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Everything posted by StephenG

  1. I guess i'll just keep facing teams from the same nationality in the UCL group stage, and seeing pre-match and HT team talks having no effect etc.. how is this stuff not yet fixed in 3.5 weeks given it worked in FM23???
  2. My game crashed and now trying to restart and there's a small patch.
  3. This happens to me all the time. The Transfer centre still shows the offer, you can only accept or reject but at least it's there until they fix it.
  4. This happens to me all the time and it is very annoying! Here's hoping for a fix to many issues this week and not just the ones they listed last week because that would be quite ridiculous after 3+ weeks of bug reports on the "most polished version yet".
  5. Gotta love the long ball over the top from that super average non-nonsense CB that leads to a 1v1.
  6. I don't disagree. Although given how slow they have been in fixing the most simple things in the last 3+ weeks (including basic stuff that worked well in FM23 but are now broken), I wouldn't put my hopes up that they'll look into excessive goals any time soon. And personally I'd rather them fix the immersion destroying bugs already reported first (will they??).
  7. are you sure that's smart? they have already not addressed a single bug in 3 weeks, how is flooding them with pkm files for already reported bugs going to help?
  8. no mention of pre-match and half time team talks resetting/having no impact... That worked fine in FM23, would expect it to be an easy fix.
  9. SI Please fix the AI rotation/subs/development issue - it's killing the game!! cannot start a long-term save like this, i'm unbeaten in 50 games with Westham in 2026 season .....
  10. i do the same. i think the issue here is that irl you can go defensive and not concede. in FM, good luck to you.
  11. sure but it happens ALL the time irl with (usually) underdog teams defending their leads in the last 20 mins. low defending does NOT automatically mean conceding.
  12. Will they just release the patch when it's ready or will they announce it a few days in advance?
  13. Thanks so much for getting back to me. I have not had any issues since the last report. I'll keep monitoring and report back if it happens with the default skin and no custom files.
  14. Agree with you except i like the set pieces a lot. sure they can be further improved but huge improvement! albeit short corners and throw ins seem overpowered (and not sure if captured in the league stats).
  15. Interesting to see my opponent (down 2-0) using all 5 subs during the match!
  16. that would be strange. it's an FM23 save and it worked fine there. it only broke in FM24.
  17. this is also still happening - playing against another 2 english teams. how does this make it to release day!?
  18. It's been 2.5 weeks since this was reported. The game is now in full release (with seemingly 0 bug fixes but we don't know cause you don't want to tell us). Providing some sort of timeline to your paying customers seems quite a reasonable thing to ask for a game released annually at full price with basic features that used to work but are now somehow broken. Example - why is the team talk still resetting once the game starts after it was reported weeks ago?
  19. This says it all about the state of the "new features". 1 step forward (position play), 2 steps backwards (AI rotation/development and player interactions). Not to mention stupid bugs like pre-match and half time team talk effect resetting when the match (re)starts!
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