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El Payaso

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Everything posted by El Payaso

  1. If the opposition roles that we see indeed aren't necessarily correct and are based on your analyst's view of things, this makes more sense.
  2. Same here. I'm probably not the right person to say this as I have missed a few editions of the game between but for me this is the best FM since 2013. And the more I lose games the more I like the game.
  3. I find it funny that some people think the game somehow favors the AI. Based on what I have seen especially in the previous iterations of the game and how for example many YouTubers play the game, I would claim it's quite the opposite if anything. Making everything wrong in terms of tactics, playing the game with key highlights, not reacting to anything during the matches, and still overachieving is what I mean. I would say that AI Pep Guardiola's or Jürgen Klopp's selection of roles and duties have always been more sensible than the ones that many streamers have with their team and still the human players generally perform better. For example, when playing with Chelsea, I seemed to always be on the 'lucky' side that many people here claim that the AI always is. Edging tight games into draws or even victories regularly. With Betis, I am currently on the other end but I am confident that this will change at some point. One thing that I don't understand with these new versions is the fact that the game is now showing the opposition's selection of roles during matches. Don't like that at all. In my opinion, you should be able to detect these and the changes that the AI is doing based on heat maps and data. Seeing the opposition roles is too powerful tool for us to use.
  4. I think I have already thanked you for the amazing work a few times on YouTube but might as well do it here also. At first I felt a bit doubtful about going attributeless but after installing the skin and playing with it, I have come to a decision where I never want to go back to the traditional way as this way is so much more interesting to me. Especially as there has been a gap of two years in terms of following football which means that I don't even have that good knowledge on the current players. Removing player search means that I can quite heavily rely on my scouts which is fantastic. Probably I am not supposed to ask but hopefully the light version is still in your plans and wip?
  5. I'm really starting to like the looks that the newgens tend to have in this version. I used to hate them in the previous versions as physical attributes always tended to be way too high since the beginning. Now these look way more balanced. This version has many features that actually make me want to have a long term save for the first time in many many years. By the way: how long does it take for you to finish a season in general? And what highlights type do you use during games?
  6. I think BWM. I didn't think that anything could happen with the interaction so I basically told him to f*** off with his request. And the next day were in for a surprise. Same happened with Tenas also but as it is an international loan, PSG are not able to terminate it.
  7. He actually didn't react in any way and is 'delighted' with his playing time. I am of course planning on giving him the maximum minutes in Conference league and cup games and also looking for a solution to include him in January. Could well be that at least one of the duo mentioned will be sold in January. With Isco it is currently like playing with ten men and the team usually starts to perform when we take him out. Tempted to try him as a wide playmaker and see how he will do with Dest down the right.
  8. Inspiring stuff once again. A big reason why I am so hooked on my own Betis career. I think we also struggle with lots of same things in terms of tactics.
  9. Okay. I have clocked about three seasons in total and seen 0 for and against. The AI matches seem to produce some so it might just be bad luck.
  10. Nothing that badly in my opinion. Throw-ins and set pieces in general are a bit of a mess but they have been like that for the last ten years. People should be used to it. I would enjoy if vision and intelligence would be easy to notice in the ME but on the other hand it's not totally non-existent as I got for example Cole Palmer performing magnificently well at Chelsea in Lampard-esque role. Players like Isco seem to be quite useless but this could also be down to my own tactics. I haven't seen a single goal from a direct free kick or a real long range goals from 30 yards out but this has also been the case in FM quite often. In general I like the match engine and the fact that for example wingers don't automatically perform well for me. Of course you need to sabotage your own gameplay somehow if you want to keep things close to realistic. This shouldn't be the case in my opinion but it's once again something that have had to do for years now. Avoid using gegenpressing, asymmetric formations, near post corner kick deliveries, short goal kicks etc. If you do these and don't use player and scout search, the game can actually be quite good even for long term saves.
  11. Could well be. I think attacking minded wingbacks have been really effective ever since roles such as complete wingback were introduced in the game. Don't remember if it was FM 2015 or 16 but I remember Oscar De Marcos regularly escaping to a free crossing positions about ten times per game in a simple 4-4-1-1 formation. Not a good player in terms of attributes but in the game 'impossible to mark' for the AI.
  12. Regarding the match engine: it does have some even major issues but I've come quite used to it that about 80% of the highlights start from some kind of a set pieces situation. This is because that is how the game has been for about the last ten years. I find it surprising that for example throw-ins are getting criticised only in this version when I have raised this since 2014, I think. Also if some issues drag on for ten years, for me it is quite clear signal that it is not even possible to fix them with the current limitations of the ME. As FM 2025 is going to be the next big thing for SI, I am not able to be surprised that the work was already done ages ago with this version's ME. But let's look at the bright side: it's still way better than many other versions such as FM 10, 12 and 17 that were horrible.
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