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Everything posted by renato.

  1. Hello, I'm new to editing skins and would like to know how I could change the pitch in the tactics panel. Could I possibly create my own ? Where do I find the archives to edit ? I got to change the width of the pitch by editing the tactics overview side panel.xml but I'm still trying to figure it out how to change the layout of the pitch. Thanks!
  2. The colour from the selected screen on the sidebar icon follows the same colour that I've put on the settings file for everything else (bg accent, fg accent or title). It's possible to create a separate line to make the colour for the selected icon different from the pattern of the settings file? How can I do it?
  3. I've added the panels from FM21 to my FM23 base skin, but the lines that separate one window from another are red. Anyone knows how to change it?
  4. Made this one cause I don't like the original skin. No big deal, just changed the colours to make a dark and simple skin based on the FM23 Base Transparent skin. No screen added, besides the colours, everything still the same as the original. If there's any screen that shows something blue or purple, tell me to see if we can fix the colours. Thanks @bluestillidie00 for making the base skin avaliable and thanks @snowofman and @stevemc for helping on the thread. Edit: new version with better colours and two mods (scoreboard and match panels). DOWNLOAD
  5. How did you do to make the news screen dark like this? All in the settings file that change all the colours? Maybe we will be able to change some stuff, as the transparency of some solid screens, only when the files from the full game are avaliable.
  6. How can I adjust the transparency on this "square" on the news screen? I want it to be as the same colour as my dark background, but I don't know where I can find the line on the settings.xml. And where is the line for changing the colour only for date and hour? (Sorry for all the questions, I'm a skin noob)
  7. @stevemcHow did you manage to make the sidebar transparent?
  8. Thank you, already made some changes. Now I can't find a way to make the sidebar transparent like this one (team primary color is green, so the transparent sidebar also shows green on the dark background): I've managed to change the sidebar colour, but I don't want any. I want it to be transparent. Do you know where I can find it or does it changed for FM23?
  9. Is it possible to make chances on the sidebar and background colour to get a result near something like this (skin from FM22)? If yes, how can i do it? It changed from FM22? What lines I should change in the xml?
  10. If you feel bad about the FMFC blog, just check their Youtube channel. Before FM23 stuff was posted, their last video were uploaded 10 months ago. I think that their communication should't be decided only on what Miles want to publish or not. Not saying that's a bad thing, but I feel that if isn't him interacting every aug/sep/oct/nov, we would have nothing else left.
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