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  1. Yes totally agree. Initially when I first tried and made it, I actually made it like this. But after seeing it, for some reason I felt dissatisfied because it looked like it looked too crowded and not good on a low resolution screen . So I tried rearranging the layout and the result is like this.
  2. Huge credit must go to @GIMNMustermann23 Skin for his amazing work on several panels that I used and modified. Rework on the Player Training panel & Individual Panel after a few weeks of starting to learn skinning. Still not sure whether I like the layout or not. Player Training Team Training Person Table Info Panel
  3. Try to adjust table layout in line 9 of your xml file..
  4. Yes of course. I use this panel on the Mustermann23 skin (fonts, colors, etc) at a resolution of 1920x1080 85% so that the appearance matches the screenshot. team squad panel.zip
  5. Based on Statman Skin in the style of Mustermann23 Dark Skin.. team_squad_panel
  6. This is what i like to see in my home screen and next opponent info is most valuable for me to preparation (just 1 click to home screen)..
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