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Everything posted by PequenoGenio

  1. But in the default also have the "cut" Very small but have it. Maybe is something to do with the new "selection square"
  2. Having a little problem on my notification button: a litte "cut" on the top.
  3. A little of topic but it seems that you have some nice skin over there
  4. I need to copy that code that you posted and copy/past in that place that i've highlighted? (sorry for the bad english)
  5. Hello everybody. I know that is way to soon for it but, as usual: New FM, new thread. Have you found a gem of a regen from an obscure country that you have never heard of, got him capped and feel proud? Want to get your regen rated as you feel that he is the best regen ever? Maybe you want some advice on your regen, how to play him, what should you train him on? There is no specific format to follow, just post up a screenshot of your regen! If you need to, also along with your screenshot you could have a bit of background information about him, like where you got him, how much you paid or anything similiar. And maybe with the new variations to player development can we discover the new "Jamie Vardy"? If you don't know what a newgen is, then here is a short explanation: A randomly generated player that the game throws out to compensate for retirements etc... This is so you don't end up with no players in the game after you have played for a long enough time for all real players to retire from the game. These can normally be identified by the 'Newgen face' which looks like a computer generated face, although these can be turned off, so don't dismiss someone's player due to the lack of face. Please, only post newgens in here. Feel free to tell us about how good they are, how you found them, what you paid, their goalscoring records etc. Also, feel free to comment on other peoples newgens! Although, don't be the dick that goes 'OMG U EDITED HIM', because at the end of the day, it's just a game, people shouldn't post edited players, but if they do it's not a massive deal. Examples (from FMFC website): And now:
  6. Hi. Can you tell me what font is that? I've been looking for it for ages!!!!
  7. Hello. Anyone know what font is used in this project and where can i find it?
  8. Where can i change the text colour in this menu?
  9. Looks very very good. Maybe need a bit moore of club colours but, again, it´s really good
  10. Oh please do it. It's the club here i play back in the days
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