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Joey Numbaz

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Posts posted by Joey Numbaz

  1. On 29/07/2020 at 12:11, Aksi92 said:

    As I said I will try Regista role in the new season. So here is a little update.



    Actually I am pretty amazed. I am dominating the teams so much even though they are playing very defensively. Possession is not always in my favour, I am averaging just 50%. I thought I will be struggling in defence, cause I dont really have holding midfielder but thats not the case. Teams rarely even come to my defence players cause most of the time my MC and forwards are winning the ball. I am using split block meaning my front 5 players have close down more.

    I dont know if the regista role is key for these results. Would I achive them with DLPd/s? I don't think so.

    I am starting to have some trouble breaking down teams sitting back as my team's rep is skyrocketing. I have Tonali, Kessié, and Florentino too - so perfect players for these midfield roles. I am going to try working this in slowly against not top teams who play defensive and maybe cautious (as well in the second half with a comfortable lead) and see if it takes in the EPL. All of those clean sheets - I just love that. I'd rather win 1-0, 2-0 than 4-2 or 5-3 in general anyway. And so few team instructions too. And Very Fluid! That's just incredible if it will work.

    I've got the defenders for BPD too. Assuming I've got guys that can handle the role, do you see that being an issue?

  2. 18 hours ago, wkdsoul said:

    have you added the line for the new stadium to the config file? 

    I have not! Thanks! I had no idea I had to do this, as I've never done any skinning.

    Would you be able to share which file and how to do this?

  3. I assume I am doing something dumb, but I cannot get any new stadium pics to show. The pictures I had in my graphics folder from the start of the save have worked fine. I've tried clearing the cache, reloading the skin, etc. but nothing seems to work.

    I've turned on the show screen IDs in the Title Bar to assist skinning.

    I've validated the picture in my graphics folder with the numbers on some known good stadiums. I've even copied a picture that works, and just given it the new number, so I know it isn't anything in the formatting of the picture file.

    But when I add a picture for a stadium that isn't showing, clear the cache, and reload the skin, the new pictures do not show. Sometimes it just crashes the game entirely.

    I assume I am missing a step somewhere, but can't figure out what. My team built a new stadium, so I'd like to have it with a picture if possible :-)

    Thanks for any help!

  4. 18 hours ago, Zemahh said:

    When you either A) want to funnel opposition into certain areas of the pitch or B) opposition player is strictly one-footed.

    What shoving a player onto his weaker foot does, is close the angle of his stronger foot, but that comes at a price of leaving his weaker foot open. The idea is that his weaker foot is less of a threat, which is why you're prepared to allow him time on it in return for closing his stronger foot down completely. However, while most players have a weaker foot, it doesn't necessarily mean their weaker foot is completely non-threatening. Showing a player whose weaker foot is still reasonable or above onto a weaker foot, could mean you're essentially allowing him to have a go with a foot that still has enough power in it to hurt you, which is why I'd only use it for "Left only" or "Right only" players.

    Thanks Zemahh!

    What are some typical/obvious (to someone who knows what they are doing) scenarios where I might want to funnel a player to a certain area of the pitch?

  5. On 27/07/2020 at 12:33, Mr. Buttons said:

    In what type of situations 'Show onto foot' applies to? Does it apply only when a player is at a shooting situation?  I've only used it on strikers having a weaker foot so I'm curious if this instruction also applies to wingers/fullbacks crossing the ball or even central defenders paying from the back?

    As a non-tactical genius, I also have this question - what are typical situations where it makes sense to show players onto their weaker foot?

    I assume it isn't always so simplistic as just do it because the player has a weak foot on one side. That seems like the "100 level" class.

    From a "200 level" class perspective, I feel like it could work for funneling the opponent's play into or out of the middle (either to counter their tactic or help yours), or a wing, things like that but I can't really wrap my head around 1) how it works mechanically - like left footed player on the left side and I want that player to be funneled to this spot on the field type of thing, or 2) when it would be appropriate - like why I might want to push a player to this of that area, or 3) maybe cutting off a passing lane for a player? But I don't know exactly how to make that work - i.e. recognizing when I should do this given a set of circumstances.

    Some examples of when it's a good idea in these (or other) situations would be really helpful.

  6. Following this and the other thread closely as I also was about to post a 442 Wide Diamond thread yesterday. There must be something in the water.

    The wide diamond can definitely work. Dafuge has used it with great success. You don’t necessarily need to drop a striker back to the DM strata.

    You could keep the shape, and move the playmaker to the wing, or to the AMC, Tonali could retrain to either WP or AP I’d imagine. I’ve used him all over the field in FM19, he was an excellent DR for me even.

    Then in the DM spot you can put a defense first guy who still has some offensive skills.

    I posted a thread on the 442 wide diamond as I was experimenting a year ago, that I’d forgotten about and stumbled across it yesterday searching for help on this myself. There are some ideas in there that might help.

    I think if you insist on a Regista role, you’ll either need a player like prime Kanté or a different formation. A DLPd could work I’d think with the right player.

    Unfortunately I never really ‘finished’ that thread above.

  7. Update. Champions League Semifinal May 2022. Second leg at Goodison Park against Juventus. After a 1-1 draw in Turin, we are up 2-0 in the 39th minute when Sandro Tonali gets a straight red for a horror tackle. Effectively we are up by a goal and a half. So here we go.


    Stats at the time.


    We were grinding it out before a complete defensive breakdown in the 86th minute led to a Dybala goal. So I had to sweat out the last 9 minutes, but we pulled it out. The tactic worked again and we are headed to the Champions League Final! Against Liverpool, which is going to be something else, but I digress.


    Note, we outshot them 6-4 after Tonali went out.

  8. So I messed up when offering a contract to my 4.5-5* newgen striker on intake day.

    I looked at the salary options, was going to offer him £600 p/w and saw it only went to £225. So I offered it thinking there was a limit since he is only 16, and he instantly accepted.

    Then I realized it was £225K. Whoops!

    I cannot edit that using the editor, as his provisional contract isn't editable (or am I missing something?). And he doesn't turn 17 for 9 months.

    I don't want to ruin my save, and I don't want to go back to my previous save point, as we are late in the season, key games were played since then, etc.

    So if I edit him in December and remove 99.7% of his salary, will that have an unintended consequence of making him super angry? I've never edited salaries before. Will he expect the world in his next contract?

    I saved before experimenting, terminated his contract, and tried to negotiate a new one, but he wants to be a squad player now, and a regular starter in two seasons. For the initial contract a youngster was the only promise he wanted. He also has an agent after I terminate his contract. He didn't before that. I just accepted those promises and he wants £70K per week as a salary too.

    So would those big expectations still be there for him if I just edit the salary number when he turns 17? Thanks for any help/insight.

  9. I use two, a 541 for most matches that is rock solid defensively, and scores enough. All four wide players have attack duties and it’s attacking mentality, but the formation is very hard to break down. I am almost always outpossesed - typically 60-40 or worse, but I still manage to get many more shots off than my opponents - and very few long shots. I’ve had games where I am out-possessed 63-37 and out-shoot the opponents 27-3 or something and win 2-0. Rosler posted that for FM19 and it works perfect on FM20 for me too.

    As I get higher rep and start seeing more opponents park the bus, I use a 4-1-1-4 against smaller teams that play a defensive mentality against me. That one came from strikerless it’s the V-W formation and is not actually strikerless.

    The formations and roles in the two compliment each other well and there isn’t a lot of difference in terms of player fit.

    If I am up two goals in the second half, or one goal at around 83’-85’ I have started dropping the two B2B guys from the 541 back to an anchorman/volante-support combo that is even more defensive.

    When building my squad, after getting great WBs if I don’t have them already, I always start from the back finding the best CD/DM and then CMers I can and eventually work towards getting better attackers. Once I have world class attackers 3-4 years in, it’s pretty amazing to watch. And as the defenders get to be world class I can feel safer using the V-W more often.

    These tactics definitely need the right players to work but they’ve been a lot of fun. And the types of players I get also fit perfect into the 10-man tactic here!


  10. 5 minutes ago, 04texag said:

    Unique topic but good to have backup plans like this for the odd chance when it comes up. I'll look to give this a go next time I'm down a man. Thanks!

    Yeah, I've been playing this game for 10 years and until that City game above, it never crossed my mind to have 10-man tactic waiting in the wings. That worked so well that I took a screenshot before the game ended (that isn't it - no Richarlison, so must have been from a later game) and I've been using it ever since.

    Definitely interested to see how this works for other people, or if I've just been getting lucky/have the perfect players for it.

  11. Ah found this from a post I wrote about my FM19 save last year ... here's another example of it at work:



    So this happened. Check out this 5th round FA Cup game vs. City. We were losing 2-1 in the 84th minute when Richarlison went down. We'd used all of our subs. I went with this tactic. I pushed Digne from WBs to CWBa. I made the MEZa at CARs, since I had no left winger. I made the Anchor Man a DLP on Support. The Roaming Playmaker became a CMa.


    It kinda worked.


    Yeah, all we did was score a 90+4' equalizer. And then two goals in ET. We outscored Manchester City 3-0 over the last 42 minutes once we were down to 10 men.



  12. I've been using a 10-man tactic that really seems to be working well. I've got some ideas for why it works, and it's really a nice arrow to have in the quiver.

    It's based off of the WM Tactic Cleon came up with for FM19. But it has been working great in FM20. And I don't even use the WM as one of my base tactics (although I did train it the first season of my save - this is season 3 now).


    I didn't want to wait for the next time I need to use it for the screenshot. These are not the roles I would use if it wasn't ten men. The midfield roles would be different.

    DLPs can also function as an Anchorman, especially if you don't need a goal.

    I've used this for several seasons now, here's what it looked like in my FM19 save.


    Pretty much the same thing.

    The only PI is the WBRs sits narrower.

    I have now played this 150 minutes this season, I've got 2 chances, opponents have 1, despite me being down a man.

    First leg of the League Cup Semi, Iwobi goes out with a straight red against Southampton in the 11th minute. We grabbed a goal at 22' and won 1-0.

    Away to Burnley we closed out a 2-1 win playing down a man for the last 15 minutes. 

    In the FA Cup 4th round against Tottenham, Digne went out with a second yellow a little before halftime. We were only outshot 7-5 in the second half, and held onto our 1-0 lead. We weren't really threatened at all.


    I know this is kind of small FM20 sample size at 150 minutes, but it also worked for me in FM19. And in previous seasons in this save.

    Basically we still clog up the midfield. The Carrilero helps cover for the CWBa flying up and down the left flank. There is still plenty of offensive push, the opponent can't take our attack lightly. Even the center back as a BPD will take shots at big passes on the counter if it is on.

    Player wise, I always have very defensively competent, hard working midfielders, so that helps a lot too I am sure.

    Wondering what you guys think - anything I might be missing? Is there some fatal flaw I haven't run into yet?

    Hope this helps you out in your saves. Took some experimentation, but I really don't get worried going down a man anymore.

  13. Wow, I forgot I even did that!

    3 hours ago, Seb Wassell said:

    Likewise, the Versatility comment may be a little misleadingly phrased? Versatility comes into a number of scenarios, the most prevalent being if a player can learn a new position or not (irrespective of how many they know already, which is in of itself a separate contributing factor).

    Yeah, as I was reading what I wrote, I had to do a double take. I meant that the versatility rating doesn't (didn't?) appear to impact the scouting report note. The note appears to just take into account how many positions he can currently play, not his aptitude for learning new positions.


    3 hours ago, Seb Wassell said:

    For example, Important Matches not showing up does not mean it isn't used before then

    Absolutely, apologies if I wasn't clear there either. I just meant to say I didn't see evidence of seeing scouting report notes on this for players under 22, not that it wasn't being used by the game.

  14. Hi @Uncle_Sam this is a great add on! I've installed for realism even though I am playing in England. I play with all playable leagues and like 400,000 players. Wanted to add this because I'm from the US and wanted my local USL team Loudoun United to be in this with real rosters and match sims just to watch.

    But one weird thing with the International Champions Cup for the summer of 2020. I was invited, as Everton, after finishing 2nd in the EPL during 2019-20.

    The schedule is really weird though. It's supposed to run from July 16, through September 2.

    But all that has been played for 2020 are 2 games, that were played August 22, which was after the EPL season started and actually postponed one of my regular season EPL games. It's now September 12.


    There are no other games scheduled. The competition just seems to be hanging in purgatory.

    But all of the 2019 games still show if I tick the back arrows in this screen shot. So it's like the 2019 never finished, and the 2020 one won't schedule the other games besides the two that were played already.

    Wondering a couple of things - if this will ever finish. If not, is there any way for me to just kill this one competition through the editor? Maybe I'm missing something in how it's set up? Thanks for any help!

  15. So I pulled in an FM19 view to FM20, which had that column, and the recommendations are all just a dash "-". I removed the column and go to re-add it, and that's when I saw it was gone and asked the question above.

    But it is there. It is blank in the customize current view list under training options. I know that's it though, because when I add that untitled (in the view editor) column back, it turns up as Physio Recommendation in the view, with all of the "-" recommendations.

  16. Thanks @Snorks ... I think I understand how and where it came from - but is this covered in the game? Do we get compensation? How do the mechanics of it work in the game? Has anyone ever received compensation for an eligible player leaving?

    What counts as an 'offer'? Does negotiating with the agent but then he gives you an ultimatum and then the red message where he declines your offer and it breaks down? If the player won't talk to you, how can you make an official offer? None of this is clear in the game.

    I've asked for a "Bosman Button" as a feature request in the past, to no avail. I am thinking of a button on the contract screen for an eligible player; where you can just hit it to offer the player the minimum to trigger compensation if he leaves. Now if the player isn't very good, he might just take your offer and you are stuck with him, so it can cut both ways.

    But I have no clue if I'll get anything for this guy, which seems strange. And also makes me think I won't get anything for him.

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