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Everything posted by gunner86

  1. This isn’t the beta facts thread. This is the beta speculation. There’s no room for “facts” here.
  2. I think it’s happened once before. Can’t remember when. Someone can check. Not me though. I’m lazy. @KillYourIdols you had all the beta dates for your maths. Edit: looks like @Alexb9582 covered it while I was looking for my Bart gif
  3. Agree. From their point of view, it’s the testing, from the average user they just see it as early access.
  4. Nah, we have this thread. Nothing else matters. Seriously though, the Beta will be out once they’re happy with it, it really isn’t dependant on getting all the other stuff out. That said it does seem like they’re being very quiet and or slow but I’m not bothered by it.
  5. https://www.sportbible.com/football/santi-cazorla-switching-feet-to-take-a-corner-is-incredible-20211212.amp.html facts!
  6. He’s up there for me too. Great, great player. But there’s something very likeable about Santi. Was gutted he never got the fairwell he deserved.
  7. I’m just throwing it out there. Santi is my favourite post Henry player we’ve had
  8. I’m 36 and have no interest in slowing down. In f lacy I’m happier now my real age is realistic for a manager. Married, 2 kids, and a proper job now. If anything I find it easier to play now as I have no socialising to get in the way. Once the kids are in bed, I can knock out a couple of hours with a movie on or while the missus watches <insert reality show du jour> and everyone’s happy.
  9. I would imagine they, like us, are speculating. Maybe they have access to this thread… But let’s just bask in this for a while.
  10. Pics or it didn’t happen Ultimately they won’t know that. It gets released when it’s ready, it’s not predetermined.
  11. But he doesn’t eat them. He collects them. Hendo’s Labradoodle was a gift from the Sultan of Brunei. Its name is Dame Judi Dench, no relation.
  12. There’s generally only cons if there’s data that needs fixing. Most other fixes tend to be save game compatible. My beta save last year ran til February til my laptop died
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