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Everything posted by themodelcitizen

  1. Sometimes that also comes up if the set of fixture rules has a specific "competition" set itself (like under "Fixture rules"/"fixture rules 0"), possibly with a squad registration window attached (which also might have a specific competition set). If those are clashing try making them blank
  2. "other league stage flags" / "use playoff stage for seeding" (or whatever it's called)
  3. I usually leave that blank, it seems to override your own dates you've specified elsewhere. Like it decides it will just generate 30 dates of its own
  4. I've had "ask competition neutral (exclude home)" work. Either it will take a list of stadia from the country, or if the stadium pool has at least 3 stadia (so that there's always one available that's not home or away). I think that's probably how they did the old Spanish Cup finals where it was a neutral ground each time. If you don't specify a stadium pool, stadium_0 is just the biggest in the country IIRC (that fits whatever requirements that tournament has for capacity, condition,etc)
  5. Under "teams", could you call all teams from div 2 but use "team type" u21? Then it should set up using the fresh batch of teams from tier 2 each season
  6. Does that work this year? Was glitched out in FM23 and didn't work consistently IIRC
  7. @magicmastermind124 did some wizardry with one of the Canadian DBs where a third tier is added after the first or second season with 1 or 2 teams going down and then new teams, can't quite recall the mechanisms but it was beyond me at the time. The file has two versions, one is automatically used based on how far down the user selects at game start
  8. Match days are easy enough but I believe you can also assign each team various alternate stadia to be used for a certain amount of matchdays each season in league settings. Then I believe if each game was set to a hard Friday night kick-off it would rearrange the fixtures (when it schedules them) so everyone is evenly distributed around the various stadia (while still being considered "home")
  9. Check my FM23 file that did it, using the advanced rules. You could try and copy those settings
  10. Sounds like an issue with ranking levels, that's typically how the game knows what various stages do. You could look at a default competition rules and see how they've set it up
  11. You'd have to go into registered teams as well, I think that's how it distributes them into different conferences. But they all have stuff like draft picks and international slots hard-coded don't they? Feel like that would break something to move them around
  12. Normally I'd say it sounds like something arising from a stage finished action not occurring until too late, like when a round has finished but not the stage itself (so the stage finished actions aren't processed by the time the new tournament is drawn), but if the winner is processed fine I guess not (even if that's just with "get last winner")
  13. Sounds like you put the actual year somewhere instead of 2000/2001 (assuming "base year for dates" is 2000) - like, a fixture date or something set to September 2023 instead of September 2001
  14. I believe once you've duplicated a media source you have to manually change the "frequency" - even if it's changing it to what it already says, i.e. "anytime". It's actually blank until you make a change (which can be noted in the bottom left under "changes"). In fact when duplicating or mass editing any item(s) it's good practice to manually go through every drop/down setting and re-type it in just so a change is registered
  15. Didn't they take care of the new Copa format? I could see getting the urge to give that (and the Gold Cups) all its proper stadia and kickoff times etc. Doubt I'll do much other stuff to be honest, I thought I'd port more stuff over but eventually realized that once I've done a really extended version of something (like all those FM22 and FM23 files) it's hard to pick it up again in a future version
  16. Can you give the relegation/promotion playoff its own "fixture rules"? Maybe a specific set that isn't associated with any specific competition?
  17. Not Europe so they don't care, it's hard to blame them when so much of the customer base/research/everything is based there. Stuff like this just isn't worth their time apparently
  18. Sounds like a ranking levels issue tbh, not sure it's that part of the editor
  19. Second that, post it up, but it sounds like maybe the "requirements" of the stage aren't quite right, or the first stage isn't properly finishing in some way
  20. I think you could check under their registration and there should be a drop down to see what CL rules apply to them. But it sounds like it's working a charm
  21. This is great. So they can be domestic champions in two countries at once? I guess there's no weirdness with the Welsh ranking levels/history/statistics or anything? Do they get the Welsh flag next to them/Welsh homegrown requirement when they qualify for UCL?
  22. Maybe if you started after 2024 in Brazil or one of those leagues that allows such a late start? Otherwise, not sure you can do a future loan
  23. I might start adding teams like that after the final game update/patch, especially if they move rosters around for 2024 (they might even add unique IDs for the teams). At the moment it makes sense to keep the 2023 team lineup and rosters
  24. Yes I believe I've seen that before, can't remember if I logged the bug. You should do so anyway, can't hurt to let them know
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