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Everything posted by MichaelNevo

  1. Haha, don't worry I'll be adding plenty from those countries that don't seem to be represented yet, this database is only in its early days that's for sure. The reason it turned out this way is because until last week, I was building the database differently. I was doing individual nation databases and starting out with the big European Nations along with Brazil and Argentina for obvious reasons. However, now I'm literally just adding any legend from any Nation starting with the biggest names from history according to wikipedia. Don't worry Higuita will be with us soon, I might even add his name onto the end of my current list These players will definitely be added when possible, I believe I already added Roger Milla because I remember reading about his surname, with many calling him Miller or something like that. That's the beauty of building this database, I learn useless information about players who I may not necessarily know anything about Feel free to post your thoughts on players to be added, I have no problem with it. If anything it gives me a little bit of help with who to add next. It is true though that adding 20 players is not easy, it's very time consuming, especially when I work 45 hours a week and have a wife, I'm sure I don't need to say anything other than wife for you to understand that problems with that haha. I build this database literally in my spare time. The older a player in real life, the harder it is to add them to the game as well, due to the lack of information on them and I sometimes feel a bit silly just adding random stats in for them, but what can you do! I think the best thing to do is add almost all the players I want to add and then go back through the database, doing some heavier research into individuals and update their stats that way. Obviously the opinions of the people who use the database will help also, that's why I posted on the SI forums. That isn't something which I'm familiar with, I'm pretty novice when it comes to editing databases in fairness. However, I had no idea how to make facepacks until I tried it, so I may actually try future_regen. If I do, I'll most likely use it to bring through current players from the database along with future legends, I think that would add a massive dimension to this database. I could just delete players like Messi and Ronaldo etc in the editor then, rather than doing what I'd planned.
  2. An updated list on players completed for the next update. Carlos Valderrama Lev Yashin Dino Zoff Peter Schmeichel Sepp Maier Pat Jennings Edwin van der Sar Paolo Maldini Giacinto Facchetti Berti Vogts Ruud Krol Víctor Rodríguez Andrade Karl-Heinz Schnellinger (13/50) These are the other 37 players still to complete... John Charles Marcel Desailly Paul McGrath Guiseppe Bergomi Johan Cruyff Michel Platini George Best Lothar Matthaus Didi Roberto Baggio Toninho Cerezo Francisco Gento Ryan Giggs Johan Neeskens Ferenc Puskas Marco Van Basten Gerd Muller Oleh Blokhin Kenny Dalglish Eric Cantona Gheorghe Hagi Ruud Gullit Dennis Bergkamp Karl-Heinz Rummenigge Guiseppe Meazza Ian Rush Paolo Rossi George Weah Just Fontaine Duncan Edwards Frank Rijkaard Michael Laudrup David Ginola Ryan Giggs Neville Southall
  3. I have already started making progress on the next update, with 7/50 players already created. Here is the list so far as a little teaser Carlos Valderrama Lev Yashin Dino Zoff Peter Schmeichel Sepp Maier Pat Jennings Edwin van der Sar That's it for the goalkeepers for the next update. The remaining 43 will be outfield players!
  4. 32 New legends added! Facepack Included! I have been working on adding several new legends to the database, moving away from adding Nation by Nation and instead just adding players that come to mind. I have updated the official post with new links and information on the new players added. If you think this update is good, just wait until you see the next one! I'll be looking to add 50 new legends in the next update, focusing on big Nations such as Germany, Italy, France and Netherlands, whilst adding in a couple from other Nations as well. Legends Facepack (External Link) NOT your ordinary legends database! (Steam Download) NOT your ordinary legends database! (External Link) If you already have the old facepack, just delete it and install the new one, then you won't end up with duplicates. Players added... Jan Ceulemans Jean-Marie Pfaff Franky Van der Elst Hristo Stoichkov Roger Milla Davor Suker Pavel Nedved El Hadji Diouf Emre Belözoğlu Gianluigi Buffon Thierry Henry David Trezeguet Hidetoshi Nakata Patrick Vieira Alessandro Nesta Michael Ballack Oliver Kahn Francesco Totti Patrick Kluivert Ruud van Nistelrooy Clarence Seedorf Andriy Shevchenko Alessandro Del Piero Robert Pires Christian Vieri Dixie Dean Edgar Davids Jay-Jay Okocha Rüştü Reçber Lilian Thuram Zinedine Zidane Roy Keane
  5. The facepack is working great for me as it is, so unless you guys tell me any different, nothing should need to be added.
  6. Huge Facepack Update! + Merged Databases! Legends Facepack NOT your ordinary Legends database! (External Link) NOT your ordinary Legends database! (Steam Workshop Download) I have moved away from individual databases for Nations and merged everything together! Why have I done this? The one and only reason is because I want you all to enjoy the facepacks! Unfortunately it was impossible to do the facepacks with the individual databases as the Unique ID's were clashing. Having merged everything, I have now also completed the facepack! Moving forward I will be releasing updates to database and facepack simultaneously, so you will never be with a greyed out player! On a side note, I apologise for the slow progress of late, I have unfortunately been unwell, but I'm now on the mend again! Onwards and Upwards!
  7. I will definitely be adding Austrian Legends! I will add them for sure. I didn't even know this existed! I will strive to bring something close to that database! 4500 legends will take a long time though for sure! I will try my best
  8. Ok I'm going to put everything together as one download and work through them for the facepack, it seems the only option really.
  9. I've just noticed a big issue when it comes to Facepacks. If you load in more than just England, the Facepack gets confused as there ends up being more than 1 player with the same Unique ID I may need to put the databases together in order for it to work properly.
  10. Unfortunately when it comes to adding players into the game of varying nationalities, if you don't load specific Nations, sometimes players will be missing. However, the majority should be in there.
  11. No problem! Definitely does make things much better! Please let me know if the facepack works. Seems to work fine on my end.
  12. Huge news!!! Facepacks for England Legends now released! If you come across any missing faces, please let me know! How to install? Create a file named "Graphics" from within your sports interactive file. You will probably find this somewhere along these lines... Documents\Sports Interactive Then you should have it look like this... Documents\Sports Interactive\Graphics Unzip the file you downloaded and then move all the files into your graphics folder. Reload Football Manager and you should be good to go! Further facepacks will be released in due course, so this is entirely up to you, but if you wish to you can create further files within the graphics file to tidy things up. For instance creating an English Legends file and then moving the unzipped files into that instead. As long as everything is within the graphics folder, it shouldn't make a difference. England Legends.rar
  13. Yes I still add to the existing countries, all you need to do is post here to tell me who you'd like adding or alternatively on the steam workshop.
  14. Definitely I plan to keep this thread updated. I decided to set this thread up now because I want feedback and that can be harder to come by just on the steam workshop. I will definitely be doing it, I plan to do most Nations to be honest. You should give it a go, you can tailor it to your own liking then!
  15. If you want the complete experience, definitely hold off until I've released more of the major Nations and players. At some point I did want to go back through the work that I've done and adjust things for sure. Not only adjusting CA and PA, but also picking up on mistakes. I've already noticed one with Gordon Banks for instance, his attributes are messed up because I most likely didn't set his CA. As for the Hidden stats like Ambition and Professionalism, I've replicated those stats in a lot of cases from earlier FM/CM data where available. Wayne Rooney most likely came from FM2009 which is an editor I've used a lot. Lets be honest though, Wayne Rooney was a beast from a very young age
  16. I will put a Q&A at the bottom of the OP. Basically I've used a specific template to determine the age of the player within the game. I've then taken that age and compared it to real life, so they will be playing for the club that they played for in real life at that current age. I'm sticking with the exact same idea as my failed attempt last year. I don't want this to be the same as every other legends database out there. I want it to be unique and for the user to play the game as they would do normally. The idea is for you to create your own team of legends rather than having that team already set up for you, whilst also having to train up these legends as well (except the older ones of course).
  17. A really good question! I will definitely be doing facepacks, but for the moment there aren't any unfortunately. I've never created a facepack, so it will be something for me to learn. I may even give it a shot today when I take a break from creating legends. As for compatibility, I don't see why it would be an issue considering all I'm doing is editing existing retired players and creating players that don't exist within the current database. Nothing else gets changed.
  18. I have Germany, Italy and from a request, Greece. Once I've done those I will do Croatia for you. It takes time to do the legends so bare with me. When I do the legends, I try to put in a bit of research into their playing style so I can attempt to replicate that in their stats which is why it takes so long. Sometimes I have to just guess though because of the lack of information
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