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What is your most sought after feature in FM?

Mine is an All Time Highest Goalscorer of the Save list. Meaning, a list where you can see, since the day you save began, who has scored the most goals in the entire database, no matter what league they play or what awards they have won. There was a feature like so in PES 6 that tallied every goal scorer in Master League since the start of your career and throughout the end of it. It made my career so much more exciting, to keep chasing that beat the record. Why can’t there be this in FM? I know, I know, legal reasons. But please let us mod a list in there, am I right? Does anyone know if this type of thing is possible at all? I know you can sort of do it by seeing the all-time goalscorers in the scouting feature if you have the view all players enabled but it's not the same as it only tallies non-retired players but in a given long save, there are so many players that retire so it's not really keeping the data of every player throughout your save, just the active ones.

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Mine is a simple one where players have more individuality, specifically newgens for me since I only play long saves and holiday to a date when all or most real players have retired. By individuality I mean players in the same position that aren't modelled the same, especially things like point of decline. As it stands now, all players will have their physical stats drop from age 32. At age 33 the decline picks up speed and by 34 it's a right free fall. They're unusable at this point and their natural fitness doesn't seem to come into play enough. A player with 19-20 natural fitness should decline MUCH slower than one with 12-13, but that's not happening with FM's current model. It makes long saves predictable and you almost always have to replace a player at 33 or so. 

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Integration of a more user friendly version of the full pre-game editor into the main game as a sandbox mode, so that you can change the environment on the fly in long term saves (changing competition rules, league structures or country borders >10 years in, for example) and a simplified economic system running in the background, so that for long term saves, financial issues can cause even big clubs to fail or countries to lose large amounts of TV and sponsorship money because of an economic crisis.  Basically anything to stop the game being so linear and predictable in the longer term.



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That the organisation of a league with a summer-calendar ask you and other clubs, when they meet a certain reputation or so, to vote for a transition to the winter-calendar, so the league is synchrone with the Europa League / Champions League. 

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On 26/12/2020 at 19:52, jessejesster said:

What is your most sought after feature in FM?

Mine is an All Time Highest Goalscorer of the Save list. Meaning, a list where you can see, since the day you save began, who has scored the most goals in the entire database, no matter what league they play or what awards they have won. There was a feature like so in PES 6 that tallied every goal scorer in Master League since the start of your career and throughout the end of it. It made my career so much more exciting, to keep chasing that beat the record. Why can’t there be this in FM? I know, I know, legal reasons. But please let us mod a list in there, am I right? Does anyone know if this type of thing is possible at all? I know you can sort of do it by seeing the all-time goalscorers in the scouting feature if you have the view all players enabled but it's not the same as it only tallies non-retired players but in a given long save, there are so many players that retire so it's not really keeping the data of every player throughout your save, just the active ones.

 + a Hall of Fame for players (most trophies and awards) would be cool - broken down by nation as with coaches.

A Director of Football mode would also be cool that opens up a whole new world of features like running the club commercially, more detailed scouting and negotiations, manager and agent meetings, tapping up players etc. 

But above all,  my main wish would be that the game gets X per cent smarter year on year. It would lead to better games and decisions overall, more realism, more interactive options and so forth. It would make a huge difference. Not sure how AI development is going and whether it's possible to fit increased levels of it into the game on most PC's, but it would be awesome.

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7 minutes ago, XaW said:

I would like to remember people to post their feature ideas in the right place in order for SI to take them into account.

There is a difference between feature discussions between players of the game and a specific feature request directed at SI. Remind people that the feature requests forum exists by all means, but not everything is a bug report or feature request. Sometimes people are just discussing things about the game...

... in the discussion forum. Mods jumping in on every discussion and trying to make it a bug report or feature request just stifles discussions from developing.




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3 minutes ago, rp1966 said:

There is a difference between feature discussions between players of the game and a specific feature request directed at SI. Remind people that the feature requests forum exists by all means, but not everything is a bug report or feature request. Sometimes people are just discussing things about the game...

... in the discussion forum. Mods jumping in on every discussion and trying to make it a bug report or feature request just stifles discussions from developing.




The sub-heading for that area reads as follows :

Have an idea to improve a current or add an entirely new feature for a future version of Football Manager, Football Manager Touch or Football Manager Mobile? Suggest or discuss it here. 

In the PC/Mac section - top of the page - 



Please add one of the the following to any feature you choose to post here:

[Discussion] - For any feature you feel needs fleshing out, needs a bit of feedback from others or is a general discussion about how to change an area of the game. 

[Suggestion] - A full fledged idea you feel is ready for consideration. 


So @XaW is quite right to recommend people use that section.

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5 minutes ago, rp1966 said:

There is a difference between feature discussions between players of the game and a specific feature request directed at SI. Remind people that the feature requests forum exists by all means, but not everything is a bug report or feature request. Sometimes people are just discussing things about the game...

... in the discussion forum. Mods jumping in on every discussion and trying to make it a bug report or feature request just stifles discussions from developing.

As @HUNT3R mentioned above, that sub forum is also for discussion of potential new features. I was simply telling people that in order for SI to take their dream features into consideration, they should also post it where SI will read it as such.

A simple reminder, not at all a shut down of your discussion.

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3 minutes ago, HUNT3R said:

The sub-heading for that area reads as follows :

Have an idea to improve a current or add an entirely new feature for a future version of Football Manager, Football Manager Touch or Football Manager Mobile? Suggest or discuss it here. 

In the PC/Mac section - top of the page - 

So @XaW is quite right to recommend people use that section.

So, what's the point of the general discussion forum? This is not a discussion of a specific idea as you would expect to see in a feature request forum - it's just general spitballing about what people would like to see.

But there's no point in continuing this - the wagons are being circled as always.


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Opportunity to create a player and simulate for him a career before started to be a manager.
I mean there are no tactical decisions, only asking for a new contract, transfer, all other requests which AI players asking for managers.
In 30+ years started to get first coach licences, after career is done, simulate few seasons as a coach/head of young or something else for take an experience and licenses and start to play as manager in save which is full of newgens

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8 hours ago, Renyy said:

Dynamic world economy. 

Club financials and world economy has been needing a major rebuild for a long time now. So many features and mechanics in the game relies on and fails to work properly because financials are completely broken and the AI is dumb as bricks. It would legitimately fix so many issues in the game and improve the longevity of saves to the point it would be the single best thing they could do to the series. 

This is THE dream feature. If I could have any of the last 3 FMs with this, I'd have a game I could play for the next 50 years. 

@Renyy, the next 50 years IRL or FM time haha? My FM20 save went into 2074...

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2 hours ago, rp1966 said:

There is a difference between feature discussions between players of the game and a specific feature request directed at SI. Remind people that the feature requests forum exists by all means, but not everything is a bug report or feature request. Sometimes people are just discussing things about the game...

... in the discussion forum. Mods jumping in on every discussion and trying to make it a bug report or feature request just stifles discussions from developing.




Case and point haha

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A hybrid of FM touch and full version.


 Touch is perfect apart from the limitations on database, number of leagues, and historical data being saved.


The full version is great aside from the tedious media and player interactions. Even when assigning them to assistant, I still get bombarded with them.

Hate being put into a situation where I have to respond, only for it to have some silly outcome. For example, I tell my player he has played great after being in fine form, but then he throws a hissy fit.


After winning the league comfortably I tell my team I want to challenge again next season, only for them to throw a hissy fit.


It's a nonsensical mini game that I really don't enjoy. 


Also continuing between games takes forever. It can stop around 20 times sometimes. I don't want to have to keep going on holiday just to continue without interruption. That's what touch gets right.

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7 minutes ago, trevjim said:

A hybrid of FM touch and full version.



For me, this is about PC/Mac vs tablets.  FMT is in a weird position at the moment - its direction is being directed by the requirements of tablet, but there's a player base using real computers and the interface requirements and processing capabilities mean that FMT for those playing on a real computer is hamstrung.

To me, the future of FMT is pure tablet with FM Classic naming returning as a play mode in the full game. That way the long requested editor on the PC/Mac version could be a reality and the dictates of a  touch interface could take FMT off fully in its own direction.

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UI stuff :

I would love to be able to customize the flow of the screens/ panels, ( i.e. "pre game" I want to be able to select the following flow:  opposition report, squad view, tactics, go to match ..  )

Also, drag and drop widgets .. Let me customize my screens how I like them, not with fixed sizes and finite selector items. I think I've spent more time modifying my skin than actually playing the game :lol:


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Quite simple, more options to quote a player's poor form when they're being complacent, or to quote the inconsistency/complacency when interacting on a 1-1 level, for example a player's asking for a new contract you should be able to ask to see some consistency (and actually get some) from the player, or another favourite of this game seems to be is players ask for a contract playing out of their skin, give them a bump and boom they play absolutely ferking garbage once they get their pay rise, you should be able to pull them on in, or when a player is shocked that he's been transfer listed and asks for a meeting about it why can't we say "well, pal, you're playing dog sh*t mate, that's why"

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1)A No PA system. 

2) And a complete revamp of world building that recreate legacy (mythos of legendary players, Matches and competition) and current importance for great players (in real world even who haven't seen a single matches in life know Who Messi is, while in the game i feel my players in hungarian division have the same importance of the ballon d'or winner) or great media on hot talents (if there is a new Pelé i found him by chance, while he should be on the cover magazine)



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First person mode. Imagine how wild and immersive that would be.

(Optional) Interactive training sessions, like in the old On The Ball games, where you can clearly see which players are in good form and which are in poor form.

More (optional) roleplaying elements, like someone else mentioned.

Deeper player interactions that are more realistic and intuitive. No more having a player go ballistic on you because you praised him.

Smarter AI managers that are better at tactics and team building.

Smarter staff, so we actually have a good reason to use all these new staff members that SI keeps adding each year. There's no point in having a DoF or a loan manager if they're garbage. 

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I agree with the role playing elements. Would be cool to see a few scenarios come up throughout the year (maybe like 2-4) where you get to choose how to react to it and will either have a positive, neutral or negative impact based on what you choose.

Could be dressing room / training bust ups, etc but make up about 100 scenarios and play a few out each year to keep it interesting. 

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Fix the transfers, If I have a player with a release clause and I've set his value at a certain number dont give me team after team bidding no where near the value I have set or the value of the players release clause. Its one of the worst things that happens in game and has done so for years. Yet we get it excused as the AI trying to unsettle the player but when we want a player from an AI team the computer is rock solid in the money that it wants and wont budge. 

Another thing with transfers, if the computer bids X for a player and I reject it dont have the computer come back with the same value bid just made up differently with various clauses. 

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56 minutes ago, oblongata21 said:

3. More incentive to play long  term saves

A lot of stuff in this thread about long-term saves.  I wonder if, with FM being an annual title, what SI really need is a separate game that has you guide a club from its formation at any time in history - kind of FM meets civilization (with a big dash of 'Inverting the Pyramid' guiding a 'tech tree' of tactical innovation) - that is a game with a 5-10 year lifespan to complement what FM does, but totally based on unlicensed teams and players so there's only development and support costs. 


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I would love it if they added a bit of contextual logic to players, staff and chairmens thinking and demands. Something simple as players complaining about not getting registrered when it was 100% not possiible to registrer them or complaining about not playing enough becuase I have 10 matches in 3 weeks and he excpects to play every match. Or the board giving every single staff member a coaching coarse every 6 months, but not giving the manager one for 3 years due to finances while having a million in the bank in VNL. And about 50 other situations that does not make sense.

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I would like to see a better implementation of pre season friendlies. So things like the international champions cup where you can arrange fixtures in America, Asia etc against other big clubs. The version attempted now is garbage. 

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On 04/01/2021 at 14:22, rp1966 said:

A lot of stuff in this thread about long-term saves.  I wonder if, with FM being an annual title, what SI really need is a separate game that has you guide a club from its formation at any time in history - kind of FM meets civilization (with a big dash of 'Inverting the Pyramid' guiding a 'tech tree' of tactical innovation) - that is a game with a 5-10 year lifespan to complement what FM does, but totally based on unlicensed teams and players so there's only development and support costs. 


Viva the long-termers!

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