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Everything posted by StephenG

  1. they barely fixed anything meaningful so they either don't care or don't know how to fix it.
  2. Has it really been 3 months with 0 comms from SI now? They must really believe this is the most complete version yet!
  3. Does the transfer deadline day not work for all leagues? I'm in Japan 3rd division atm
  4. i lost 3 champions league finals in a row, 1 on pen, 1 in extra time and 1 for 1-0. i was the underdog in all 3 games though but it hurts!
  5. Thought this was an informative update worth sharing here on AI rotation.
  6. Does this not say the opposite (last sentence)? If it's unticked, it will enable attribute masking and not display all attributes?
  7. How is everyone going with set pieces? I barely see any goals directly from set pieces now, which is welcome.
  8. Anyone facing this issue since the update? normally there's 4 or 5 findings in this post-match analysis screen.
  9. Just to clarify - can someone officially confirm for sure whether any of the "open play" changed, such as pressing or defensive movements etc.. outside of set pieces? If this is clarified then people may stop making incorrect assumptions and drawing false conclusions.
  10. That may explain why Kvaratshkelia with 17 penalty taking and great finishing and composure missed more than half of the penalties taken for me. But in that case, what does actually influence penalty taking success rate?
  11. Semi final of the champions league. Conceded 3 goals from one-two attacking throw-ins (only highlights of the opposition in the entire second leg). still somehow managed to win 5-3 and overturn the 2-1 loss in the first leg. SI PLEASE fix the throw-ins it is ridiculous!!!
  12. Have any of them reported any of the bugs raised here? Like the too many set piece goals, the AI not subbing etc..? or are they just happy to plug and play a tactic and win every game and competition they play? How many hours do they play? Will they still be playing the game in Feb/March like all of us here? Is their feedback getting better or worse the longer they play? The mindset/experience of the different subsets is very different and just because the hardcore old-time players are only a "tiny subset" it does not mean that SI cannot cater for both. FIFA etc have always allowed players to change difficulty levels so that when you're winning too easily you can make the AI smarter. Looking forward to the December update - hope we won't be disappointed.
  13. agreed and also how many goals are scored (presumably less as less players are exhausted)
  14. It should get more realistic if they fix the AI subs issue as you're most probably always facing a tired team that is also not being subbed. Are you scoring many goals after the 60th minute?
  15. I was responding to that specific message. Also do you know for a fact that it means nothing in the grander scheme of things? if so it should be confirmed as this has been a reported bug for over a month.
  16. How can you state that when SI has not confirmed but acknowledged there is a bug?
  17. You literally said there is no such thing as team talks resetting. It wasn't an opinion. It was factually incorrect.
  18. Something SI have been asked many times here and the bug tracker but they never responded. Maybe they don't know.
  19. I love how many people here are in denial, even on acknowledged bugs.
  20. the half time and pre-match teamtalks don't matter anyway as they reset as soon as the match starts/resumes.
  21. That explains why I always manage to have the best staff in the division in my first few weeks with a club.
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