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Everything posted by themodelcitizen

  1. There's some weird options like "allow any squad numbers" that should always be checked even if they seem pointless and redundant. Guessing it's some weird rule that the latest patch made work in some unexpected way
  2. Not actually sure how to get at the default rules. You could maybe build a new set and have the default competitions use them but I have a feeling that would break something else
  3. I believe mine is still compatible with Yellow's, haven't had a look since the last official patch though
  4. Can only guess he's got work, school, life commitments. Some things take priority. If you have time, feel free to make yourself useful and check what changes were made in the latest patch that need to be fixed here, and list them here for easier reference (or make the necessary changes and verify it yourself)
  5. You can pick from either saintscanada's Canada League 1 and Cup comps, or yellow's file. I don't think the game would let you load both, they're both Canadian league files and it usually makes you pick one from the same countries. The Canadian Championship file acts separately to clean up the Voyageurs Cup but I don't believe it's compatible with yellow's file. It was built to work alongside saintscanada's file. ETA for that bug is unknowable, anyone with the editor is welcome to try different fixes and would get credit in the OP. At the moment I wouldn't recommend loading D2 down because of it.
  6. You can go into the competition itself (not the rules) and set contract types I think? So at least every staff and player contract would have to stay PT even if they go pro?
  7. If we can fix the USL-C salary bug that would be a big update to make it playable from D2 down again. Other than that, there really isn't such a thing as a final version with TMC files, they're released as completely playable (unless its a beta) and then fixed where and when people point out issues
  8. I think you can select host with "get from participating teams" but they have to be selected using "qualified teams" maybe? And they have to be qualified when it's set up. Or else it won't know who to use World Nations League sounds amazing, you using something like the UEFA NL structure?
  9. Nicely done. I was trying to get the bottom 32 teams in the world rankings in it at one point but couldn't get it to pull the right teams
  10. If you don't need any other seeding rules, then you could just "sort" the teams by longitude either in the teams list or the stage itself (I think). With no other instructions it will just pull the groups straight from the list of teams, in order, so they'll already be sorted from east to west
  11. In fixture rules, make sure days between games is 2 (or even 1), just in case something gets rearranged. It sounds like there's stadium clashes, likely from fixtures in the same group or different groups trying to use the same stadium at the same time. Sometimes it delays games a week automatically if that happens. If you specify each game date using "offset dates" with specific stadiums mentioned, you can keep track and make sure there aren't any conflicts. For each specific stage or round you can set fixture priority as well. Despite that there's still a possibility of clashes with league games at that ground, not sure you can do much about that short of setting an alternate stadium for the home club team during that time period.
  12. Was thinking about trying to shoehorn San Diego in somewhere (in lieu of placing them in MLS), but the competitions are all fairly well-balanced now and they only have four players signed at the moment. Would be cool to do a kind of dispersal draft, maybe modelled on previous versions of the game where that happened. Not sure I have the time to test it for a while though
  13. They come from the USL2, so you could just dump new clubs (modelled after colleges) into the existing USL2 conferences, I think that's what most people do. If you didn't wanna build the rules then at least it would look the way you want in their history, news items about the draft, etc. Yeah they're really not good at it, I tried different options in the editor to make them take advantage of the loan system more, but they're not great at this kind of squad management
  14. Done. Do people mind the multi-stage set up? Does the game sort of "know" what's going on when you win before the next stage is drawn? It's a bit convoluted but seems to reflect the way they're actually going to organize it
  15. Could take a look at how I merged them into the Copa Libertadores. If you know how to get at the default rules you can see how they're set up before I changed them around here
  16. Are they created comps? "Get last winner" might not be an option in that case, but I think you could give them all fate actions for the winner like "qualify team for comp", and then use "get qualified teams" in the joint competition file
  17. Love the injury changes. What else can they get? Polio? I made an NASL database for FM19 that took place in 1978 but was a sort of "best of" the league in terms of format, players, etc. Been thinking of ways to revive it, might be nice to change all the dates for 1966 and have Eusebio and Cruyff with future moves to a fully developed NASL already set
  18. Fixing the teams in USLC and USL1, thankfully it's an easy adjustment with as many teams leaving as came in, so we can keep the 2023 format but with the correct 2024 lineup. It doesn't look like SI touched any of the rosters in USL2 or NISA? Can leave that for now... still working on that money bug affecting USLC teams (and USLC teams only) though, this is probably best as a background mod until we get that fixed
  19. Is it the min/max team rule for the competition found under the nation rules themselves?
  20. I can't recall trying that specific one, and MLS hasn't been using it for years (if ever), but it might throw up some weird group names. Probably worth a shot. There's also MLS "3-group style" which must be from when they had a Central Conference c. 2001-ish.
  21. I'll do a version like that this weekend, you guys are right and it is better treated as a new tournament with a new history. Same reputation should work mind you
  22. I believe "best teams" automatically sorts by last season's standings. Not sure about "all teams"
  23. I don't think I did anything that should affect it, I guess there might be some default issues with it. I'd rather the old Confederations Cup back to be honest, just no room on the calendar for it
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