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Everything posted by tezcatlipoca665

  1. I don't know about anybody else, but I'm done with using data analysts, recruitment analysts, loan managers, DoFs, technical directors and even scouts in this game. I don't mind getting rid of the others since they're useless in general (and even in hindrance with their decisions), but I disappointingly can't get scouting to work no matter what advice I find online to follow, so I'm just going to make my own shortlists, remove the 'hide attributes' feature at the start of saves, and read data with the Mustermann skin to make transfer decisions. On the plus side, I'll have less to care about with contract renewals and staff wages.
  2. The issue I'm describing isn't related to the AI not playing high PA players, nor an issue with how it's reading CA. I've sent SI multiple saves relating to squad building problems in the beginning during the beta period and (I think) up until December when I just gave up because it wasn't going to be fixed, so I know that's an issue already, and this is why I've been paying particular attention to the hidden attributes in this game more than I'd like to. If you mean that Girona hasn't registered Savio because of his CA, well, his CA is the 3rd highest in this squad. Girona haven't filled in their 25 player slot (they've registered 22 players). They have 3 slots for foreign players and only chose to take up 2 of them. They're also way below the wage cap threshold by £150,000, with Savio's contracted wage being £12,250. Something else is happening here. If they chose not to register him because they filled their 25 player registration limit, and/or their foreign player limit, it'd be easier to figure out what the problem is and see if I can fix it myself. Without those, though, it's much more difficult to figure out why this is happening. I'm really not trying to get them to perform to the levels they're currently showing irl, but rock bottom with a single win or two almost every save is really far removed from that. If I could even somehow get Girona to win even 10 games in a season, I wouldn't mind. I decided to just take over the team in this save and see if I can find anything myself. In LaLiga, Girona is 19th in Aggression, 20th in Stamina, 16th in Strength, 15th in both Pace and Acceleration, 19th in Work Rate, and 14th in Positioning (all out of 20, of course). I think I've figured out why this team is regularly ripped to shreds, at least. An absolutely horrific combination. I'll have to edit the players using the pre-game editor in these areas in particular.
  3. This seems to happen in almost every one of my saves, but has anybody else noticed that Girona never register Savio to play in their squad? He's one of their best players and they just... don't register to use him, even as a sub option for the bench. There's a three non-EU player rule that it can affect, but Girona have only registered two non-EU players. He plays the first two games of the season and then when the registration deadline date comes and goes at September 1st, that's that for him and the end of his season. Also, I cannot seem to ever get AI-managed Girona to avoid relegation in the first season. I tried to change their player attributes at the beginning of one save to better reflect (in my view) how their players have been performing this season to see if that'd work, and it didn't make a difference, still finishing last in LaLiga. This new save is based on Davincid's latest updates, and Girona are rock bottom once again and have just brought in Rudi Garcia to replace Michel. What is it that makes the AI perform well the most? Is it based primarily on club/manager reputation? Should I be looking into manually editing those attributes to get both Girona and Leverkusen to perform better? It doesn't seem to be the player attributes nor the manager CA/PA, in my experience.
  4. Playing a new save right now and forgot to set Guardiola's preferred tactic from 4-3-3 to 4-2-3-1 like I usually do in the in-game editor (I'm not playing the PL). You can even see when I made the exact change.
  5. I don't know why you're using words like 'omnipotent' and 'magic button' for this. I'd just like there to be a very small series of events that make sense. 'Would've preferred to stay on the bench' > the ability to follow it up with a reaction after the match like a manager would do.
  6. But it isn't implemented better/more logically, and that's all I really care about.
  7. Such a bad idea to have this mood in the game if you can't do anything about it. This is the kind of thing I'd transfer list a player over, but the game doesn't recognize it in that way. Like, fine - you can stay home instead.
  8. January 2024 into a new save and Leandro Trossard is transfer listed 'deemed surplus to requirements' by Arsenal and is about to go on loan to Man Utd. Unreal.
  9. I run a lot of leagues from each continent (probably too many for most people, and a lot more with added league mods now this past while), and I can confirm that this hasn't helped me with AI squad building and AI squad selection issues in the slightest.
  10. I took a job at Portsmouth in my first game of FM23 and they'd already been docked points for failing FFP. I think it was about five seasons in. Rooney was their manager until then and I inherited a complete mess with players constantly complaining about every little thing. The team was bought over by some tycoon sometime before that, and during a press conference, I answered a question about the club's finances without really thinking about it. The board reprimanded me for answering the question and said I should have refused to answer it, and that if I ever did again, I'd be fired. Sketchy as hell.
  11. Personally, I'd like press conferences and journalist questions to be removed altogether. Not revised or rethought - just completely removed. I don't feel like they do anything meaningful and I don't care what other managers have to say about anything. If we had the option to speak to some AI chatbot I'd answer 'How did you feel about ____ getting on the scoresheet for his country?' with 'don't ever call this number again' and hope it'd stick.
  12. Davincid's FM24 mods are the closest you'll get to forcing the AI managers to develop young players, and it's mostly because the mods increase both injuries and player fatigue across the board, which pushes AI managers into playing youth in more first-team games than the vanilla version of the game. Other than that, after having tested the vanilla game multiple times - no, the AI doesn't develop talents. There's a strange and somewhat regular occurrence of national teams prioritizing youth players with high potential by calling them up to their first-team squads, even if they haven't played any league games for their respective clubs, though. It's like they're programmed to call up one or two token players that way.
  13. Okay, I think I understand. The PCA/PPC is something we can't see and it's kind of randomly generated per-staff member, with a greater accuracy being dependent on their attributes and experience, basically. The only complaint I have is that my staff *never* seem to get anything right until it's, like, really obvious even to me - especially HOYD during the youth intakes. That's been my experience with both FM23 and 24, anyway. I wouldn't give Man Utd the benefit of the doubt by missing out on Haaland though, lol. Their recruitment is atrocious and was already in decline about 15 years ago. Not buying Haaland makes total sense.
  14. What do the AI staff and managers base their judgement of a player's potential on, then? Does anybody know? We have to trust the staff to make those judgements without the editor, and we should trust the staff based on their Judging Player Potential score.
  15. The transfer and squad-building decisions are pretty bad in general so I know my answer will be 'this is just how things work', but is there a chance that West Ham need the money or something? I feel like I already know the answer. He clearly hasn't asked to be transferred. Can you create a second manager profile, take over West Ham and have a look around the club? Just don't save the game and you should be fine. I've found a lot of odd quirks doing that.
  16. Premier League, Bundesliga, LaLiga, Serie A, Ligue 1, transfer deadline date = 1st of February. US Major League Roster Compliance Deadline (not transfer deadline, which falls on April 23rd which they'd had to release a patch in May for - which they won't) = 23rd of February. Chinese Super League transfer deadline date = 28th of February. I'm not disputing that they included updated rosters for the MLS in the last update. I'm saying that this is a continuation and finalization of the previous patch. Roy Hodgson left on the 19th of February, after the transfer deadline date on the 1st of February, which - if you think about it - is probably the real reason why he hasn't been removed in-game, because SI most likely finalize *everything* at the transfer date cut-off points of each nation. I'm not defending SI here, but what I'm saying sure makes a lot more sense than 'this is a political move and the Chinese are responsible for it somehow'.
  17. Another thing SI should do is make it clear when their cut-off dates for database changes are so people at least know what to expect with the patches. This was all completely avoidable and could've been solved with extremely basic communication. People holding off playing the game they bought for months, based on the assumption of what the patches would fix, is a really bad reflection of this.
  18. The reason why the current changes have been made and not others is because those are the database changes that didn't make it in the last patch. As far as SI was concerned, the other nations were updated and that was the end of that. Think of this as a part 2 of the last patch and it'll make more sense.
  19. Hopefully SI will think about outlining what they definitely are and definitely are no longer working on in the forum from now on, at the very least. They haven't touched the ME since the first patch four weeks after the official release and should have made it both clear and known that the match engine was finalized. A pinned post would've helped solve a lot of this.
  20. I think this is a good idea. Like, for everybody talking about positional play, managers aren't going to be like 'I want you to play as a Ball Winning Midfielder on support duty with the following individual instructions' when it'd just be easier to give the players what shape you expect them to take first of all and then tell individual players what you want them to do from there (if anything in particular). It's kinda annoying having to visualize in your head what positions the players will take up based on the Player Role and added instructions you've given them when you'd just show it on a whiteboard irl to see it and show everybody else.
  21. A lot of the managers in this game don't reflect how they are in real life, so why not make it easier and allow us (via the editor) to give managers their tactics the same way we set our own up in the game? People like RDF Tactics are great at recreating managers' styles as best as possible in the match engine, so with this kind of thing in mind, why not just let us use the editor and give the respective managers their tactics? Girona and Leverkusen are really underwhelming in this edition, with Girona in particular regularly struggling against relegation in the first season, but letting us modify and give the managers maybe up to three tactics (formations, player roles, optional player instructions maybe that the AI manager can decide to discard based on who plays the position). Obviously, the basic tactics should still be available regardless in case they need to make major changes during a match or something. Maybe more can be added to this idea, but I feel like this is probably a good start to increasing the realism.
  22. Fair. To be honest, I forgot this was even released since it was only about 3 weeks after the official release. Everything since this has been cosmetic. I just don't understand the 'it shouldn't have been a surprise' comment considering FM23 definitely did continue to update and tweak the ME. Did SI seriously make it clear in an announcement that they were finished updating and tweaking the ME?
  23. It's also just flat-out not true. FM23 had multiple match engine fixes in its February update. Changes to how players react, defend, attack - it's all there.
  24. What changes were made to the match engine? The only one I can see that comes close is goalkeeper injury frequency, and that's not really anything other than reducing the chance of them occurring. I'm not counting AI manager team selection, player morale with team talks and substitution logic either - those aren't match engine changes.
  25. For FM25. They should've been clear that they're not touching FM24's ME in the first place. I get why, and the reason is kinda obvious imo - they've ported animations and code over to FM25 at a certain cutoff date and continued working with Unity from there, making it pointless to tweak FM24's engine because they'd have to simultaneously figure out how to make those changes work with FM25 at whatever stage it was/is at so they'd be present in the new release. How many months had they been working on FM25's engine before FM24's was finalized? It's almost certainly at least over a year's worth of difference between both game engines. But again, they should've clarified this, even if it risked making people unhappy back in November or whenever. I don't buy the 'we're happy with the match engine' reason so much as 'we're not getting tangled up making changes in the old engine and then figuring out how to implement those changes in the new engine this far into development'. The only changes made with the match engine through the patches with this edition were cosmetic - Champions League ball updated, weather effects showing, player appearance glitches, and others.
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