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Everything posted by tezcatlipoca665

  1. Just so you know (and so you aren't needlessly waiting): it's been confirmed in a bug report thread that the development team are happy with how the AI transfer and squad building logic is working, so it's not something that's going to be fixed in any upcoming patches. There's not really anything that can be done.
  2. I never really understood how late bloomers were ever supposed to work when the Potential Ability of a player is a fixed number tbh. Unless what it really means is that players can develop to their full potential after the age of 26, just as they would when they were younger? I don't think it's ever really been explained.
  3. Davincid's realism mod is great, but it's been noted before that it doesn't affect the AI directly. It adjusts everything that can be edited in the FM24 editor like player reputation, injury rates, and stamina/fatigue tweaks to force squad rotation. While that can help push younger players into being played in first team games just out of the AI manager's desperation to have a fit squad before a match, it won't do anything to fix the features SI promised in order to sell the game - specifically more considered transfers, and actual planned youth player development with loans.
  4. There's no real way to prove whether it's better than FM23 or not. I'm pretty sure that they can claim it is and promote it as a 'feature' without actual evidence because there's no real way to measure it. For example, when it was promised that teams would look to loan out promising players to specific kinds of teams, you can just push that away with 'well there are other variables involved, and not every save will be the same, transfers and decision making are never perfect' etc. all while players like Zaire-Emery rot in their B-teams until they demand transfers in far too many saves. The match engine is one thing. There's visible evidence of changes shown - ball trajectory, bounce, player movement were all heavily promoted with video proof. This is the last time I take any promises at face value for these games unless there are videos showing hard evidence of them (or at least would be, if I had any interest in FM25, since I don't care what the match engine looks like). I understand that's probably difficult to do with something like squad building, but 1) that's not my problem, and 2) if you can't prove a feature exists and works, then don't make the specific claim and promote it in the first place. 'General AI improvements' may not be a great selling point to make a bullet point out of, but it's a lot more honest as a catch-all than 'improved AI squad building with focus on youth rotation and loan considerations'.
  5. So is this improved Squad Building feature considered 100% fixed and fully working, as advertised? Or are there still more updates to come?
  6. There are mods that can decrease injuries by 50% (probably even mods that get rid of injuries altogether) for anybody that wants less of them. Just search for them on Google. They're easy to install, but you'll need to start a new game for them to have an effect. I'm using Davincid's stuff, so the injury rate has gone from 80% of what occurs in real life to roughly 100%. Lots of little 2-3 day injuries, but that's something the AI has to deal with too. Are the people complaining about outfield injury rates only paying attention to their own team, and not to the game world itself to see how other teams are affected?
  7. This happened to me in FM23 when I took over a struggling Portsmouth side. Wayne Rooney was sacked because the dressing room turned against him, and the first thing that happened to me was some rotation player demanded a new contract with an unrealistic wage (far higher than we could afford, and higher than the first team players were receiving). I had to refuse because we literally didn't have the money, let alone that he didn't have the quality to warrant it, and the whole team basically called me into a meeting to demand that he be given what he wants. It'd be great if there was an option to tell them that you have no way of giving a player the contract he wants, even if you did want to give it, though tbh it'd be even better to just stop these interactions because they make no sense to begin with.
  8. Going from watching real football matches to the ME really highlights how strange it is for me. Upping the speed by a single notch is much better, but it's definitely a little faster than I'd like.
  9. 'However, they are concerned by the number of goals conceded when playing in this way' -The board, no matter how little goals you concede and where you're placed on the league table.
  10. Not really a bug or anything, but does anybody else feel like the match engine speed is really strange? Way too slow at default (in the middle) and too fast only one notch up from that. I can't even remember if FM23 was the same way, but it probably was. I wish I could get it in-between.
  11. tbf, there's little chance he'll even have the spare potential ability points to learn a new position at that level. Probably best to use an in-game editor in these cases.
  12. When you fall asleep just before the photoshoot and the other players take turns seeing how many dots they can get on your face with a sharpie before you wake up.
  13. His Increase Realism packs are great. I'm using a version of his FM23 pack continued into an FM24 save now (though I think I've noticed some wild effects this has had mixed with the update to FM24, but I'll see what happens the further I go on). It won't fix the Squad Building issues and general AI logic, since it doesn't affect the game code, but it'll definitely improve the overall experience in general. I'm gonna hold off for a bit until he starts adding more leagues now that he's taken over Dave The Editor's 'Around The Globe' project. That way I can just concentrate on a save focused on a bunch of non-European leagues I'm not familiar with, so I can get a kind-of long-term save out of this game out of the ignorance of not knowing how the other teams are supposed to do things. That is, if SI aren't planning on further patches to fix the overall AI manager logic.
  14. Okay, that isn't the issue though. I have to retype this because the original post failed, and I don't want to come off as condescending, but I need to make this clear so people understand what's happening: - steve.bs69 wants to know if there's an easier way to see the 'Tired' status that doesn't involve hovering over the heart icon, most likely as separate section (like in the same way you can see players Position, Nationality, etc.). - people are telling him that you can find the information easily in the Medical Centre. You can't - not any easier than finding it in the Tactics section anyway. You still have to hover over the heart icon. - Fatigue is not an indicator of the 'Tired' status. You can be fatigued and have 'Excellent - Match Fit' as a status, and have the same level of fatigue and be 'Excellent - Tired'. The difference between 'Excellent - Match Fit' and 'Excellent - Tired' is usually a single day of not playing a match. - The real problem is that the heart icon is both full and green for the 'Peak', 'Excellent - Match Fit' and 'Excellent - Tired' statuses. You have to hover over them to tell the difference. The reason this has probably never been considered an issue for SI is because there's already a visible difference between the heart icons for 'Peak', 'Excellent - Match Fit' and 'Excellent - Tired' - they're just so difficult to see that it's causing problems. Here's a close-up of the heart icons. You'll see that they're all a different shade of green. If there's a way to change those colours so they're more obviously different, that'll probably help steve.bs69 out. As for proof that the 'Tired' status has nothing to do with the level of fatigue, here's a screenshot showing Locatelli and Hamdani.
  15. I don't understand how so many people are missing what @steve.bs69 is saying. I'll use Moise Kean as an example in my save. Here's how it appears when you hover over the heart icon in the tactics vs. how it appears in the Medical Centre (where you still have to hover over the heart icon to see that he's tired). I think it should be made more obvious somewhere without having to do this. Before I realized this was something to watch out for, I was probably including players in the first team when I should have been resting them and costing myself games as a result. The heart icon is still green and he'll still be considered 'fresh'.
  16. International management has never been any good even since the CM days, unfortunately. I'm really surprised SI hasn't capitalized on any World Cup buzz by now and created a theme around one of them to promote new features for it. I don't even mean a licensed edition either - they could just promote a generic World Cup theme with added features for international management that just so happens to be timed well before an upcoming tournament. I don't get it. I'm guessing international management must be near impossible to get right or something. Either way, I don't care what the international teams do in FM because of how dull it is, and that's pretty damning considering I want to like it. I just skip ahead past the tournaments to the new season and don't check who won what.
  17. I'm honestly not trying to be difficult, I'd just like some confirmation so I can know now before deciding how I'm going to play the game from now on: As far as the development team is concerned, is AI Squad Building fixed and now a working feature as promoted?
  18. Yeah, I get that. It's hit and miss with him tbh. I restarted the save to test and the next time I did it, he took the criticism well. It's the interactions themselves I'm complaining about - they're just so unnaturally hostile and weird.
  19. Continuing an old FM23 save. I tell Angel Di Maria I'm disappointed in his lack of commitment to training. He gets annoyed and immediately tells me I'm wrong and that he has good standing in the squad and can do whatever he wants. I back off by telling him I'm disappointed and hope he trains harder in future. He finishes by telling me he doesn't need to try harder. Can whoever writes these scenarios please speak to an actual human being at some point in their life and get an idea of how interactions go? It's either 'you're right, I need to buck my ideas up' or 'I will kill you in your sleep and nobody will care or miss you'.
  20. I simmed three seasons. Zaire-Emery is still in PSG2 and is listed on Loan because PSG can't fulfil his desires to play in the first team. No joke - even the player is crying out for actual game time and the AI manager is refusing to give it, only reluctantly placing him on loan because he brought it up himself. He's had three league starts and 6 sub appearances in three years, and hasn't been anywhere else. The Saudi transfers really need a lot more consideration. They're pretty excessive for one thing. 33 year old Heung-Min Son moved to Al-Hilal for £146m. High wages are whatever, but Saudi teams aren't overspending on transfers - Neymar was £90m and considering reputation, what PSG had paid for him etc., that wasn't an unrealistic price (considering Declan Rice cost more on transfer fee alone too). Speaking of Neymar, he's at PSV on £77k per week after his release. The players are just leaving on free transfers at the end of their contracts and even circulating to other Saudi teams as a result. Jota is 27 playing for Abha after moving on a free transfer for a pretty significant wage cut, going from £195k per week to £9.25k per week(!!!). PSG brought in four Saudi released players in one season - great steal, I'd have done the same - but the issue is that Saudi teams are just mass releasing players. AI managers still think wingers are great centre forwards, or at least they're happy with them being passable in that role and won't go beyond that, even if they're an elite level club. I don't think that'll ever be fixed. I would like it so the AI managers would be able to at least see 'this guy is 19/20 centre forward and 20/20 right wing, so he's a right winger and I should get a 20/20 centre forward for regular playing time and use this guy as a tactical backup or supporting striker if I want two up front changing formations mid-game'. You know who's currently AC Milan's centre forward? Charles De Ketelaere. The only positive difference I've seen are that teams aren't hoarding goalkeepers and giving them the same squad statuses. I've attached a bunch of screenshots for the sake of it. I'm done with this and I'm not uploading any saved games to help - the developers are capable of simming their own seasons. I'm convinced this is something that can't be fixed with this iteration of the game no matter what promises of 'features' are made. The features were marketed before they were even solidified (blah blah, J-League, etc.). I was already hesitant on looking at FM25 because I was here for CM4 and *that* game engine switch, but if this isn't fixed by the January update or whatever, I'm done with the series (I went from FM06 to 23 - it's really no problem for me).
  21. Getting the same thing. Everyone in Man Utd is white - same with Chelsea. Arsenal seem fine though? No idea what's going on there. I'm testing some unemployed seasons to make sure some bugs I reported before were fixed in this patch, so I'm only looking back at highlights, but this is what I've found. New save, new installation.
  22. The players on-pitch aren't matching their profiles. Marcus Rashford is some balding white guy, for one thing. New save. Actually a new installation too.
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