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Posts posted by aldojags

  1. 3 hours ago, HanziZoloman said:

    @Johnny Ace Great Job keeping your guys out of a relegation battle consider the long sidelines of your players. That striker looks awesome 

    here at Ricay the season began really tough. Don‘t know why but we have penalties against us in every single game. We dominated every single game but got spanked almost every game and fight relegation now. It’s frustrating at times.

    I'm the same @HanziZolomanwith the pens conceded, last season I had 14! in 34 league games, 14 pens conceded. Other thing i'm noticing (well 2 things actually) the amount of goals from direct free kicks im scoring, and the amount of goals I score that are subsequently ruled out for offside, between pens, free kicks, offside disallowed - 2 of the 3 is happening to me most games it feels like.

  2. In my save just now - anytime i get a low 6/high 5 training rating, I warn my player to improve their performance - I get e-mails about the youth teams too as I want to be in total control. But it just results in having like 5-9 mini chats a week saying the same thing week after week. It would be good to hand this over to your assistant as it's quite repetitive and boring after a while! 

  3. 1 minute ago, libbyshuss said:

    Aachen FC Update:


    It took longer than I hopes but Pascal Meier finally hit 1000 club goals for me! I naively expected some sort of news item or something like that but there was nothing! But he did it, look at his career all time goals here:-


    In only 882 games as well!

    First time I ever managed to get one of my players score 1000 for me, I think I'm more proud of that than I am (finally) completing the challenge in Germany


    I might have a try with a smaller country before FM24. Maybe head back to Uruguay for another try there, I always enjoy a South American save.

    Amazing, legendary career, got to be the player of the thread this year, unbelievable

  4. Home - SC Toulon


    Season 3 (25/26)

    Table | Finances | Facilities | Transfers | Club Vision | Coaching Attributes


    Comfortable enough season, in that the board asked me to attempt to avoid relegation, and I was never under any threat of it, won enough games regular to always stay a good few points ahead. Never anywhere near the top end of the league however, way too inconsistent and lose too many goals/games.

    Took a lot of heavy beatings as you'll see with my goal difference, our centre backs are by far the weakest link in the team, thinking of moving to a back 3/5 as it's just hard to watch at times, with how easy we are to score against.

    Finances a mess, I'm well within my wage budget, but just losing money hand over fist every month. Wage budget has been slashed by 5k per week from 20k to 15k per week, still comfortably under it as a few of our higher earners retired/moved on.

    Can't get any facilities increased with the money as it is, pretty grim :-(

    They keep sending me on coaching badges now, I finished continental a license shortly after the above screen shot was taken so I actually have better attributes than this now!


    Youth Intake

    Preview | Intake Day 2 3 | Personalities


    Not saying much but probably the best intake I've had in the 3 years I've been here. Frustratingly, for the 2nd season in a row, my best prospect is a GK, and in my first team my highest rated player is a 32 year old keeper, so there's no immediate need for a GK, but I spose it doesn't hurt to have a good reserve kicking around the place.


    Like the like of this guy, Maxime Bell, he's going to get minutes right away either off the left, in number 10 role when I use it. I have a tough time getting players with even remotely average physicals and mentals, so once he picks up technically, he'll one of my best players.


    Remy Boyer


    Angel Fayet - due to the shortage of serviceable centre backs, he'll get game time.


    Youth Prospects getting first team action

    Allan Favreau - 2nd season with us, 2 footed, great personality, yet to show anything decent however, lot of low ratings, doesn't help he's trying to develop in a team that's being pumped every week!

    Rafik Belaribi - 2nd or 3rd season - highly rated, but again, playing in defence of a poor team, has meant he has not really developed how I want.

    Gerard Ardouin - defensive midfielder, has looked ok in the match engine.

    Alain Tournier - probably best youth prospect to come through so far. Got 4 goals and got some decent (for us) ratings.


    Next Season

    Media prediction has us bottom. I think we'll have a tough year, but I'm confident we won't go down. Will not trouble the top of the league, not good enough, I don't know what shape & personnel suits us  best.

  5. In season 3 and struggling. Zero progress, just lower mid table scraping wins and getting scudded off the bigger teams, with nothing coming through of note and haemorrhaging money. How people do this challenge I'll never know. I think the key is an early promotion so by that metric it may be worth jumping ship already after 3 seasons. Another intake preview, and another A rated GK prospect, my 3rd in a row. I don't need any more keepers FFS!!!


    This is a fairly standard game for me (minus the four pens, i dont think thats ever happened!) but many people with low 6/high 5 ratings, its just hard to see any way out this league!



  6. Guys how much do you offer loans out or if someones interested in loaning your players do u find they'll come in?

    I have tons of players listed for loan - but not getting many offers.


    No-one is really developing at all, so I'm going to try a few of them out on loan n see what happens. I have reasonable coaching (i think!) for u19s, not amazing but not terrible. Poor facilities though. But the wee "progress" bar tracking their development, they're all flat lines and have been for all my youngsters for 3 years!

  7. what do you guys do for poor training performances?


    I'm 3 seasons into my save, I have decent standing now at club being pretty secure for most my time, decent morale, but i still have 2-3 players every week, usually senior pros, with sub 6 rated training performances.


    I give them the whole "beckon with hands" "you need to better at training" regime, they all seem happy with it, then same again next week. Most of my coaching staff have level of discipline about 15, and motivating above 10.

    My youth prospects usually are highest rated for training too.


    but its annoying, u cant fine them can u for it?



  8. @XaW well done on surviving, especially in the face of such morale busting defeats, impressive you still kept them up.

    Pedersen looks amazing he'll be in your first team soon I'm sure if he looks like that at 15!


    @Ronaldo Beckhamyeh I've seen that a few times over the years. From memory be careful how you platy it, it usually happens again for that same player,i could never fix it, just kept fining him, and then sold him. Great progress from you man to be safe in la liga so soon with so many prospects in the team

  9. Sporting Toulon Var - Accueil | Club de foot, Blason, Club

    Season 2 - 2024/25

    League Table | Club Vision | Facilities | Transfers | Coaching Attributes

    Bit of a drop off this season after last years impressive 4th place finish with 59 points, ended up 9th with 46 points. Have a rapidly aging squad, and my first 2 youth intakes have offered nothing startling in terms of first team prospects, think I'm going to run into trouble in a year or 2 when some of the 32/33 year olds that play ever week for me start to decline/retire! Amazing season out of nowhere from Abdoulaye Diallo, who finished the season top scorer of the league! 


    Finances are the usual tip despite being within wage budgets, not much I can do about this! No hope of getting training facilities done with the finances, and we're part time, so hoping for a bit of good fortune with some stars in the intakes to bail us out!


    Youth Preview

    Intake Day

    Squad View

    On paper I guess I should be pleased, with 4 so-called elites, but they're not in any danger of threatening the first team any time soon. And for the 2nd year in a row, a real abundance of slow players! Pace attributes are really nowhere to be seen, my last intake was like that too, full of 5-7 for pace, which with the best will in the world, is not going to cut it in pro football!







    Next season board just want to avoid relegation, which is a good thing as that's about the max I'll manage I reckon!









  10. Picture1 - SC Toulon

    I finished a first season in this challenge! Can I get a completion for this?


    Not kidding, I've started probably a dozen versions of this challenge this year, and this is the first time I've managed end of the first season! Took over as SC Toulon manager, my profile at start of season,


    Had an unexpected flirt with promotion, poor start to the season, but a strong recovery and regular wins had us slowly climb the table, and for 1 week, we occupied 2nd place with about 6 games to go or so. But as you can see, a dreadful finish to the season meant we fell away.

    Would have been WAY too early, we are NOT ready for Ligue 2, so I'm not too distraught, just gna sit in chill in 3rd tier for a few years i reckon!


    Got a couple of coaching courses, end of season attributes.


    Next seasons board vision - glad they're not expecting much, this is an old and declining squad, with nothing special coming through the ranks, so I think I'm gna be stuck here for a few seasons until some players emerge.



    Youth preview was terrible, the end result was slightly better than forecast, however even the 2 "elite" talents are not that special, Belaribi and Nicod. All time slowest intake ever too, look at the pace stats on this mob! Got recruitment upgraded.


    So next season I just want to survive, as I don't think we'll repeat last year, and I think we've squeezed all we can out of some of the older players, boring mid table season would be lovely and I need to settle on a tactic,


    Supporter profile.



    Finished 2nd in Manager of the year.

  11. 3 hours ago, libbyshuss said:


    Aachen FC - Germany

    2057/58 - Bundelsiga

    Season Summary

    League - started amazingly well, easily beating Bayern and Dortmund in the first month and went 6 points clear at one stage. But couldn't maintain it.....


    Champions League - I thought this might be our year! we were so good in the league stage, apart from a little blip against Leeds, easily qualifying for the knockout stage. We played brilliantly to get past Liverpool and got Athletico Madrid in the quarter-final. It seemed a nice draw, and a 2-2 draw in Madrid suggested so too. We were good in the hone leg but somehow managed to lose 2-0. Really frustrating!




    We got a new wonderkid! This fella, who i tend to play left back:-


    I have a feeling I might have a future wonderkid here too. Made his Croatia debut at 16 while still in my U19 team!


    Pascal Meier is now 30 but still as good as ever. One of the reasons I'm still going is I want to see him hit 1000 club goals. Up to 792 now!

    He is good. look at all his balon d'ors!



    So I'll keep going a couple seasons more, although i don't think I'm likely to head into Padders territory

    WHat  a team Libby, CL glory cannot be far away, these studs you keep producing man are outstanding. 

    You have another 150+ years to match Padders, that won't take you long!?

  12. I've started a save with Toulon in France, and given my many failed attempts at the challenge, I've decided not to post an update until I'm a season or 2 in!


    I'm halfway way through season 1 and doing ok, comfortably mid table with a good cup run and tie against Monaco to look forward to.


    However, I've just been given my youth intake preview, and it makes me want to chuck it just now. I get not every year gna be a golden generation, but this, in year 1....? My team is fully comprised of 29-34 year olds, like i need new players coming through and fast, but this crap being served up as a first intake...why bother!?


    THis is comfortably the worst preview i think ive ever had! ANy chance it could be a mistake!?



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