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Everything posted by StephenG

  1. It would be good if there is more open communication from SI part though. A simple confirmation of "no bug related changes have occurred" would stop many people asking the same question!
  2. Hi @Michael Sant just remembered this and noting this still is the case in FM24.
  3. But that's the question - will there be any changes? hopefully not many to ME anyway, the attention is needed elsewhere. But we won't know other than trial and error I guess.
  4. "It's not a new game given we've been playing it for over 2 weeks"
  5. I've also noticed the game has gotten much slower to load tactics screen and get back to match etc. also I could be wrong but RAM usage of the game has significantly increased in the last few days (even when not in a match).
  6. I am having very frequent crashes all of a sudden after 1 season with barely any issues. FM23 loaded save here. The crashes always happen in game while trying to make a tweak or sub (but randomly and not always). Attached 3 dump files and screenshots and also save game b12e2ecb-4153-4247-bbfe-e196c19e93f4.dmp a1f7af5d-3ad5-4fa2-8592-97e68aafcb5b.dmp 9d5a0535-24a1-45b1-a821-1a2bffdb12ad.dmp
  7. How does my wingback with 6 long shots and 6 finishing and PT of "refrains from taking long shots" and PI of "shoot less often" manage to score 7 goals from outside the box?
  8. No I stopped receiving somewhere in mid season. I looked back but can't find a save close to when it stopped. I recall this same issue happened in FM23 also.
  9. these are all my injuries for a season sorted by "time out". i had many more serious injuries in FM23.
  10. probably going to jinx this now but FM24 has the lowest amount of injuries i've ever seen in FM (except GK) - at least in my saves.
  11. The first half of my season i was seeing 3+ woodworks per game (from either side). now it's calmed down about to an average of 1/2 per game which i think is SI normal.
  12. There are plenty of known issues and things that used to work fine in FM23 that are now broken. It's very frustrating. I hope we are told what's been fixed and what's being worked on for the next update.
  13. I normally receive these 2 emails every week. I am now in March and just realised I stopped receiving these notifications. Is there a known reason for this or how to fix it? both Head Physio and Head of SS are still in their roles.
  14. Is it just me that thinks FM24 ME + Set pieces > FM23, and for everything else FM23 was better or the same?
  15. i'm noticing 0 flexibility from all contract negotiations so far. until i make it non-negotiable and more often than not they accept a much lower salary. not sure if it's a (yet another) bug.
  16. I'm in 28 March 2025 and the only Youth Intakes are "Free Transfers" in the current year, even though the EPL already had the intake. in previous year this was on 14 March and you can see all their teams. I am using an FM23 save and this is the first intake in FM24.
  17. OG GK Mistake.pkm attaching here hope that works. Goal in the last minute.
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