressive tactic I can't be sure as I could just have been unlucky but the number of people mentioning it makes me feel something has changed FM23 was too forgiving in my opinion so much training and they barely got hurt but now it feels like they pushed a little too much and you can do very little to lower the % I am sure the player that plays FM24 training and expects to use the player at the same intensity level will get easily 7-8 injuries at all times (for me I am 4-5 at the time for now)
  21. It’s not there is before when you set up the research I think only show interested one not if the result page but when you set up the search
  22. When I take charge of u18/u20 training I am allowed to plan the formation It seemed to me that at first I was able to modify it and make it different from the main team not changing the tactic completely but inside the same tactic change some role like BPD to CD (as my u18 really sux at BPD) but now It won’t let me change anything and force me to use exactly the same position as the main team and only i am 100% sure I was able to change role in 2023 and I felt I was able to change role for specific players in 2024 for the first day I played after it feels it bugged out and locked me out from changing it maybe I clicked something somewhere anybody has any idea?
  23. At the beginning of the game I was able to change roles for those teams (different from the main team) now it's impossible to change I can change the generic formation from 433 to 442 maybe if I delegate training to the staff and in the dev center it let me change to the formation favorite from the head coach but before I was able to change whatever I wanted even to the single player I was googling around and I found out it was supposed to be a bug https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/559578-u18-team-tactics/ but some other people say it's intended I doubt it because I was able to change them at first now they are locked
  24. did you have a save before the game did you try to run it again? did it give the same result?
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